

Rising Star
Platinum Member

:hithead: :hithead: :hithead: :hithead: :hithead:

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Kinlaw disappeared after that 1st play he got through on play #1
Greenlaw always does dumb penalties
Oline was ass
Shanahan calling BS
Mitchell stay hurt
Wilson Jr washed
Deebo ain't got hands
Dante Pettis and a nigga with the hoodest name ever caught TDs
Where the fuck was Armstead?!!
Kittle always pulling something

Fuck Shaddyvillethug


BGOL Legend
Trey played good with what Kyle gave him

Made 1 mistake and honestly that was in the monsoon

I don't even count the last drives in that down pour

Kyle shit the bed

The secondary was actually excellent

The losers were the offensive and defensive lines

Offensive line couldn't block or create run space or give Trey any damn time
That was shocking

Defensive line
After that 1st half could get zero pressure
And that 1st TD was on them you can't cover for 8 seconds

Couldn't stop the run
Just terrible performance and penalties

Cost us the game


BGOL Legend
You'll never win a chip if the coach never fully trusts his QB


Across years and years and stops and stops
So although Jimmy is and was terrible
KYLE doesn't trust qbs
That is his character and speaks to him more than jimmy so I apologize on that front to Jimmy for that only

Cannot win it all with a frightened coach and a frightened coach cost us


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Across years and years and stops and stops
So although Jimmy is and was terrible
KYLE doesn't trust qbs
That is his character and speaks to him more than jimmy so I apologize on that front to Jimmy for that only

Cannot win it all with a frightened coach and a frightened coach cost us

It's like the motherfucka need counselling or something. He's a shot coach imo

The fact Mike T trust bum ass Mitch Tribusky more than Kyle ever trusted Jimmy is a problem in itself


BGOL Legend
It's like the motherfucka need counselling or something. He's a shot coach imo

The fact Mike T trust bum ass Mitch Tribusky more than Kyle ever trusted Jimmy is a problem in itself

And going to ruin lance
Lance in that 1st 3 quarters literally hit 3/4 on down field passes

Missed 1 but you can miss 1 if you hit 3

But then Kyle doesn't open the offense up until we're behind?

Like that was my thing with Jimmy
He'd hit 1 of 4
And we'd rarely get 1 so when he missed it hurt that much more

Can deebo run a route?????
Jesus Christ


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My 49ers Brothers,

Damn, This is not the way I wanted the season to start!!.:smh:...Once again we lost a game that we should've won!!... :smh:..I'm fucking getting tired of these games that we have the lead and then we fucking lose it and the game as well..:angry:

Shanahan, The Defense in the 2nd Half, and Penalties cost us this lost vs The Bears!!...:angry:..

Also, The owner and front office need to take the playcalling duties off fucking Shanahan!!..I'm fucking sick and tired of Kyle not calling the right plays and fucking scared to open the offense up!!..Damn!!...:angry:

Let's go 49ers!!..Let's get it together!!