Anybody seen these weird ass drones flying over NYC?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Trump cabinet is starting to look like the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm saying... where are all those brothas who stumped for him? All that bootlicking to still be exactly where they were.
During an alien invasion leave niccas to find a way to blame 2% of blk males for Kamala losing. Cmon son

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
Dipshit. You don't shoot down something that isn't a clear and present danger and you know nothing about.
What if it had nuclear material inside? SMH. Get back to uber eats my nigga. This ain't for you.

Why are you so unhappy? Like damn, add something of value or let the thread breathe bro

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
STFU. You do the same.
I literally educated the ignorant.
If you don't see the value in that go fuck yourself.

Damn bitch. Your period doesn't have to be this stressful. its 2024


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
like I said bunch of vids showing electronic devices going crazy from the “drones” know what historically made electronics go bananas when they were around from reports cough cough ufos
Either Elons a alien. Or he done started some shit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Still no updates?!?!?
You’re over a month late… government and officials trying to avoid topic, give vague responses, claiming they looking into it, are unsure, or claiming people are lying or overhyping things or mistaken objects for planes… which means it’s definitely something going down and they want people to keep their blindfolds on

more likely more than drones.. definitely upgraded tech, not sure if it’s from other entities that ain’t human or are human or mix with both.. but there’s definitely a bigger purpose for these sightings

all I have to say look whose about to get into office.. if you go about old extraterrestrial history/ideology/folklore whenever a potential threat to mankind appears they tend to step in or observe from afar.. reports of “drones” flying over his golf course and them appearing at military bases.. ask yourself why

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
You’re over a month late… government and officials trying to avoid topic, give vague responses, claiming they looking into it, are unsure, or claiming people are lying or overhyping things or mistaken objects for planes… which means it’s definitely something going down and they want people to keep their blindfolds on

more likely more than drones.. definitely upgraded tech, not sure if it’s from other entities that ain’t human or are human or mix with both.. but there’s definitely a bigger purpose for these sightings

all I have to say look whose about to get into office.. if you go about old extraterrestrial history/ideology/folklore whenever a potential threat to mankind appears they tend to step in or observe from afar.. reports of “drones” flying over his golf course and them appearing at military bases.. ask yourself why



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This hearing is crazy. The agencies are telling them they don't know what it is. The republican lawmakers are insinuating it's ISIS or Iran. No matter what, folks are gonna get their talking points off. This country is cooked one way or the other.
