Antoinette was definitely out of pocket stealing on MC Lyte's brother's music...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Antoinette album was trash from what I remember lol. I think tht was the best song off the album.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"After Antoinette bit the beat from her brother Milk D's massive hit "Top Billin'" Lyte went on the warpath. "10% Dis" is pure, unrelenting devastation--ether before "Ether."


Milk D and MC Lyte aren't related. It's a one of those hip hop facts that people really never corrected but I got it from Lyte herself.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I always remember that "Shake, Rattle & Roll" video because the chick in the background had a fat ass.

That being said, "Cha Cha Cha" > Antoinette's whole catalog.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm just here to listen to the dialogue...

I wasn't affected by these two ARCH NEMESISes as strongly as some of you who were in NY, but I was definitely WATCHING!

I was actually one of the few in my loop who gave a damn about them (couldn't download SHIT back then)...

Y'all are taking me down memory lane...


On a flip note though, MILK D (her brother) had a nice approach too...

(Maybe production DID play a part)...



An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
this thug dude, and his hearing aid, swear she dope tho :dunno:

Says the BRIT....Makes sense

FYI - Just cause your album is trash doesn't mean YOU are wack.
Could mean you didn't have the PRODUCTION. Some of the BEST MC's
ain't have good albums....Fab will ROAST 99% of the MC's out here but ain't have a good album yet.
Fuck you know about Hip Hop?

Ya ass probably thought this JUNK was hot - FOH

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
HalftimeOnline: One of my favorite songs is ‘Top Billin’ by your brothers, Audio Two. In that song Milk says”Mom and Dad they knew the time” which is really true because you guys were the first family in hip hop with you and your brothers MCing and DJing and your parents running the label. How did that situation come about?

MC Lyte: Actually Milk and Giz are totally like my brothers but they are not my blood brothers but I was basically raised within that family.

HalftimeOnline: Wow, I’m pretty sure everyone thinks they are your brothers!

MC Lyte: Their father Nat Robinson was pretty much like a dad to me but the only blood folks in the music family are actually those three, Milk, Giz and Nat Robinson. But in every way possible I felt like I was part of my family. How it turned out for the guys was they wanted to do a record and Nat Robinson had a whole lot of money due to being part of some really monumental moves in not only entertainment but the technology world so he was able to fund their mission. Within it they decided they wanted to start a label and a good friend of mine that I went to elementary and junior high school with called me up, because we used to rhyme together, and said they were looking for a female MC and did I want to come by the studio. He literally came and got me from Brooklyn and not in a car when I say came and got me he walked to my house! Then we walked to the train station and took it to the Staten Island ferry downtown. Then we took the ferry over to Staten Island and the Robinsons picked us up and took us to the studio and that’s where it all happened.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
Says the BRIT....Makes sense

FYI - Just cause your album is trash doesn't mean YOU are wack.
Could mean you didn't have the PRODUCTION. Some of the BEST MC's
ain't have good albums....Fab will ROAST 99% of the MC's out here but ain't have a good album yet.
Fuck you know about Hip Hop?

Ya ass probably thought this JUNK was hot - FOH

The fucking Sentinelese tribe could hear the difference between your homegirl and the quality of MC Lyte.
I'm sorry if that's so difficult for you to deal with, but hey...the world cant expect much from an R&B thug.
I'm genuinely sorry, really I am.

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
The fucking Sentinelese tribe could hear the difference between your homegirl and the quality of MC Lyte.
I'm sorry if that's so difficult for you to deal with, but hey...the world cant expect much from an R&B thug.
I'm genuinely sorry, really I am.

Says the Brit....makes sense

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Says the BRIT....Makes sense

FYI - Just cause your album is trash doesn't mean YOU are wack.
Could mean you didn't have the PRODUCTION. Some of the BEST MC's
ain't have good albums....Fab will ROAST 99% of the MC's out here but ain't have a good album yet.
Fuck you know about Hip Hop?

Ya ass probably thought this JUNK was hot - FOH

Fab first album was good

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
BTW, how come they never labelled dudes like that blonde nigga gay back in the day? Some niggas probably burned all their club gear and patent leather shoes to change up their history, lmbao!



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Ummm No, Don't know WHEN that shit reached you but I was here at ground zero and saw everything transpire.
Antoinette was totally different lyrically. She was from the Bronx which was (at the time) WAYYYY more respected than Brooklyn . MC Lyte's lyrics and flow is play school compared to Antoinette's. Listen to how many times she switched flows in "an attitude". Listen to the metaphors...they non-existent with Lyte
Problem was is Lyte had a better team behind her.

some good points made here


Renegade of this atomic age


I'm just here to listen to the dialogue...

I wasn't affected by these two ARCH NEMESISes as strongly as some of you who were in NY, but I was definitely WATCHING!

I was actually one of the few in my loop who gave a damn about them (couldn't download SHIT back then)...

Y'all are taking me down memory lane...


On a flip note though, MILK D (her brother) had a nice approach too...

(Maybe production DID play a part)...


