My 49ers Brothers,
That was a dominated win we got vs The Cowboys on Sunday Night Football...
...What feel good about it, It was the fucking Cowboys that we did it too!!..I can't stand those fucking Cowboys!!.
....From the beginning of the game until the end, Offense was on fucking point and came out to ball...Props to Purdy, The RB's , WR's, TE's and The O-line for balling in this game!!...
....Defense, was straight ballin in this game!!...Warner and Greenlaw shut the Cowboys offense down though out the whole game!!...
..They didn't play no games!!..
Fellas, If we play like this on both Offense and Defense, I don't see no teams beating us!!...Straight up!!..
Good win and let's keep this shit going 49ers!!..
LET"S GO!!!!