AIDS continues to mystify researchers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
AIDS continues to mystify researchers. A overseas prostitute had her first HIV test seventeen years ago, she has yet to contract the virus despite servicing 10-15 men a day-the majority of these men tested positive for HIV. The percentage of "infected prostitutes" in her country eventually reached 90 percent. This prostitute contracted other STD's; proving that her partners didn't use condoms and she "was" exposed to HIV but "never" contracted it. Scientists came to the conclusion, if a sex worker didn't contract the virus after five years, they were unlikely to get it. In a similar case, an African prostitute slept with hundreds of men "unprotected" and allegedly infected her customers but she continues to test negative. She is resistant to the virus but was able to infect others. Even more frightening, ten years ago, a woman was infected with the "Group O" strain of AIDS. Although an individual has AIDS symptoms and a low T-Cell count, this particular strain tests "negative" on HIV tests. A person who tests negative (and is really positive) can unwittingly infect others because their AIDS test came back negative. This woman was quarantined.


BGOL Investor
That first chic who never caught it got that million dollar blood, maybe they should run test on her immune system and see what natural enyzme is killing off the HIV cells.


Seriously, wear a condom. And if you just MUST shoot up, at least don't share needles. God damn. AIDS should NOT spread the way it does in the west. We know what causes it, and we know how to prevent it from spreading.


That first chic who never caught it got that million dollar blood, maybe they should run test on her immune system and see what natural enyzme is killing off the HIV cells.

It's not a matter of a killing enzyme, just that the HIV can't actually get inside the Helper T Cells to infect them, and without that protection and ability to multiply, the B cells can just pick off the exposed virus floating around the body.

Dert Bagg

In the West, because knowledge of and access to prevention methods is so prevelent, AIDS is most concentrated in groups that don't care about themselves. Everybody knows about condoms.


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
So somehow they are immune to AIDS? I guess this is an example of adaptation?

No symptoms whatsoever?

They should be able to isolate the genes or other factors that are causing the women to be resistant.:confused:


BGOL Investor
It's not a matter of a killing enzyme, just that the HIV can't actually get inside the Helper T Cells to infect them, and without that protection and ability to multiply, the B cells can just pick off the exposed virus floating around the body.

I remember reading that someone whos T cells are laying flat or upside down that its hard for the virus to attach itself. So yeah you right but shit is still crazy


It's hardly a matter of not caring about themself. More a unfortunate lapse in judgement. Of all the times you decided not to go out and buy a condom before sleeping with that chick you met at the bar, this had to be the time you catch something.


So somehow they are immune to AIDS? I guess this is an example of adaptation?

No symptoms whatsoever?

They should be able to isolate the genes or other factors that are causing the women to be resistant.:confused:

10-14% of all Americans and Europeans are resistant/immune to HIV. Not sure what ethnic groups that applies to though.

Dert Bagg

I said concentrated. There will always be freak incidents of contraction, but when you see high numbers...disproportionate concentrations among adults...there is some issue of self-deception/loathing involved, iMO

And who the hell would fuck a bar-chick w/o a condom, period?


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
10-14% of all Americans and Europeans are resistant/immune to HIV. Not sure what ethnic groups that applies to though.

That is a very interesting statistic.

I mean I would think investigating this population of HIV infected individuals could help with AIDS research.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
There are many cases of carriers who never become infected, as well as those exposed who never become infected or become carriers.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
10-14% of all Americans and Europeans are resistant/immune to HIV. Not sure what ethnic groups that applies to though.
Northern Europeans. There are small populations in Asia and Africa who've exhibited immunity. They (the Europeans) have no CCR-5 gene - that codes for the cellular entry point for a certain strain. They aren't immune to all strains.


wannabe star
I remember watching an interview a while back were it was the opinion of a group of scientists that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. They were explaining how the two viruses were completely unrelated. This story reminds me of that and would explain how some people who exhibit the sypmtoms of AIDS can test negative for HIV. And also how some people who have tested positive for HIV but the virus never (or at least not yet) mutated or weakened the immune system.


Northern Europeans. There are small populations in Asia and Africa who've exhibited immunity. They (the Europeans) have no CCR-5 gene - that codes for the cellular entry point for a certain strain. They aren't immune to all strains.

Certainly. And I'm sure that number is changing all the time. That's just what I was told, about 10%.


