AIDS continues to mystify researchers


This Is old News I been Knew and i thought mostly everybody new Aid is not Sexually Transmitted Your goverment is the cause of aids Hiv is an retro virus witch comes and goes we all have it in our system when most of the people who died of aids did so after going to the doctor and started taking medication so it does not shock me to hear this that she had sex with people who got aids


I dont think hey telling us the truth about AIDS. I know A few guys , whos condoms broke while fucking African prostotutes . I dont know If the girls had it or not, but none of the guys (8 guys over 5 years) got it . I know because of our job I had to see their results. I dont know about being immune but I think you really have to be banging that pussy up to catch AIDS.

You know multiple people that all like to fuck African prostitues, and all their condoms broke.....

Sure buddy...



10-14% of all Americans and Europeans are resistant/immune to HIV. Not sure what ethnic groups that applies to though.

I'm aware of what you are talking about, but that figure is too high. Approx 1% of north american whites have high resistances to hiv due to a mutated gene, which can be traced back to the black plague in europe hundreds of years ago. Basicly, people with the trait were also highly resistant to the plague, so the survivors obviously passed along this trait.

The ethnic groups that this applies to is primarily western/northern european people & descendants and to a lesser extent blacks or others of partial euro heritage.

Being highly resistant doesn't mean that said individuals are immuned. Also, such individuals are more likely to contract west nile virus.

Some background info on this below:

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This board is usually informed about many subjects yet this topic seems to lack study. There was a simliar post about this subject and this was my reply.

Why do we believe what they said when we know they lie?
Why would you trust the same system that has enslaved, murdered and raped African people?

Belief is easy when one is tired or scared of Knowing..........


Support BGOL
i'm so sick of this shit from yall cats on here, why do you so fervently hold on to what the establishment tells you about this so-called disease when the evidence that they're either LYING or DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT is so clear!?! this story illustrates that perfectly. i don't understand yall, this boogeyman shit is for children. even the well-respected dherbs cat scoffs at hiv. it does not exist in the capacity that they would have us believe, it's a manufactured piece of shit that is manually injected into our african people and not nearly killing them at the rate that starvation is. and the drugs they give us westerners for it is what really kills the body's immune system. the test is inconsistent that you could go in one day positive and then get 5 negatives!

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ned pepper

Potential Star
BGOL Investor
how do yall think man-made survived every plague in history? there's no disease that kills everyone. there's always an immune person somewhere. look at smallpox and the native americans............they still around only now we call them mexicans, and indians. (that was wrong i know, but you get my point) immunity is one of the reasons that incest is not recommended. you and your family tend to have similar immunity. if yall have kids they will only be able to fight off the germs that you have contact with. now in nature the ones with the broadest array of immunity tend to be the healthiest. mankind will either grow immune to HIV or get rid of it plain and simple.

p.s. sorry for the biology lesson.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So somehow they are immune to AIDS? I guess this is an example of adaptation?

No symptoms whatsoever?

They should be able to isolate the genes or other factors that are causing the women to be resistant.:confused:

If I read it right, it's saying these women do indeed have HIV, it's just that whatever strain they have doesn't show up on normal tests. If you have unprotected sex with them, you will be infected. And at some point their shit will turn into full blown AIDS.


BGOL Investor
so now that u all have figured out that white people b lying about shit and HAVE created this disease thru chemical warfare and continue to feed it to us thru their medical poisons....

y is it hard to believe that african governor or watever DID cure aids of about 10 people using HERBS? I think people have got to stop lookin at these scientists as gods of nature...they have only partially learned how to manipulate it...but it does not guarantee that their understanding of ne thing is truth.

Live as simple and as close to nature as u can and we would not have this problem.

It was said that the love of money is sin and America praises it...and like chapelle said if banks were open on sunday they would hardly b neone in church(not like i believe in christianity). Thats y it will crumble and fall in its footsteps and its very evident that the social fabric of american society is deteriorating rapidly.

ne ways stop fuckin random pplz


There are many cases of carriers who never become infected, as well as those exposed who never become infected or become carriers.

Help a person with a GED out by breaking this down for me. I understand how an exposed person may never become infected, but how can a carrier not be infected?:confused:


i'm so sick of this shit from yall cats on here, why do you so fervently hold on to what the establishment tells you about this so-called disease when the evidence that they're either LYING or DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT is so clear!?! this story illustrates that perfectly. i don't understand yall, this boogeyman shit is for children. even the well-respected dherbs cat scoffs at hiv. it does not exist in the capacity that they would have us believe, it's a manufactured piece of shit that is manually injected into our african people and not nearly killing them at the rate that starvation is. and the drugs they give us westerners for it is what really kills the body's immune system. the test is inconsistent that you could go in one day positive and then get 5 negatives!



