All I Need is An Animated Bad Babe...


Rising Star
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Meiko Shiraki - Kangoku Gakuen (Prison School) anime GIFS

Meiko Shiraki (白木 芽衣子しらき めいこ Shiraki Meiko?) is a supporting character of Prison School and a third-year student in attendance at Hachimitsu Academy.[1] Meiko is the Vice-President of the Underground Student Council, a vigilante school organisation. She is put in charge of guard duty during the two months that the boys are incarcerated in the school's Prison Block. Meiko is the subordinate and best friend of Mari Kurihara, the president of the USC.

Meiko is tall and muscular with a slim waist and a highly exaggerated large bust. She has grey hair that she wears in a bun. She is usually seen wearing the school uniform with a miniskirt, tights, knee-length boots and an open collar exposing her braless cleavage. In middle school, she used to have medium-length straight hair, before a younger Mari Kurihara convinced her to tie her hair back.

Meiko is a highly confident girl who is commonly seen around campus in a scanty outfit. Her reputation for being a sadist and a misandrist is well known, especially to the five boys whom she physically punishes during their detention. She is often seen with a horse whip that she uses for punishing detainees who disobey her, where Gakuto is regularly her victim. Meiko has immense physical strength and is a capable combatant, using her physical abilities to loyally aid her best friend and superior Mari Kurihara (the USC President) as a senior member of the Underground Student Council. During her spare time, she completes a hundred or more squats and push ups, and she is capable of many brutal feats of strength. Meiko diligently yet strictly fulfills her guard duty over the male prisoners. She can be sympathetic to the male prisoners however; even fulfilling courtesies towards the boys by giving them prisoners' gifts each month, "deathwishes" before their expulsion