I remember watching an interview a while back were it was the opinion of a group of scientists that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. They were explaining how the two viruses were completely unrelated. This story reminds me of that and would explain how some people who exhibit the sypmtoms of AIDS can test negative for HIV. And also how some people who have tested positive for HIV but the virus never (or at least not yet) mutated or weakened the immune system.

Yes, I read that, and the medical world pretty much called him an outright idiot. I'll try and find the article.

The March 2006 issue contained an article by the AIDS dissident Celia Farber entitled Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science, which presented the argument that HIV is not the cause of AIDS.[9] Farber's favorable presentation of the scientifcally discredited argument that there is no direct link between HIV and AIDS garnered criticism from AIDS activists,[10] the scientific community,[11] the Columbia Journalism Review,[12] and others.[13] As a result, the Treatment Action Campaign, a South African group campaigning for greater access to HIV treatment, posted a reply written by eight prominent AIDS researchers documenting over 50 errors in Farber's article, claiming it contained misleading statements, factual errors, and unfounded implications of sinister motivatio


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I remember watching an interview a while back were it was the opinion of a group of scientists that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. They were explaining how the two viruses were completely unrelated. This story reminds me of that and would explain how some people who exhibit the sypmtoms of AIDS can test negative for HIV. And also how some people who have tested positive for HIV but the virus never (or at least not yet) mutated or weakened the immune system.
many diseases can destroy the immune system and leave a person vulnerable to the different problems that show as AIDS
there are different strains of HIV in different areas of the world - the localized mutations dont stop PCR testing accuracy that I've heard
not all HIV tests are the same or as accurate - many people are given the Hep-C test as an HIV test


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Certainly. And I'm sure that number is changing all the time. That's just what I was told, about 10%.
I've seen numbers that place that figure at far less than 10%. 10% in the nordic nations and closer to 1% or less in the southern nations like Italy.


8 vs 80
OG Investor
There are many cases of carriers who never become infected, as well as those exposed who never become infected or become carriers.

i'm willing to bet that something is up with the prostitute's diet.

there are oils, like coconut oil, that contain lauric acid and some other acids that kill a LOT of bacteria in the body.

i have NO PROOF of any of this shit... i'm just saying, there has to be SOMETHING going on with her and that could very well be a nutritional advantage in-combo with her "natural" ability to fight it.


Rising Star
I dont think hey telling us the truth about AIDS. I know A few guys , whos condoms broke while fucking African prostotutes . I dont know If the girls had it or not, but none of the guys (8 guys over 5 years) got it . I know because of our job I had to see their results. I dont know about being immune but I think you really have to be banging that pussy up to catch AIDS.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
i'm willing to bet that something is up with the prostitute's diet.

there are oils, like coconut oil, that contain lauric acid and some other acids that kill a LOT of bacteria in the body.

i have NO PROOF of any of this shit... i'm just saying, there has to be SOMETHING going on with her and that could very well be a nutritional advantage in-combo with her "natural" ability to fight it.
no bruh
not diet alone
that whore won the biological powerball


8 vs 80
OG Investor
no bruh
not diet alone
that whore won the biological powerball

agreed, she's lucky.

but oils like coconut oil, etc. do contain some very beneficial acids, etc. that help NATURALLY protect against a lot of bacteria and viruses.

personally, i think all of this came out of a lab. wasn't there some evidence that the bayer corp was distributing HIV or something?


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
agreed, she's lucky.

but oils like coconut oil, etc. do contain some very beneficial acids, etc. that help NATURALLY protect against a lot of bacteria and viruses.

personally, i think all of this came out of a lab. wasn't there some evidence that the bayer corp was distributing HIV or something?
its from the us and belgians
i posted a video about it on the politics board

bayer corp sold hiv infected products in europe that had been found out in the US
they infected some kids and their families i think

any blood product even today will come with a disclaimer you have to sign at some point or your doc will let you know that there is always a risk of infection

lookup the term "landlord bomb" thats what hiv is
its a real estate agent for white people


i'm so sick of this shit from yall cats on here, why do you so fervently hold on to what the establishment tells you about this so-called disease when the evidence that they're either LYING or DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT is so clear!?! this story illustrates that perfectly. i don't understand yall, this boogeyman shit is for children. even the well-respected dherbs cat scoffs at hiv. it does not exist in the capacity that they would have us believe, it's a manufactured piece of shit that is manually injected into our african people and not nearly killing them at the rate that starvation is. and the drugs they give us westerners for it is what really kills the body's immune system. the test is inconsistent that you could go in one day positive and then get 5 negatives!