Anthony Rapp says Kevin Spacey made sexual advance toward him when he was 14


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
hero?? I don’t have no fucking hollywood heroes
Exactly. I don't get attached emotionally to people acting and portraying a character, which is another reason why I don't get all hyped up over famous people. They are regular people just like me but with more Talent OR their talent got recognized while mine or others didn't.

There are several that I may think are cool based upon the little I know about them but I wouldn't call anybody in Hollywood my hero


Rising Star
I remember years ago Kevin Spacey came to London to do some broadway/theatre production. My ex dragged me to watch it. It was actually pretty good but I can’t remember the name of the play but it was a one man show.

Anyway, I somehow ended up at the exit of the theatre looking for my car and I see two guys... well you can fill in the blanks. I look away immediately and then they stop when they notice I’m there. I’m trying to pretend I didn’t notice them and then I hear one of them talk in an American accent, trying to have a casual convo to conceal the homo incident. I quickly look back up and see it’s Kevin Spacey.

I’m like WTF? I had no idea he was gay. I’m not into celebrity gossip or any bullshit like that. It just kinda of threw me off.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
I'm in improv and there are a lot of gay dudes, which doesn't bother me because there are a lot of women and I have zero to little competition. I was at the point where I was smashing a different chick after every show.
Everybody loves phanatic's paella :D



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what will happen to the future of these women who have suddenly found the courage to come out? Less roles? More legalese? What?


Rising Star
OG Investor
I remember years ago Kevin Spacey came to London to do some broadway/theatre production. My ex dragged me to watch it. It was actually pretty good but I can’t remember the name of the play but it was a one man show.

Anyway, I somehow ended up at the exit of the theatre looking for my car and I see two guys... well you can fill in the blanks. I look away immediately and then they stop when they notice I’m there. I’m trying to pretend I didn’t notice them and then I hear one of them talk in an American accent, trying to have a casual convo to conceal the homo incident. I quickly look back up and see it’s Kevin Spacey.

I’m like WTF? I had no idea he was gay. I’m not into celebrity gossip or any bullshit like that. It just kinda of threw me off.
it was like an open secret. once an actor answer vaguely about questions pertaining to their sexuality , they usually come out a few years down the line. the same with spacey. although he's forced to come out.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Damn; was just reading a blind item about him from about 2 weeks ago:

185. THE SUN 10/17
AN Oscar-winning actor has become embroiled in the Harvey Weinstein sex abuse scandal. The Hollywood A-lister was accused by a top US broadcaster of assaulting a loved one. The actor can not be named for legal reasons In a reference to Weinstein, she said on social media it was "time the dominoes fell". We are not naming the star or his accuser for legal reasons. But an insider said: "Rumours about this actor have circulated for years. "Lots of people are making allegations after what’s happened with Weinstein. "But no alleged victim of this particular man has spoken publicly as yet." Kevin Spacey

by the way; lots of shit on that page all the time; lots of times the sort of stuff coming out now weeks in advance. I know years ago supposedly Robert Downey Jr. was feeding a lot of inside info... wonder if he still is. He had mentioned shit about hollywood predators, etc.

The RDJ stuff was supposed to be a fake story...

But now?

You never know.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

You know that was my first reaction too.

But the powerful women coming out and you got dudes out here apologizing for not ratting him out sooner.

This is very serious

there is another side of this, this is worse than Cosby.

Cause for decades EVERYONE kept silent.

Not on some gossip sh*t either.

This was almost some secret society sh*t

This is something even if u ain't know for fact?

We all assumed any way.

To me as horrible as these sexual attacks are?

The real story...

Is WHY NOW??????


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
did kevin spacey juss blame it on the alcohol

This was a BRILLANT move

Worthy of the Keiser himself

He all good

Look how he played it...

I don't remember doing it
If I did?
I was drunk.

(I ain't calling Rapp a liar but uh I ain't saying it really happened, if it did I still don't remember )

I'm NOT a pedophile

Sorry. (If I actually did anything)

Oh and i WAS bisexual

Oh and I also can now use gender identity as a cover

but now I identify as gay
(Which honestly I thought was very common knowledge at this point)
And now I have the pink mafia protection

And suddenly he goes from walking with a limp

To walking straight

To walking with a lil swish

And like that *poof* he is gone.

Y'all couldn't tell Kaiser Souze was a fruit cup?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Corey Feldman.

Long before a tidal wave of women came forward with allegations against Harvey Weinstein, Corey Feldman was sounding the alarm about Hollywood sex abuse. In his 2013 memoir Coreyography, he detailed how, when he and his friend and co-star Corey Haim were the biggest child stars of the 1980s, they were allegedly sexually assaulted by men in the industry. According to Feldman, Haim was raped when he was 11.

The Lost Boys star never revealed the names of the men responsible, however, and since the dam broke on the Weinstein story, the actor-turned-musician has come under tremendous pressure on social media to expose the guilty parties.

He's listened to the pleading, and he's ready to come forward - but not quite yet. In an emotional video he posted to Twitter on Wednesday, Feldman said he wants to make a movie about his experience.

Corey Feldman 'targeted by death threats' after threatening to expose
It will be the “most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed,” he said. He plans to direct, produce and self-distribute it - “with your donations.” He started an Indiegogo campaign for $10 million that will be used for a legal team and security for him and his family, he said, plus funds to create the film.

“Right off the bat I can name six names,” Feldman promised, “one of them who's still very powerful today.” He also said he can show a link between paedophilia and one of the major studios.

He's hoping to bring down a paedophile ring with the movie, not to mention revolutionize the film industry, making it safer for child actors.