Allen West for President!!!!

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I do not see West getting a Fox News show. They're propaganda machine, blah, blah, blah but they do not hire Crazy. They hire Stupid as a consultant (see Palin, Sarah) but they're selective about who they give shows too and more so since Beck's meltdown. Before anything else, they're an entertainment company. I have no doubt that if they thought the money was in a hard liberal news channel, that's what they would do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>:yes:

Allen west will never become president b/c repug hate ******s period. U in a cocksucker fantasy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cain/West 2012

U dreaming. Wake up. Cain own party moved on Him. He was making more sense than all those idiots and they took him out. Democract didn't do that. Repug always use the we hate ******s too card to win. How is that gonna work with two crazy uncle ruckus niggas running for potus & vice potus. Wake the fuck up, u having a bad dream.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What happened to the blk repug party chairman. They fired his cocksucker ass. Black repug are deluded & irrelevant. Like that armstrong nigga that got exposed a few years back as a repug slave for hire. lol, u make me laugh at the coonery. Fuck Zo, he sucking his own dick and white repug find that shit amusing.


Rising Star
source: Think Progress

Allen West Compares Himself To Abraham Lincoln

Rep. Allen West (R-FL), the controversial and outspoken, one-term Tea Partier, lost his re-election bid to his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy earlier this month. During his two years in the House of Representatives, West earned a reputation as one of the most brash Republicans as well as a top Islamophobe in Congress.

But West he told NPR’s Michel Martinhas that he has big plans for his political future, likening himself to one of the nation’s greatest presidents:
MARTIN: So what’s next for you?
WEST: Look, you know, God closes a door so that he can open up greater doors. I will continue to, you know, stand up and fight for this country. That’s my goal. I have two daughters, 19 and 16, and I want to make sure that they grow up in a great America that provides them all the opportunities that it provided to their mother and father.

MARTIN: Congressman Allen West is completing his term in Congress. He was kind enough to join us from a House recording studio on Capitol Hill here in Washington, D.C.

WEST: And always remember, Abraham Lincoln only served one term in Congress, too.
It took West two weeks after the November 6 election to concede to Murphy. He told supporters last week that he hasn’t decided if he will run for office again. “It’s not like my life ends, and my life of service to this country doesn’t,” he said, according to local media reports


Rising Star


Rising Star
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