She’s not. She’s married with 3 boys now.She has to come back to porn. She nutt's too hard to stay away. She should escort.
Every porn star who had a child is pretty much done. Monie divine, sky black and few others holding onThis bitch is washed up too.
Every porn star who had a child is pretty much done. Monie divine, sky black and few others holding on
She’s not. She’s married with 3 boys now.
I was gonna say...I done seen a few of them lately....Mone, Sky...Jada......they all looking in rare form.Every porn star who had a child is pretty much done. Monie divine, sky black and few others holding on
By the time them kids get old enough....shit everybody gonna be doing porn with he way Only fans is booming.Man....those young men in for a rough childhood.
Every one of their friends and enemies will have video evidence of their mothers history.. ..
And she wasn't some dead fish porn star
She went in!
She looked good. But she had to be the worse actor in porn. Everytime she'd roll her eyes back I knew she was faking it. I dont believe she enjoyed, or was really into, any of her scenes. In fact, the only scene I believe was authentic was the one where she got drunk and did an anal scene with Kitten.
This bitch burnt out.
Every porn star who had a child is pretty much done. Monie divine, sky black and few others holding on
i wonder how long she is at a job before she has to say “YES I USED TO DO PORN”