American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide

Lexx Diamond

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With advancements in digital state photo ID systems shouldn’t we demand facial recognition software be used to ID these people in crime scene photos? Murder has no statute of limitations. If these were nazi war criminals it wouldn’t matter if they were 100.

Lexx Diamond

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JURIAEN VAN STREECK (Dutch Golden Age Painter)

This painting is titled:

“self portrait with peaches and a lemon in a wan-li bowl, oranges and walnuts on a silver plate, grapes, a Roemer, a silver can and a knife”


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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CHARLES X of FRANCE(The Count of Artois) (Younger brother of Louis XVI & Louis XVIII) (40 years old in this portrait)

For most of his life he was known as the Count of Artois...

“Louis Anathe Muller was in middle-life in 1808. So was Artois. Both were of swarthy complexion”...


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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The last royal ruling couple of France was Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette...

Marie preferred her hobbies and living in luxury rather than ruling a country that wasn’t even her own...

Louis XVI was not prepared to rule and was easily influenced...

When the French people didn't want to deal with any more mess, they overthrew the government...

The king and queen were put on trial and later guillotined...

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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“Charles the second was, in the popular language of the day, a tall black man”


(Norman Chevers, "An Enquiry into the circumstances of the Death of King Charles the Second"; 1861)

“In person Charles was tall, his complexion was swarthy”


(Thomas Keightley, “The History of England, Volume 2; 1840)

(John Lingard, “A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans (to the Revolution in 1688”; 1827)

King Charles II, son of King Charles I, was a so called Black man...

This portrait is called: “Four Studies of a Head of a Black Man”

It was painted by Peter Paul Rubens in 1630...

In 1630, Peter Paul Rubens was knighted by Charles I and became his court painter...

This “Four Studies of a Head of a Black Man” was commissioned from Peter Paul Rubens by Charles I...

Thus, the original titled would’ve been: “4 Studies of the Head of Charles I”

The whitewashed portrait is titled: “Charles I in Three Positions” or “Triple Portrait of Charles I”

It was painted in 1636...

6 years after the original...

The colours of the shirts and pattern of the collars are different in each of these portraits...

However, In the arts, Idealism encourages imagination and attempts to realize a mental conception of beauty, a standard of perfection, juxtaposed to naturalism and realism...

In painting, idealism refers to the tradition of creating a "perfect" figure - one with a “good looking” face, “perfect” hair, a “good” body shape and no outward blemishes of any kind, rarely if ever painted or drawn from life...

Essentially, it’s an "artificial" style of painting, that bears no resemblance to naturalism...

“Charles the second was, in the popular language of the day, a tall black man”


(Norman Chevers, "An Enquiry into the circumstances of the Death of King Charles the Second"; 1861)

“In person Charles was tall, his complexion was swarthy”


(Thomas Keightley, “The History of England, Volume 2; 1840)

(John Lingard, “A history of England from the first invasion by the Romans (to the Revolution in 1688”; 1827)



Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member


The last royal ruling couple of France was Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette...

Marie preferred her hobbies and living in luxury rather than ruling a country that wasn’t even her own...

Louis XVI was not prepared to rule and was easily influenced...

When the French people didn't want to deal with any more mess, they overthrew the government...

The king and queen were put on trial and later guillotined...

Damn this stuff goes really deep. Nice to have sources to back up everything! Thats the problem when people tell me things that conflict with the so called norm! When you bring sources all that bullcrap goes out thte window!! Thankz for all the knowledge dropping!


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
This photo was taken in Washington, D.C. in 1916 at the “Convention of Former Slaves."


Pictured from left to right: Annie Parram, age 104; Anna Angales, age 105; Elizabeth Berkeley, 125; Sadie Thompson, 110.

Man they dont even look that old...125 years old wow!!

Although it was a black enslaved named Edmund Albius who perfected the flavor of vanilla ice cream its white sweetness was viewed as a representation of the American dream, which is why blacks were kept from eating it !!!

As usual something we have perfected but cant even eat it... nothing new here, but its new to me to know this story. Keep dropping info..i appreciate it!

Lexx Diamond

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Blacks settled the Americas BEFORE 130,000 B.C.

Study - Humans were in America 100,000 years earlier than we thought.

By Gisela Crespo, CNN, April 26, 2017

The remains of a mastodon discovered during a routine excavation in California shows possible human activity in North America 130,000 years ago -- or about 115,000 years earlier than previously thought.


