

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everything that can go wrong has went wrong and we're still only down 8 going into that half. I think it's obvious we can't run inside so get Mason on some tosses/sweeps to the outside. Also need to get Purdy on some rollouts because their linebackers have keyed in on batting down his passes.

Our defense played well this half


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Ward initially got beat on that deep throw :hmm:
Luckily Kelce stumbled & Ward was able to make up ground again
They need to rotate Renardo Green in the game more often


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Interception by Brock Purdy.....
I bet ya'll money Ronnie Bell ran the wrong route
Why does this dude still have a job
Hands down the worse WR we've drafted since Kyle Williams
Nothing good happens when Bell is in the game

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