Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyard


Rising Star



Dubbed The Boneyard, but officially known as the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) facility, this sprawling US airbase is reputed to be the world's largest military aircraft cemetery.

Spread across the huge 2,600 acre site, equivalent in size to 1,430 football pitches, is a collection of over 4,000 retired aircraft including nearly every plane the US armed forces have flown since World War II.

Now, for the first time, a series of high resolution satellite images of the four square mile-site have been released by Google Earth. They show in incredible detail the full range of aircraft found at the site.

Image of graveyard of planes in Arizona
To magnify this image of 'The Boneyard' mouse over the left-hand panel

Among the aircraft are B-52 Cold War-era bombers that were retired in the 1990s under the the terms of the SALT disarmament treaties signed between the US and the Soviet Union.

Also, on show are dozens of F-14 fighter planes which were retired from the US Navy in 2006 and featured in the Hollywood movie, Top Gun. The Boneyard has also featured in a series of films, the most recent being Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

Located in Tucson, Arizona, on the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, the facility was first set up shortly after World War II. It was chosen for its high altitude and arid conditions, that mean the aircraft can be left outdoors without deteriorating too quickly.

A major industrial centre, AMARG manages an inventory of more than 4,200 aircraft and 40 aerospace vehicles.

In addition to being a massive plane park, AMARG also refurbishes aircraft, returning them to flying status or preparing them to be transported overland.

Officials at the base say that the parts reclaimed and aircraft withdrawn turns every tax dollar spent into 11 dollars in return.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

no flying saucers?


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar



Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Evening bump

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Right clicking. thanks.

Edit...after looking at this shit...for an aeronautics head like myself...this shit is beautiful.

Many of them could be flown again...


BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Why don't they turn that shit into a museum or just sell it to smaller nations that need military aircraft? :confused:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Why don't they turn that shit into a museum or just sell it to smaller nations that need military aircraft? :confused:

Probably used for recycled parts. There is/was one in germany for land vehicles.


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Why don't they turn that shit into a museum or just sell it to smaller nations that need military aircraft? :confused:

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.


BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.

Makes sense.


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Good post.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Probably used for recycled parts. There is/was one in germany for land vehicles.
i saw a piece on that spot a few months back and the planes are mothballed not totally out of commission just in case some shit jumps off they can be put back into service pretty easy


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

i saw a piece on that spot a few months back and the planes are mothballed not totally out of commission just in case some shit jumps off they can be put back into service pretty easy

Yes, many of the aircraft could be put back in service if needed.

I miss the F-14's. :(


Young OG
Platinum Member
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Holy fuck a B-52 Stratofortress!, they need to give that to me to restore, I'll have it back in the air in no time flat! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

:eek: :lol: Nice sig
i was thinkin the SAME thing bout that tomcat, fuck a G5! that's be like the ferrari of the sky:lol:

Race Harley

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.

Hmmm.... sounds plausible but if I were the Soviets, I'd like a tour to make sure them shits aren't cardboard cutouts! Crazier shits been done!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Having a F-14 Tomcat would be the shit. I don't see why they couldn't make it a civilian aircraft by modifying it so it can't carry weapons.

Oh, and shouldn't there be some F-117 Nighthawks down there since they retired them back in 2008? Shit, if only I could get my hands on one of those! :yes: :dance:


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Why don't they turn that shit into a museum or just sell it to smaller nations that need military aircraft? :confused:

Read nigga, Read.

Officials at the base say that the parts reclaimed and aircraft withdrawn turns every tax dollar spent into 11 dollars in return.

Means they get $11 dollars for every $1 originally spent.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Officials at the base say that the parts reclaimed and aircraft withdrawn turns every tax dollar spent into 11 dollars in return.

Of course they're going to say that.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.

that is correct!:yes:


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Hmmm.... sounds plausible but if I were the Soviets, I'd like a tour to make sure them shits aren't cardboard cutouts! Crazier shits been done!


That's true. Plenty of times in history opposing nations have done some wacky shit to fake each other out. Fake cities. Creating phantom "advanced" weapons. etc. etc.


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar



Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

that carrier or af?


You lost me.

Are you asking if a certain aircraft carrier can be recommissioned or the F-14's?