Paleontologists with the San Diego Natural History Museum discovered the remains of the elephant-like animal more than 20 years ago. But it wasn't until now that scientists were able to accurately date the findings, and possibly rewrite the history of the New World as we know it. "This is a whole new ball game," Steve Holen, co-director of the Center for American Paleolithic Research and the paper's lead author, told CNN. The discovery changes the understanding of when humans reached North America. The study, to be published this week in the science journal Nature, said the numerous limb bones fragments of a young male mastodon found at the site show spiral fractures, indicating they were broken while fresh.




The scientists say they found what appear to be hammerstones and stone anvils at the site, showing that ancient humans had the manual skill and knowledge to use stone tools to extract the animal's Bone Marrow and possibly to use its bones to make tools. The site was named Cerutti Mastodon site, in honor of Richard Cerutti, who made the discovery and led the excavation.


Advanced radiometric dating technology allowed scientists to determine the mastodon bones belong to the Late Pleistocene period, or 130,000 years old, with a margin of error of plus or minus 9,400 years."The bones and several teeth show clear signs of having been deliberately broken by humans with manual dexterity and experiential knowledge," Holen said in a press release.

Experts agreed that the earliest records of human ancestors in North America is about 15,000 years old, but the discovery of the Cerutti site "shows that human ancestors were in the New World ten times that length of time," said paleontologist Lawrence Vescera.
The 11 scientists involved in the study told CNN it's too early to tell the impact of the new findings. For now they want the general audience to see it and understand it, and for their peers to study it -- and even challenge it.


Comment: 130,000 B.C. is long before the ancient African is known to have occupied EAST ASIA. Therefore the theory of ancient Humans entering the Americas by crossing the Bering Straits, and then "By-passing" the FROZEN North American Continent, by Boat travel along the Coast, is totally out of the question. The only other "Reasonable" possibility is an ATLANTIC crossing, similar to how ancient Africans reached Australia by "Island Hopping" more than 60,000 years ago.



After considering the possibilities,
clearly THIS is the most logical route for the First Settlers of the Americas.


There were undoubtedly many more crossings, including across the Bering Straits - as that is how Mongol Americans arrived, much later.

Albino lies - Of course, as is to be expected, the same degenerate Albino types who tried to write Blacks out of history, immediately came up with the bogus possibility that these ancient settlers were Neanderthals! The problem is that Neanderthals are NOT in the HUMAN chain. Therefore the modern Black humans who were found in the Americas, by invading European Albinos, could not have evolved from Neanderthals.

Back to the original presentation:

New evidences of Man in the Western Hemisphere
As with dromaeosaurs, new discoveries are forcing scientist to re-consider their earlier theories of Human presence in the American hemisphere as well. The time of the first peopling of Mesoamerica remains a puzzle, as it does for that of the Americas in general. It has been widely accepted that groups of peoples entered the American hemisphere from northeastern Siberia, perhaps by a land bridge across the Bering straits of Alaska that might have existed then, (This at some time in the Late Pleistocene, or Ice Age).

There is already abundant evidence that by 11,000 B.C, hunting peoples had occupied most of North America, south of the glacial ice cap covering the northern part of North America. These men hunted such large grazing mammals as mammoth, mastodon, horse, and camel. They were armed with spears, which were tipped with finely made, bifacial chipped points of stone.

Now however, new discoveries and new data from the old sites are changing our understanding of the peopling of the Americas. For decades the consensus thinking was that the first Americans were big-game hunters (the Clovis) who traveled from Asia across the Bering Land Bridge near the end of the Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago. (Named for an occupation site in Clovis, N.M.). These earliest people, called Paleo-Indians, are known for their fluted spear points.

The Clovis people were thought to have settled in the interior plains of North America between 11,500 and 11,000 years ago. From there, they colonized the Western Hemisphere, following the diminishing game through the upland plains of Central America and the Andes, avoiding the coasts and tropical forests and reaching the tip of South America by 10,000 years ago, (the end of the glacial period).

This Clovis migration theory however, developed early in the history of radiocarbon dating, and before much was known of regions outside the Clovis heartland of the U.S.A.

Now abundant new data from several of those areas cast doubt on the theory. According to these findings, Clovis was not settled early enough to be the ancestor of Central and South American Paleo-Indians. Several well-documented sites south of the U.S.A. border are much older than Clovis. In addition, few Ice Age cultures on either side of the land bridge had fluted spear points or hunted big game.

There are other problems with the old Clovis theory: The Ice Age Glaciers at this time covered ALL of Canada, except for a few small pockets and some offshore Pacific Islands. This would still have allowed for “Island Hopping” down to the United States – but that’s very iffy.

