Age Differences and Relationships


The older I get, I find it easier to get women both old and young...shit Im robbing the cradle right now (me being 28 and my counter part 20 :D). I think it works best for me because I snatched her up before shes been chewed up and spit out by the harsh realities of the world (Meaning i dont have to deal with the attitudes that accompany a typical 25 and older chick and their general disdain for guys..."niggas aint this and niggas aint that"). Plus shes at that impressionable age where I can guide her away from bullshit and fuckery. The bonus is that she is 20 and still has that tight body (which I can maintain by encouraging her to work out with me :dance:).


Rising Star
I doubt every 18 yr old listens to Soulja Boi

All of my kids hate them and every other artist that's "come out" in these past few years. It's on the parents. Hopefully you make your kids the type of people who can influence others. My kids share their music with their stupid little friends all the time.

All about how you go about things. Kids are malleable. They can be learnt a thang or 2.

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor
Me personally...I wouldn't go anymore than 4 years younger than I. There is just no common interest or convo below that for me beyond fuckin'.
I'd go older before I went younger. :yes:


fuck you
Square ass charmin niggas on bgol keep talkin about "relationships" n shit. :lol:

Between the ages of 30-50 MEN have first pick of ANY woman in ANY age bracket. Don't blame us MEN, blame the chicks who pursue us.



18 - 30........... im fuckin........... im 30+..... late 30's.........:dance::dance::dance: young pussy dance..........

feels good teaching a young bitch how to suck dick.... take a dick in the ass.....or the correct way to have the pussy licked....... yes...... i will train ya young priky tittaied fat assted daughter......:yes::yes::yes: yep sure will!!!!!!!!!!:lol:


Potential Star
I don't remember where exactly I got this formula from but it goes;
[Guys age] / 2 + 7 = [Girl's Age]

So with me being 30, the youngest chick I'll date is 22. I don't actually stick to this formula but this is a interesting way to see what's the youngest you should go when dating women.

This comes from Elijah Muhammad.
And he didn't say half the mans' age + 7 was the youngest you should go, but that was the ideal age.


Whatever... I was dating a 19 year old girl when I was damn near 40. Mind you, she had already read all of Molière's plays and Plato's Republic (She was from Africa... But you probably guessed that :lol:) But, still. She was 19 when we first started going out.

Had I been around 30--with less perspective and life experience--she would have driven me mad. I have never met a woman before or since with her combination of grace, beauty, culture and brute force intellect. She's at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore as I type this.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my girl 6 yrs younger then me and she got more sense then the 30 and up bitches i dated. ill be turning 27 at the end of the month and we still kicking it strong. I think it has alot to do with the maturity level.


Boss Soul
OG Investor
my girl 6 yrs younger then me and she got more sense then the 30 and up bitches i dated. ill be turning 27 at the end of the month and we still kicking it strong. I think it has alot to do with the maturity level.

Streetz, who are the chics in your sig?

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
All of my kids hate them and every other artist that's "come out" in these past few years. It's on the parents. Hopefully you make your kids the type of people who can influence others. My kids share their music with their stupid little friends all the time.

All about how you go about things. Kids are malleable. They can be learnt a thang or 2.

Yeah but who wants to mold anybody especially as you age. I would prefer a fully formed adult if I was back on the market.



18 - 30........... im fuckin........... im 30+..... late 30's.........:dance::dance::dance: young pussy dance..........

feels good teaching a young bitch how to suck dick.... take a dick in the ass.....or the correct way to have the pussy licked....... yes...... i will train ya young priky tittaied fat assted daughter......:yes::yes::yes: yep sure will!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

Then you have a ton more patience than me. I need a graduate, fuck, a bitch that can show me some shit. I'm out of the teaching business. That plays out after a while, at least for me.


Rising Star
if a dude is pretty much 24+ messing with a 18-19 year old relationship wise, I'd question dudes maturity, confidence, and insecurity with himself as a 18-19 year old is just getting out on there own, is not as mature mentally and basically still acts like a highschool teen although there are always exceptions (i.e. females that are mature beyond their age). Now if the relationship is strictly fucking and the 18-19 y.o. can understand that without catching feeling and falling in love (which most can't because they think love is getting fucked good) then I don't see nothing wrong with it.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
18 is the legal age of consent but to me thats still a baby until they hit at least 21 because their fresh outta high school at 18 or still in high school about to graduate.

