Anyone investing heavily this year??

How much money did you lose/gain this past week?

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Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
you have courage my friend. i don't do penny stocks. i am petrified of them

Me too at this point, not really my thing.. I've come to learn I don't have the patience for a lot of this (trading). But the comparison to PACB and the interest from ARK and Vanguard won me over. I made a little profit off PACB a few months back and was actually thinking about re-investing in them.

I'm playing with midget cash in my trading account but had some sitting around staring at me so figured why not. Might be a longer term hold here.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
December 31 - short selling day of the year


Was just gonna ask: historically this must be a great day (or week?) to buy huh? Because of tax sell offs too?

I got some orders in this morning while shit was on sale and may def keep this in mind next year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was just gonna ask: historically this must be a great day (or week?) to buy huh? Because of tax sell offs too?

I got some orders in this morning while shit was on sale and may def keep this in mind next year.
Correct. This is also discount day because it is the last day to sell to procure tax loss. Big stocks that dropped and never recovered during COVID should be at an even bigger discount today.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
Correct. This is also discount day because it is the last day to sell to procure tax loss. Big stocks that dropped and never recovered during COVID should be at an even bigger discount today.

I noticed all of the ARK ETFs have been down this week. Bought some more ARKK, as well as SPYG and DKNG for the new year.

Happy NEW Year to all you brothas. Thanks again for all the tips and guidance and let's keep this snowball rolling downhill in 2021. Cheers :cheers:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That day was the 29th
.. everything now counts for next year
This is my understanding as well. Due to the holiday tomorrow settlement dates are extended. Even though you may sell today that sale won’t settle until Monday Jan. 4th. The last day for stocks was the 29th and last day for options was yesterday.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not in the United States. See direct from the IRS website:

“Do not confuse the trade date with the settlement date, which is the date by which the stock must be delivered and payment must be made.

You are a cash method, calendar year taxpayer. You sold stock on December 31, 2019. According to the rules of the stock exchange, the sale was closed by delivery of the stock and payment of the sale price in January 2020. You received payment of the sale price on that same day. Report your gain or loss on your 2019 return, even though you received the payment in 2020. The gain or loss is long term or short term depending on whether you held the stock more than 1 year. Your holding period ended on December 31.”

Looks like you are correct

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
I just wanted to say this has been an eye opening year. Learned a thing or two about options and swing trading that made quick money. Props to you guys dropping knowledge in this thread. I figure I drop my best stock plays for 2020:

Overall portfolio return for 2020 (everything... 2 401ks, Roth and Trad IRAs, 2 Brokerage Accounts)

All Accounts

Brokerage (Heavy ETFs/MFs and some equities)

Granted I'm not as brave as some in this thread. I did try my hand at swing trading in my secondary Brokerage account, but I invested mainly for long term. As long as I'm ahead of the S&P, I'm good with that.

My best 2020 long term holds

$DIS @92.95 in 2020 (currently 181.18)
$CLF @3.14 in 2020 (currently 14.72, though it was a frustrating journey)
$AMD...Bought a chunk back in 2016. Still riding.
$UNH... Same as $AMD
$AAPL... Same as $AMD, even though it's been a grind after the stock split. Added an additional $10k post split.

Worst loss in 2020

Holding $ABT call options before an earnings call. Positive news followed by a selloff.

Regrets in 2020

Not going in on $TSLA
Not being aggressive enough when the market bottomed out in March.
Fucking up a few options trades early on getting my feet wet, lol.
Obviously BTC...
Not believing in $NIO (had maybe $1k-2k @19 something; sold at $45)

Hopefully this post inspired others to share their triumphs and what they've learned in 2020.
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Bad Andy

No time for a 304
BGOL Investor
This has been a great thread and I would like to thank all of you for all the good posts and information here. I started this Journey in August and have made over 10k in profits without really knowing what the hell I was doing. 2021 I’m clearing my head and coming in with a game plan.

It’s interesting that I see some of you posting some crazy stuff in other threads, then see you here and I gotta give you all nuff props and respect. Not only the guys that know what they are talking about but also the bros in my shoes just trying to play catch up. Thank you!!!
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Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
Im gonna try.. for now he saying beef up my dividend stocks. I been working on that for a few weeks now already. Gonna do the 25 then 50. Im not a rich dude, but iim trying to be more successful at making what little money i do have work for me while i sleep!!
True, its not about the quantity, its about the percentage gain. If your money can make more than what it does sitting in the bank, you win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad I found this thread! I have been investing for a while but got really interested in trading in the middle of the pandemic like so many others. Major props to @Tito_Jackson for putting me on to options and to all the others that shared YouTube channels, technical analysis and other resources. I went from losing 25% of my account from June thru August to growing the account 272% from September through December. I never put in any additional money during that time because I wanted to prove to myself that I could be consistent. I have enjoyed the journey and all the lessons along the way. I am looking to really build on it in 2021 and will be adding money regularly to trade.


Chopping it up
My goal is $20k this month! Using $9k of my money. I am running with IPOC to get me a fast start come Jan. 6. I have 600 shares. I will use this as my case study. I have other stocks and options, but I'm just focusing on this.
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Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
Everyone post your dumbest losing trades :yes: here is mine below. this is when the greed sets in you start making dumb moves like i did with these trades here

Worst option trade, Jan 15 FDX
290 call after it dropped on earnings for $640, sold it for $280. I just knew it would recover... Nope.

Worst stock trade, bought 200 of WKHS after a short sellers hit piece about contract delay. Avg down a few times, ended up with 400 shares. Lost $900. Lesson learned.


International Member
Everyone post your dumbest losing trades :yes: here is mine below. this is when the greed sets in you start making dumb moves like i did with these trades here

Could have made a killing by listening to Ray Dalio but emotions got the better of me
The saying is true "Buy Options insurance when it's cheap"

The 2 SPX Dec 18 1080 puts that I bought for 0.95 and exited due an error during order entry on Feb 28 are now worth 17.35.
That's a 1800 % gain that I left :smh:

SO I today pocketed a small gain on the SPY may 15 185 put.