A quiet place prequel.. a quiet place: day one trailer


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They know how to fuck up the flow of movies,instead of starting off with this and going forward with the story line.

Hollywood,Dick Wolf and whoever else are retarded at this point and the shit that they do is just uncalled for.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They know how to fuck up the flow of movies,instead of starting off with this and going forward with the story line.

Hollywood,Dick Wolf and whoever else are retarded at this point and the shit that they do is just uncalled for.
Budget.. horror flicks tend to be giving lower budgets and are cheap to make. They get funded and basically hope to make a flip.. the success of the first one is why it was given a sequel and bigger budgets. First one cost 17 million to make and made a few hundred million. Cause of it success the second film was given a 61 million dollar budget and made a few hundred million. This one seems like it might been given the biggest budget( don’t have the figures yet). But it’s only because of the first movie success. They might not have ok a hundred million dollar budget on a new idea with no following if this was the first movie out the gate. It was all about show and prove with this series


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Budget.. horror flicks tend to be giving lower budgets and are cheap to make. They get funded and basically hope to make a flip.. the success of the first one is why it was given a sequel and bigger budgets. First one cost 17 million to make and made a few hundred million. Cause of it success the second film was given a 61 million dollar budget and made a few hundred million. This one seems like it might been given the biggest budget( don’t have the figures yet). But it’s only because of the first movie success. They might not have ok a hundred million dollar budget on a new idea with no following if this was the first movie out the gate. It was all about show and prove with this series
And from a story perspective, the first one being vague on the monsters generated interest in people wanting to know more about them as well as the effect they had on society outside of the family in the 1st movie. The 2nd movie allowed more expansion of the world outside of the family and this one serves as the prequel to give fans more expansion on how the things we saw in the 1st 2 movies came to be.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
These monsters don’t seem to be intelligent.

So it’s obvious some alien species sent them to do their dirty work.

Hopefully this flick gives us some answers.

I’m not really interested in just seeing the monsters arrive and just ripping up people for 2 hours with no damn explanation why.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
These monsters don’t seem to be intelligent.

So it’s obvious some alien species sent them to do their dirty work.

Hopefully this flick gives us some answers.

I’m not really interested in just seeing the monsters arrive and just ripping up people for 2 hours with no damn explanation why.
The second vid I posted explained the origin story of the monsters according to the original director.. their home planet was destroyed, they rode the comets over here to find another place. They come from a dark planet so they have no sight and rely on hearing to move around. This is why they hearing is so great



BGOL Investor
These monsters don’t seem to be intelligent.

So it’s obvious some alien species sent them to do their dirty work.

Hopefully this flick gives us some answers.

I’m not really interested in just seeing the monsters arrive and just ripping up people for 2 hours with no damn explanation why.

Why would another alien race explain to us why they are doing what they are doing? Seems too convenient

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
I never understood, how people couldn't figure out how to kill them monsters......they are attracted to sound and are dumb....so
get some explosives, put them in a house......on a timer that will alarm...wait for them to come and BooooooM........rinse and repeat until they are all gone.
I'd be outside every one of those houses, like....



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Why would another alien race explain to us why they are doing what they are doing? Seems too convenient

It’s too convenient having a story about aliens coming here cuz their world is dying/dead.

That plot has been overused for the past 60+ years in movies/TV shows and is too predictable.

Hopefully if they explain their reasoning for attacking Earth, we get a new and original premise.


BGOL Investor
It’s too convenient having a story about aliens coming here cuz their world is dying/dead.

That plot has been overused for the past 60+ years in movies/TV shows and is too predictable.

Hopefully if they explain their reasoning for attacking Earth, we get a new and originalfreak avoid?
Maybe the creatures are were dormant on a passing comet and they crash landed her by a cosmic accident.

Maybe they are a unified form of life, and this how they populate other planets.

Maybe they are like lice from a world ship that was destroyed.

Many possibilities, I don't think we need to know. The point of the series is about survival.

Covid destroyed the world practically and we still don't have a definitive answer for where it came from.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
I never understood, how people couldn't figure out how to kill them monsters......they are attracted to sound and are dumb....so
get some explosives, put them in a house......on a timer that will alarm...wait for them to come and BooooooM........rinse and repeat until they are all gone.
I'd be outside every one of those houses, like....

How many ppl you know with access to legitimate explosives? M80s won't cut it either. If you live in a state like NY, NJ or Maryland then you're even worse off cuz you can't even get access to legitimate ammo that would hit hard enough to pierce the exoskeleton. That's why it took waiting for waiting for them to react to high pitch sound was so crucial for making kill shots.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It’s too convenient having a story about aliens coming here cuz their world is dying/dead.

That plot has been overused for the past 60+ years in movies/TV shows and is too predictable.

Hopefully if they explain their reasoning for attacking Earth, we get a new and original premise.
Migration of species is literally been part of nature since the beginning of time. Lost of habitat is real. The top reason for most species migrating is either lost of habitat or lack of food. What other reason why would you want the aliens to come here? To steal our natural resources ( that's been done a million times v series, independence day, the arrival, etc).. to eat us? ( That's been done a million times critters, killer clowns from outer space, twilight zone series, etc).. literally for land, food, or both gonna be the most common themes. So you gonna get basically similar story


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I never understood, how people couldn't figure out how to kill them monsters......they are attracted to sound and are dumb....so
get some explosives, put them in a house......on a timer that will alarm...wait for them to come and BooooooM........rinse and repeat until they are all gone.
I'd be outside every one of those houses, like....

Off the initial attack alone people would be running for their lives from all the explosions from the meteorites and fire. Meaning they would be making noise which means they would be getting picked off left and right from these fast moving killing machines. Also they are aliens if they are ripping people apart and others are witnessing it the last thing they doing is staying quiet and not being scared. You see something rip a human apart you gonna be shook and scream, run, etc making noise which you next to get killed. Most humans would die within the first day alone off of natural fear and reaction especially off of some species they never seen b4. Most humans don't have the proper firepower or know how to use it when shit hit the fan. Lack of communication due to internet and satellite interference. Everybody for themselves


BGOL Investor
Off the initial attack alone people would be running for their lives from all the explosions from the meteorites and fire. Meaning they would be making noise which means they would be getting picked off left and right from these fast moving killing machines. Also they are aliens if they are ripping people apart and others are witnessing it the last thing they doing is staying quiet and not being scared. You see something rip a human apart you gonna be shook and scream, run, etc making noise which you next to get killed. Most humans would die within the first day alone off of natural fear and reaction especially off of some species they never seen b4. Most humans don't have the proper firepower or know how to use it when shit hit the fan. Lack of communication due to internet and satellite interference. Everybody for themselves
Right. And that's the point of the film. It's a fear and survival film.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Liked the first one. Saw the second film but I don't even remember what happened in it.

I'll check this one, but I still hate Hollywood's lazy design for alien creatures/monsters since Cloverfield. They all have the same look.