North America

In North America, the oldest evidence of Human habitation is in a sink-hole at Warm Mineral Springs Florida. In the late 1950's and through to the 1970's a group led by Air Force Lt.Col. (Ret) William Royal explored Little Salt Spring as well as Warm Mineral Spring (3 miles distant) and discovered huge deposits of fossils. Remains of literally hundreds of species from saber toothed cats to Giant ground sloths were discovered along with the remains of over 200 paleoamericans. The Warm Mineral Springs site is uniquely African, and is discussed in the North America section. Link to Page

Kennewick Man
National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of the Interior
Report on the Osteological Assessment of the "Kennewick Man" Skeleton
Joseph F. Powell and Jerome C. Rose, March 1, 1999
Link to study



The Kennewick skeleton is a male who died between 45 and 50 years of age. He was approximately 175 cm (5' 9") tall, based on an average of all stature estimates. The geologically correlated age for the skeleton is 6700-9000 yr. B.P. Like other early American skeletons, the Kennewick remains exhibit a number of morphological features that are not found in modern populations. For all craniometric dimensions, the typicality probabilities of membership in modern populations were zero, indicating that Kennewick is unlike any of the reference samples used. Even when the least-conservative inter-individual distances are used to construct typicality probabilities, Kennewick has a low probability of membership in any of the late Holocene reference samples. Similar results were obtained by Ozolins et al. (1997) for Upper Paleolithic samples from Asia, Africa, and Europe and Paleoindian groups, and are not surprising considering that Kennewick is separated by roughly 8,000 years from most of the reference samples in Howells (1989) and Hanihara (1996). The most craniometrically similar samples appeared to be those from the south Pacific and Polynesia as well as the Ainu of Japan, a pattern observed in other studies of early American crania from North and South America (Steele and Powell 1992, 1994; Jantz and Owsley 1997). Thus Kennewick appears to have strongest morphological affinities with populations in Polynesia and southern Asia, and not with American Indians or Europeans in the reference samples.

At left: Clay mock-up of what Kennewick man may have looked like. (Done before genetic information was available). Therefore the mindset was of a different people.

Click here for a full subject page on Kennewick man, and the Albino lies associated with him.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Researchers have recently discovered that Napoleon Bonaparte’s Y-DNA belongs to haplogroup E1b1b1c1

The highest diversity of subclades of haplogroup E1b1b1c1 is observed in the Levant and Anatolia, therefore its ancestral home is often placed in the Eastern Mediterranean...



“His hair is very black and is cropped very close to his head and neck...his complexion is swarthy...his eyes are very dark”


(Arthur Hassall, “The life of Napoleon”; 1911)

He wore the hat sideways, rather than having the points at the back and the front, so he could be seen easily on the battlefield.

He wore around 120 hats during his lifetime and only around 20 are thought to still exist.

This portrait is falsely identified as “Toussaint Louverture” (“Louvre” get it?)

His bio, as provided by so called whites, is the typical nonsense of a black man somehow winding up in Europe:

We’re told that he was born a slave in Haiti, he never been to France but somehow became a member of the French government and a high ranking leader in the French Military...

How this happened, is not known nor documented...

So, he was a member of the French Government and a French Military leader, that fought AGAINST France by leading a slave revolt, yet France still commemorated him and memorialized him by commissioning expensive portraits and statues???

This is just another stupid white lie to explain away the presence of so called blacks in Europe i.e. they are ALWAYS Africans, slaves or servants...

When portraits of so called Black nobility are discovered, so called whites concoct outrageously stupid scenarios to explain their existence...

Such is the case with this...

So called whites like to engage in one of their favorite methods of falsifying history, that is to declare all European so called Blacks as Africans, African Slaves, or the children of African Slaves; without the inconvenience of having to prove what they say...

Napoléon was a French statesman and military leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars...

He was Emperor of the French as Napoleon I from 1804 until 1814 and again briefly in 1815 during the Hundred Days...

Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars...

He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over much of continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815...

He is considered one of the greatest commanders in history, and his wars and campaigns are studied at military schools worldwide...

Napoleon's political and cultural legacy has endured as one of the most celebrated and controversial leaders in human history...

“His hair is very black and is cropped very close to his head and neck...his complexion is swarthy...his eyes are very dark”


(Arthur Hassall, “The life of Napoleon”; 1911)

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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The Daily Dose
MAY 02 2019

Isaac Burns Murphy cased the track like Muhammad Ali did the ring, read thoroughbreds like Hank Aaron read pitchers and dominated Churchill Downs like Tiger Woods dominated Augusta National. Which is to say that, when it comes to the sport of horse racing, he was the most idolized and scrutinized athlete of his time, worshiped by Black and White fans alike.