It was just the F-14's that were retired. The carriers are just carrying a different mix of aircraft now. Primarily F-18's


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Having a F-14 Tomcat would be the shit. I don't see why they couldn't make it a civilian aircraft by modifying it so it can't carry weapons.

Oh, and shouldn't there be some F-117 Nighthawks down there since they retired them back in 2008? Shit, if only I could get my hands on one of those! :yes: :dance:

It's amazing that the F-117 has come and gone so quickly and uneventfully. :eek:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

that place will supposedly play a big part in transformers 3.. guess then we'll know that thundercracker,skywarp,ramjet and the aerialbots will be in it :lol:

then again bay probably doing that whole"false information" bs :rolleyes:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.

:lol::lol: another production of Encyclopedia Heist.

You need to do Jeopardy :lol::lol:


BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

:lol::lol: another production of Encyclopedia Heist.

You need to do Jeopardy :lol::lol:

Heist is the equivalent to Blunt only thing is Heist actually knows wtf he is talking about and without the faggotry blunt displays although Heist tends to slip up from time to time posting some suspect shit :lol::lol::lol:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Heist is the equivalent to Blunt only thing is Heist actually knows wtf he is talking about and without the faggotry blunt displays although Heist tends to slip up from time to time posting some suspect shit :lol::lol::lol:

Yo man.. I still roll at this one post someone made..they asked some questions about buying a bed... this mofo Heist knew everything about beds... styles, types of springs, prices, manufacturers, etc.... you couldnt even fake knowing this much shit about something by doing a google search... that shit was hilarious...I was literally laughing out loud....Heist be holding onto some random knowledge :lol::lol:

I always seem to miss the posts he gets banned for..


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

It's amazing that the F-117 has come and gone so quickly and uneventfully. :eek:

Not really bruh. Believe it or not, the F-117 has been in service since the 1982. :eek:

The Pentagon didn't make the public announcement that we had "stealth" capabilities until 1988 and didn't display the plane to the public until 1990.

So for 6 years, we were essentially flying "dark" missions with no one the wiser that we running a stealth fleet.

It was uneventfully closed out because they really don't want any government spending watchdogs sniffing around to find out how much that fucking fleet cost to operate. It was a tremendously expensive fleet. For instance, after every mission, the plane had to be paint stripped to an extent and then repainted with some special, expensive radar absorption goop in the seams to ensure it would remain stealthy.

But it makes you think, if the USAF decommissioned the F-117 fleet in 2008 and to our knowledge, only the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber and F-22 Raptor are still out there w/stealth capabilities ... what do we REALLY have that hasn't been announced yet? :eek:
Last edited:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

The US wanted to leave the (chopped-up/decommissioned) planes exposed to Soviet spy satellites, to allow the Soviets to know they are complying with the START and SALT disarmament treaties.

These treaties required a reduction in the number of long range bombers, and also allowed for verification through satellite surveillance and on-site inspections.

Thanks for answering a question before I typed it.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Not really bruh. Believe it or not, the F-117 has been in service since the 1982. :eek:

The Pentagon didn't make the public announcement that we had "stealth" capabilities until 1988 and didn't display the plane to the public until 1990.

So for 6 years, we were essentially flying "dark" missions with no one the wiser that we running a stealth fleet.

It was uneventfully closed out because they really don't want any government spending watchdogs sniffing around to find out how much that fucking fleet cost to operate. It was a tremendously expensive fleet. For instance, after every mission, the plane had to be paint stripped to an extent and then repainted with some special, expensive radar absorption goop in the seams to ensure it would remain stealthy.

But it makes you think, if the USAF decommissioned the F-117 fleet in 2008 and to our knowledge, only the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber and F-22 Raptor are still out there w/stealth capabilities ... what do we REALLY have that hasn't been announced yet? :eek:

This is what I meant. That was the beauty of the program. They were around long before their existence was revealed to us and continued to execute their missions without much fanfare. The military and its pilots loved this. There was really no bad stigmas or "uh oh" moments attached to the program.

Contrast that with the V-2 Osprey program that has just NOW finally gotten its "legs" after what seems like an eternity of fuck ups. It doesn't matter how that aircraft performs for the next 20+ years, it's always going to be known or perceived as a piece of shit.