Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyard


Rising Star
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

Contrast that with the V-2 Osprey program that has just NOW finally gotten its "legs" after what seems like an eternity of fuck ups. It doesn't matter how that aircraft performs for the next 20+ years, it's always going to be known or perceived as a piece of shit.

Osprey is and will always be a piece of shit.

They should have just built more damn Chinooks. :angry:

Those fuckers are so fast, Blackhawks and Apaches can't even keep up with them when in flight. They can carry crazy tonnage and troops.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar


You lost me.

Are you asking if a certain aircraft carrier can be recommissioned or the F-14's?

It was just the F-14's that were retired. The carriers are just carrying a different mix of aircraft now. Primarily F-18's

my bad i was asking if you were on a carrier


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Aeronautics Heads: Google Earth Releases Hi-Res Images of USAF's Aircraft Boneyar

I've been there before, like someone said scavenging for part when I was in the service. That’s a real cool place if you into aircraft or military stuff.