I can't see any attraction to an 18yo beyond just fucking'em. It looks funny to be trying to keep company with and/or relating to an 18yo. What can ya'll really talk about? At some point you will just end up sounding like a parent instructing a child and they won't want to hear it because they think their grown because they're fuckin with you.

Artist Monk

Rising Star
OG Investor
Man learn to be practical, character and maturity are two different beast, I know plenty mature intelligent females who crib nasty as fuck.

What you REALLY want is someone who's good habits outshine their bad habits for when the glammer and newness of "relationship" is over, someone who is quite practical even when emotionally tripping.

If you seeking long term, I'm sorry to say this but good credit score and common sense with bills and money go a whole lot further than the ride or die chick, think about the possible children born of this union, not yourselves.

Many post in here touch on but don't straight out speak on what stimulates the poster, for us dudes, quite often its going to be a female who out of her fucking mind. What stimulates us is what leads us into not viable relationships, while what is primitively innate I think in us is providing proper nest for offspring. Current generations and society have fucked this up to point where folks just using each other to get off, sort of numb themselves to the own PERSONAL growth struggle and issues.

I love me some hoes but I don't like females .......PERIOD, one is far more significant than the other in my case. I don't use hoe in derogatory manner, you females in here know we are clueless as to the debauchery that goes through your minds and likely can't handle it so you're forced to live lives TRYING to contain yourselves for our sakes and image of course......such is life...:D

Artist Monk

Rising Star
OG Investor
18 is the legal age of consent but to me thats still a baby until they hit at least 21 because their fresh outta high school at 18 or still in high school about to graduate.

I can't see any attraction to an 18yo beyond just fucking'em. It looks funny to be trying to keep company with and/or relating to an 18yo. What can ya'll really talk about? At some point you will just end up sounding like a parent instructing a child and they won't want to hear it because they think their grown because they're fuckin with you.

I remember turning 28 and maybe two days later I was around some older dudes at Pfizer during our break and they asked me my age, chest puffed I said 28, they smiled and said you still a youngin.

Took me good ten years to realize WHAT they were talking about and I agree with them a 100%.

You right about the parental thing, but if you're a decent human being, that is what you're supposed to do, it's just called arguing when you're both around the same age....same thing.


International Member
If you are 50 you can def date a 35 year old,as at that point most are mature,supposedly responsible adults.
but to be 30 and dating a 18 year old,hmm.

like someone said, other than physical attraction,not sure how much intellectual chemistry there will be.

there might be the odd exception but the exception is not the norm.

JD Walker

If you are 50 you can def date a 35 year old...

If you're 50, you can definitely date a 26 year old... Scarlett Johansson




But I forgot, bgol squares are too "mature". :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star

I would smash, but I couldnt wife up a younger chick. Some cats wife them up though. These are usually the dudes with no game, so wifing the young chick is the only way they can get the pussy.

I would love to see you squares turn down pussy from a hot 20 year old. :lol::lol::lol:

Truth....If a banging 20 yr old walked up to most cats that deny it, they would be the first to go in...:lol::lol::lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Spin-off thread:

As a 25 year old, I think 18 is way too young for me... There's a huge difference between a girl who is possibly not even out of high school and someone old enough to have been working several years and have been through college.

At the same time, as I see females my own age growing older and how unkind the ravages of the late-20s can hit some of these broads, I definitely gravitate away from older chicks.

I'd probably feel like a pedophile if I was 35 creepin' on 18 year olds... I understand the attraction but shouldn't there be boundaries? If you're 25 with an 18 year old, that's almost half a lifetime's difference. The difference between 30 and 18 means you've lived an entire two/thirds of a lifetime since that age. Isn't this type of relationship usually based in a mixture of pathetic and/or predatory motivations?

Feel free to add your beliefs and experiences.
You missing out.‍♂️