As a Battler... this guy Jimz has gotten MUCH BETTER over the years......... and with that said.... I'm still not a fan
And even tho I dislike his written raps & his whole 'style' of delivery...I have watched several of his 'Recaps' and I gotta admit... Jimz is usually ON POINT with his observations of the matches

.... mainly because he's quick to point out the strengths & weaknesses of other Battlers, in a non-biased fashion.
- If it's an even matchup, he says so.
- If someone gets cooked, he says so.
- If the crowd gets too gassed up over mediocre bars, he says so.
Even tho I really hate his battle raps... I give him mad props for
'keeping it 100' in his Recaps.
It's crazy... I cannot stand his raps... But I trust his recaps. Go figure.
Jay Black, Chris Unbias and Jimz are the top dawgs in the Recap game, imo.