A Connecticut man invites police to a cookout..that was nice of him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just to give more context since a few things stated above are guesses. It's supposedly a small town and the cops and the guys seemingly knew eachother or have had some rapport from high school days. The cops that showed up at the house were not the same cops that pulled them over, there was a shift change, which is probably another reason why the cops that pulled them over didn't want to take them in aka avoiding paperwork/etc.. and going home on time. One of the officers that showed up to the house; whose name I believe was Hamey or something similar, is the same cop Nicholas asked if he was on duty during traffic stop. The woman heard screaming was their mother, initially screaming because not only did Nicholas kill the two cops but he also killed his little brother Nathan. She starts screaming more once Nicholas received that one shot drop. I saw this video last week and got into all the comments and a few reports about it.

As many have stated, if proper police work was done initially, this wouldn't have happened. At least not that night the way it did.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here's the entire video.

That traffic stop was a joke! They should've arrested those two for DWI, disorderly, whatever..... They should've been in jail.

Instead, you got what happened......

Yeah I watched the full vid the other day at work. The big dude should have been arrested for sure, he was talking big shit to the cops the whole time. They could have gotten him for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. What's crazy is when he called 911 he was all calm n shit, he did that so he could lure them there and ambush them. He killed 2 of the 3 cops who showed up and wounded the other. The cop who got wounded, he is the one who killed that maniac.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny how when an officer is shot they always say it was an ambush.. but when they ambush us it always us supposedly at fault.