The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Help a person with a GED out by breaking this down for me. I understand how an exposed person may never become infected, but how can a carrier not be infected?:confused:
What I mean is

Some people are exposed to the virus, most of these people carry some type of viral load for a short time. While the virus is in their blood stream they are infectious and can spread the disease to others, although it never replicates in their blood stream. This would be an exposed person who is immune.

Others have become exposed and not had any measurable viral load in their blood streams, and never have been carriers, even for a short time.

Another group shows as infected, they carry the virus actively in their blood stream. They are highly infectious but they never exhibit one symptom of infection ever and this is without the use of drugs. This is a carrier.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
what you wrote is not entirely true.

Please show me documentation of the PCR test giving false positives in a clean testing environment.

I agree that it is manmade.

The drugs given to destroy it do not kill the immune system. Many drugs given are cytotoxic so they can kill you by themselves yes but not in the way you describe. Go look at pics of untreated HIV patients before they died.
If you think HIV is so undeadly please show us your HIV positive homegrown :hmm:

How HIV attacks the immune system is totally documented. Either take the time to read up on it or shut the fuck up. Spreading bullshit unscientific dogshit while calling the science you clearly know nothing about propaganda is dangerous and stupid.

What killed the millions of untreated HIV patients around the world? Stupidity? GTFOH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah There Are People In This World Immune To Hiv/aids. Basicaly It Works Like An Egg And Sperm Type Way. The Virus Is Stopped On The Cell Outer Lining. They Can Transmit, But Are Never Infected. Scary Shit!


Seriously, wear a condom. And if you just MUST shoot up, at least don't share needles. God damn. AIDS should NOT spread the way it does in the west. We know what causes it, and we know how to prevent it from spreading.

I agree, but if you've been around this board for a while you'll see why it's spreading so quickly among the black community. My wife is an Art History major doing her thesis on AIDS in Art, so has spent the last few years researching AIDS/HIV throughout its history.

The last research we read showed that 1 in 8 black men has HIV, and the number of black women in the US who have it is approaching 1 in 6. The reason is that there is a LOT of misinformation in the black community about what causes AIDS.

She also volunteered at an AIDS/HIV clinic and said the most common argument is "I don't need to use a condom since we only have vaginal sex." or "My girl is clean, so I never used a condom." This kind of thinking and jus tplain WRONG information is why black youths (and black women particularly) are the fastest growing AIDS demographic in the world right now.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I agree, but if you've been around this board for a while you'll see why it's spreading so quickly among the black community. My wife is an Art History major doing her thesis on AIDS in Art, so has spent the last few years researching AIDS/HIV throughout its history.

The last research we read showed that 1 in 8 black men has HIV, and the number of black women in the US who have it is approaching 1 in 6. The reason is that there is a LOT of misinformation in the black community about what causes AIDS.

She also volunteered at an AIDS/HIV clinic and said the most common argument is "I don't need to use a condom since we only have vaginal sex." or "My girl is clean, so I never used a condom." This kind of thinking and jus tplain WRONG information is why black youths (and black women particularly) are the fastest growing AIDS demographic in the world right now.
bruh 1 in8 and 1 in 6? you have any links or references?

there are what 20 million black women in the us and 400k+ confirmed cases ever some of whom are no longer living


bruh 1 in8 and 1 in 6? you have any links or references?

there are what 20 million black women in the us and 400k+ confirmed cases ever some of whom are no longer living

Here's some good links my man. I actually underestimated since I didn't want to exaggerate.

The Black Epidemic (published by a black researcher)
AIDS info from the CDC - Has some great demographic info

Race of All HIV-Positive (2009)

An estimated 1.1 million people are HIV positive in the United States. The racial breakdown among them is:

Black 46.1 percent
White 34.6 percent
Latino 17.5 percent
Other Ethnicities 1.8 percent


LINK TO SCARIEST STATS YET (AIDS in the black population by state)


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
Here's some good links my man. I actually underestimated since I didn't want to exaggerate.

The Black Epidemic (published by a black researcher)
AIDS info from the CDC - Has some great demographic info

LINK TO SCARIEST STATS YET (AIDS in the black population by state)
bruh i think youve misread the information

1 in 6 is 16% nothing you posted says that

the highest rates are in NY and DC- in NY where there are around 4 million black people and the rate is 123 infections for every one hundred thousand black people - 40 * 123 is not 16% of even black New Yorkers

in DC i dont know the population but 264 out of 100,000 is not even one percent either as far as infection rates go- lets say it is one percent - how long would it take at that rate to get to 16%- probably not that long- im not sure of how to determine that off hand as its been a minute since I took statistics but your assertions are way wrong

46% of one million one hundred thousand people who are a part of a group containing 40 million people does not equal 1 in 6 or 1 in 8 or anything close to it

is there some other data thats missing?

if we make up 50% of all hiv cases in the US and there are about 25k per year that is 12,500 new black infections per year
1 in 6 blacks in the US having HIV would mean 6.4 MILLION Black People had HIV
that would be 6 times the total HIV cases in the entire nation
that would be a healthcare emergency
i know there are undiagnosed cases but not that many bruh


is there some other data thats missing?

