Its a shame this topic hasn't gotten much traction...these are real stories of real black people who were in a ungodly fucked up situation and resolved to get out of it by any means necessary. I get the feeling people think runaway slaves are some kind of less than because they didn't go all django at the end and burn down the plantation while walking away slowly and anything less than that is somehow either dishonorable or cowardly and not worth the time.
these articles show they were people with a fucking plan who took charge of their lives..thats no dishonorable coward
I don’t think most posters are thinking about Django. What I assume is they are in loss of words because they haven’t really been given a name or face to slavery. Its more like a small shock value with these clipping because it give you a raw picture of real history. In other words, its easier for people to generalize about slavery than to put a face, name, and moments on it because it makes them feel a certain way especially when the outcome was uncertain. For most this is more like an NASA being in space (there but you not being there) than it is history.
One thing most family members didn’t like to do is talk about slavery and it has affected all of us in one way or another. In my opinion these stories should have come directly from the black family and passed from one generation to another.
What I don’t get is why didn’t more slaves try to get to Mexico which was a shorter route or even out West? Maybe it was easier to escape north because the underground railroad. I know there had to be reasons but I just wonder.