I never could get into a male battle rapper with a name that sounds too much like twerk..
Never seen one battle of his, but I hear he chokes a lot is that true..???
I havent peeped the battle rap game for about two years now..
any classics I may have missed??
New Jersey Twork had a ton of 'star potential' when he first burst onto the battle scene, about 4-5 years ago.
He had a delivery / style that alot of the younger fans really rocked with & gravitated towards.
But most importantly, he had the FULL SUPPORT of the URL itself, at a time Smack was looking for up & coming top-shelf talent to replace some of the roster who had moved on to pursue other opportunities, like the "Wild-N Out" TV Show, for example. A few of the top Battlers (like Conceited, Hitman Holla, Charlie Clips & Charron) were becoming mainstay cast members on that show.
And here comes NJ Twork... at a time when the game is kinda thirsty to replace some Big Names.
So Smack was
grooming him, spoon-feeding him with battles of alot of the top names in battle rap.
NJ Twork was getting ALOT of battles with the top names in battle rap that other battlers
struggled to get, or could never get.
For awhile, Twork was LITERALLY on almost every single card/event that Smack was putting out – battling names like Tsu Surf, Charlie Clips, Rum Nitty, Arsonal, Chilla Jones, Geechi Gotti, K-Shine, T-Top, Danny Myers, Calico & Murda Mook.
When Twork is FULLY prepared & on his "A-Game"..... he is very tough to beat... because he can whip a crowd into a FRENZY.
However, his biggest achilles heel has always been................. his 'preparation' (or lack thereof).
It's always been his downfall. More than anything else.
Twork tends to beat himself (at the wrong time) nowadays.
And recently, he has choked EXTREMELY BADLY in at least the last 5 battles (IN A ROW) that he has been booked for, on Caffeine TV.
So overall, his stock has fallen off. Big Time.
As far as battle rap goes (in general)....
Geechi Gotti got the whole battle rap game in a solid choke hold. 
He's been the #1 Top Dawg for about the last 2-3 years. (And for good reason.)
If you looking for 'any classics' that you might have missed... I'd recommend you start by checking out HIS battles over the last 3 years.
Shheeeiiiitttt....I'm a Loaded Lux fan... but I can admit that Geechi Gotti beat Lux back at the Halloween Event that Smack/URL teamed up with Drake & Chris Brown to do.
Another recent classic was
Danny Myers vs Tay Roc. 
That was a WAR.
So was
Tsu Surf's last 3 battles against John John Da Don + Calico + NJ Twork.
These last 3 battles he has stepped his work up.
In fact, Surf has never been better.
Jakkboy Maine had a classic vs. T-Top back in Aril 2021.
Shhheeeiiiittt... I think Tsu Surf & Jakkboy Maine had the 2 best 'comebacks' of 2021, in my opinion. Both of them were on a decline at the start of 2021... but after their performances in battles all year long... they both improved their style / delivery & rebuilt their whole reputation.