Yet Murphy is obscured, whitewashed by a sport that wasn’t ready for his celebrity or his blackness. That’s because, unlike his peers in the athletic pantheon, Murphy was born into slavery, in January 1861, two months before the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln. And with the 145th running of the Kentucky Derby taking place this Saturday, it’s worth reflecting on the larger-than-life story of Murphy and the other Black jockeys who dominated the nation’s most popular sport of the late 19th-century — before the rise of Jim Crow laws and racist tactics within the sport lashed back.

Murphy’s success began with an unintended consequence of slavery: It was an environment that threw Black men into working with horses from an early age. As Emory University professor Pellom McDaniels III wrote in his biography of Burns, The Prince of Jockeys, the future star grew up in a postwar Kentucky where the development of prized sheep, cattle and, yes, horses were left to the formerly enslaved — it was work seen as beneath the stature of the White elite. “As horse racing became exceedingly important to the landed gentry, grooms, trainers and jockeys rose in prestige on Kentucky farms,” McDaniels writes.

That created an opportunity for Black men to rise to prominence in the sport. Raised alongside Black horse-racing peers such as Pike Barnes, Soup Perkins and Willie Simms, Murphy began racing at the age of 14, with his first win in September of 1875. That was also the year of the first Kentucky Derby, where 13 of the 15 jockeys (including winner Oliver Lewis) were Black men. Two years later, Murphy would ride in the Derby for the first time, placing fourth.

Most jockeys dug into their mounts with a whip and a crouched, bullying stance, but the teen Murphy rode crouched and urged his charge forward with calming words. As others galloped ahead, he conserved his horse’s stamina, only to press forward at the end of races to snatch victory over his competitors’ worn steeds.

The unconventional tactics led to victory. He would win the Kentucky Derby for the first time in 1884, and the Kentucky Oaks and the Clark Handicap that same year — a trifecta he’s still the sole jockey to accomplish. According to his own analysis, Murphy won 628 of his 1,412 starts, an absurd 44 percent victory rate (another calculation, conducted later, had him at 530 of 1,538, a 34 percent rate that still dwarfs the greatest all-time official tallies in horse-racing record books). He became known as “The Colored Archer,” a reference to the English racing great Fred Archer, although, ironically, it was Archer who was taking after Murphy. “Archer picked a lot of his mannerisms in the saddle and spread them throughout England,” says Brien Bouyea, communications director for the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame.

At the height of his fame, he was making tens of thousands of dollars a year from wealthy breeders, making him the highest-paid jockey in the U.S.

To say Murphy became a victim of his own success would be to mistakenly erase the culpability of those who were truly responsible for his downfall. At the height of his fame, he was making tens of thousands of dollars a year from wealthy breeders, making him the highest-paid jockey in the U.S. “Murphy was the first millionaire Black athlete,” as Joe Drape, author of Black Maestro, told CNN in 2013.

But Murphy’s ascension was troubling the status quo. The idea that their young sons were idolizing a Black man likely troubled many of the sport’s wealthy White patrons, says Katherine Mooney, a history professor at Florida State University. “That is a whole different mindfuck for somebody who is fundamentally racist,” she says. After a famous victory at Sheepshead Bay in 1890, Murphy gave an interview to the Black journalist T. Thomas Fortune. While his words were simple — “I ride to win,” he said — Fortune wrote that it was men like Murphy who would lead the fight to end U.S. racism. That same year, he won the Kentucky Derby again.

Soon after, Murphy fell off his horse after a race. Critics pounced, saying he was drunk on the job, which Murphy vehemently denied. It’s still a matter of dispute. Alcoholism and extreme crash-dieting tactics — including eating tapeworms — were the scourge of the racing world as jockeys struggled to drop pounds.

His reputation didn’t recover in his lifetime. He would win one more Kentucky Derby in 1891 — riding the first, and only, winning horse owned by a Black man (Dudley Allen) — before retiring as the first person to ever win it three times. He died of heart failure, in February 1896, at age 35. Three months later, the Supreme Court upheld Plessy v. Ferguson, which confirmed the constitutionality of a Jim Crow law in Louisiana, paving the way for segregation efforts across the South.

African American jockeys had won the Derby in half the races from 1875 to 1905, and Murphy was entered into the Racing Hall of Fame upon its inauguration in 1955 (an annual award is even named after him). But no African American jockeys rode in the Kentucky Derby at all from 1921 to 2000. In this year’s race, there are jockeys from Venezuela, Colombia, France and Jamaica, but no African American riders. As Mooney writes: “The history of the Kentucky Derby, then, is also the history of men who were at the forefront of Black life in the decades after emancipation — only to pay a terrible price for it.”