

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Everyone is doubting the 9ers tonight
But we're about to prove them wrong
Lets fucking go !!!


(Even though I would not bet my money on them winning)


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Defense c-

Warners hurt
Mooney, gets a pass
#27 complete ass
Floyd meh
The rest of the scrubs ass
#6 Malik has heart
#the rest of the cb's meh
#59 back up forced to start
#53 ass

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Offense C
Purdy, either hurt or ass now
CMC best game of his season before his PCL injury
Line was aight at best, created lanes, couple if the sacks on #13 holding the ball too long
#15 all heart, only WR who came to play
#1 dog shit now
#85 forgotten about
Mason, damn good when given a chance
#31 rookie flashes at times

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Special teams C-
Moody is ass
#40 was aight punting
Deebo reduced to a very good ST returner who had the ridiculous fumble