No, you're right. I misread what I posted. That's not the article I was originally talking about, but since I can't find it now I'll concede to these stats. This chart shows a good range of stats. In some of the higher states the rate is as high as 1 in 10, and in the lower states as high as 1 in 12 or 15. That's still pretty high odds. That means that if you know 30 black people (which we all do) then it's pretty much assured that 2 - 3 of them have HIV/AIDS and might not even know it.

That also means that if you know 30 people having sex, there's a very good chance that 2 - 3 of them are in the process of transmitting HIV/AIDS to someone else.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
No, you're right. I misread what I posted. That's not the article I was originally talking about, but since I can't find it now I'll concede to these stats. This chart shows a good range of stats. In some of the higher states the rate is as high as 1 in 10

Bruh that is not possible.

What states have 10% of the population of blacks infected with HIV?

The highest rate is in DC where it is 264 infections per every 100k black people-
Are you saying you think 10% of black people in DC have HIV? That is not true bruh

, and in the lower states as high as 1 in 12 or 15. That's still pretty high odds. That means that if you know 30 black people (which we all do) then it's pretty much assured that 2 - 3 of them have HIV/AIDS and might not even know it.

That also means that if you know 30 people having sex, there's a very good chance that 2 - 3 of them are in the process of transmitting HIV/AIDS to someone else.

Bruh - only 400k+ black people in the whole US have ever been diagnosed with hiv- there are 40 million black people here
thats 1 in 100
not 1 in 30
that's one percent - and all those people arent even alive anymore

the rate is higher in some places like ny and dc in some clusters but that only applies to those areas

unless you have some info I dont know about

if the number of people with hiv tripled in undiagnosed cases you would see the positives boom even through prenatal and birth testing
it would be a disaster- no way the rate is what you think it is bruh


Potential Star
I remember watching an interview a while back were it was the opinion of a group of scientists that HIV doesn't cause AIDS. They were explaining how the two viruses were completely unrelated. This story reminds me of that and would explain how some people who exhibit the sypmtoms of AIDS can test negative for HIV. And also how some people who have tested positive for HIV but the virus never (or at least not yet) mutated or weakened the immune system.

This is not unknown to science. AIDS is a SYNDROME that starts when your immune system is taxed to the point of failure. YOu can do this several different ways. One way is to keep getting infections in your blood like herpes syphillis, gnorreah etc. HIV is like a super highway to AIDS. Once this virulent disease is in your blood you almost will certainly wear your immune system to failure. once it fails you will get AIDS and face death.


Rising Star
AIDS continues to mystify researchers. A overseas prostitute had her first HIV test seventeen years ago, she has yet to contract the virus despite servicing 10-15 men a day-the majority of these men tested positive for HIV. The percentage of "infected prostitutes" in her country eventually reached 90 percent. This prostitute contracted other STD's; proving that her partners didn't use condoms and she "was" exposed to HIV but "never" contracted it. Scientists came to the conclusion, if a sex worker didn't contract the virus after five years, they were unlikely to get it. In a similar case, an African prostitute slept with hundreds of men "unprotected" and allegedly infected her customers but she continues to test negative. She is resistant to the virus but was able to infect others. Even more frightening, ten years ago, a woman was infected with the "Group O" strain of AIDS. Although an individual has AIDS symptoms and a low T-Cell count, this particular strain tests "negative" on HIV tests. A person who tests negative (and is really positive) can unwittingly infect others because their AIDS test came back negative. This woman was quarantined.

Read a story about one of the chicks from Africa that never contracted it while sleeping with hundreds of men a month. She left prostitution and came back to it and contracted aids. Scientist believe that her constant contact with low levels of the virus made her immune system hypersensitive to it leading to a kind of vaccine like immunity. Once she left prostitution she her body lost the immunity like you would if you never got a 10 year booster shot. Her new clients were not giving her the constant exposure she had before which led to her contracting the virus. This virus seems to be designed to require a constant vaccine of live viruses making it impractical to cure it or defend against it.


Rising Star
Seriously, wear a condom. And if you just MUST shoot up, at least don't share needles. God damn. AIDS should NOT spread the way it does in the west. We know what causes it, and we know how to prevent it from spreading.

And don't go to jail, cause dudes like this are waiting



The word infect is pre-fexed by "in" -meaning inside and the root fect-meaning printed. infected means "internal print". internal print mean to make an internal template from which images of itself are printed-referring to the "invader"-one who enters uninvited. In order to infected the invader has to be able to penetrate the surface of the T-cells if this does not happen the virus simply floats around in the plasma until it is attacked or filtered out of the body until then it can still be introduced to anyone else who comes into cantact with this body fluid but the carrier" is obviously immune.