Good job! Great motivation!Day 31
76 pages completed.
Didn't hit my 90 page target, but I still consider this exercise a success. It's the most productive I've been in ages. The trick is to ignore the part of your brain that constantly wants to go back and edit stuff. Accept the flaws in your script, keep pushing, and write whether you feel inspired or not. Obviously, it's a lot harder than it sounds, but the more you work it it, the easier it gets. Once you're done, put on the editor's hat and have at that script.
Anyway, I'm definitely doing this again, probably in March.
I experienced this first hand. I dove straight in writing and when I got to the end of the first act I had to stop. I knew the beginning and end, but the middle... not so much.
So Sunday is March 1st... anybody willing to try the Screenplay in a Month Challenge?
Same rules as before:
1) Write a feature length script, 90 pages minimum, in a month
2) It must be an original idea. No sequels, reboots, or adaptations.
You don't need to buy fancy software like Final Draft. Free stuff like Celtx and Trelby do the job just fine. Screenplay format is not that complicated.
We're not trying to crank out an Oscar quality script here. Just focus on a daily goal of three pages a day. Don't worry about getting the best joke, craziest action sequence, or mind-blowing plot twist in your first draft. Write anything and everything that comes to mind. Fill up the page, edit later.
So who's down this time?
Day 13: 31 pages total.
Started the week off slowly, but got into a good rhythm. Still need to pick up the pace though. Did a better job coming up with big moments that happen every 10 pages or so. Also, not in a hurry to quickly solve every problem the story introduces. Taking time to build suspense.
With the current pandemic happening around the world im surprised no one's attempted(yet) to write a screenplay based off of it..
I’m adapting my original screenplay. I’m on page twelve. I’ll be making more adjustments as I go. This is the perfect time to work on something like this. You may want to enter your script into Script Pipeline’s contest. There is a 25,000 dollar award. That doesn’t count what could happen if your movie is put into production.
I’m not sure if it’s still the case, but you can also pay for their critique of your script. Don’t forget to copyright your work with WGA.
Good looking out, but my script is nowhere ready for contests at this point. Speaking of contests, The Nicholl Fellowship has a prize worth $35,000.
April 9th is the regular deadline ($63)
May 1st is the final deadline ($88)
It's the most respected screenwriting contest in Hollywood. Just making the finals usually translates into phone calls/emails from producers, agents, and managers. It's also one of the few contests where winning and high placing scripts have actually been made into movies (Finding Forrester, Akeelah and the Bee, Short Term 12, etc). Anyone who's made under $25,000 (lifetime total) as a writer can enter.
Some things to consider:
- Their focus is on writing ability, not box office potential of the script.
- It's not ideal for first time writers still trying to figure things out. You're competing against a lot of talented and seasoned screenwriters.
More than anything, it's a way to gauge you stand against your peers. You might not make it past the first round, only 5 percent do, but get a note saying you just missed the cut or the script got positive reads. At the same time, it's not the end all, be all of your writing future. Some writers have entered scripts that went nowhere in the contest, but were able to land managers/agents/meetings with the same script. However, if you can afford it, shoot your shot...
I fleshed out the majority of my story. ( Thanks to the video suggestions in this thread)
I got some killer ideas. I had started on one script but no connections. What I need to know is how to really write the scripts, get them copyrighted and where to try to sell them at?Yeah I've written feature length screnplays, have one some awards for short films I also produced.
Syd Fields Screenplay is my main book but i have a few others.
I'd like to see some of those as ebooks as well.
Maybe I find them on rapidshare.