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Migrants from west Africa being ‘sold in Libyan slave markets’

UN migration agency says selling of people is rife in African nation that has slid into violent chaos since overthrow of Gaddafi

West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya, survivors have told a UN agency helping them return home.

Trafficked people passing through Libya have previously reported violence, extortion and slave labour. But the new testimony from the International Organization for Migration suggests that the trade in human beings has become so normalised that people are being traded in public.

“The latest reports of ‘slave markets’ for migrants can be added to a long list of outrages [in Libya],” said Mohammed Abdiker, IOM’s head of operation and emergencies. “The situation is dire. The more IOM engages inside Libya, the more we learn that it is a vale of tears for all too many migrants.”

The north African nation is a major exit point for refugees from Africa trying to take boats to Europe. But since the overthrow of autocratic leader Muammar Gaddafi, the vast, sparsely populated country has slid into violent chaos and migrants with little cash and usually no papers are particularly vulnerable.

One 34-year-old survivor from Senegal said he was taken to a dusty lot in the south Libyan city of Sabha after crossing the desert from Niger in a bus organised by people smugglers. The group had paid to be taken to the coast, where they planned to risk a boat trip to Europe, but their driver suddenly said middlemen had not passed on his fees and put his passengers up for sale.

“The men on the pick-up were brought to a square, or parking lot, where a kind of slave trade was happening. There were locals – he described them as Arabs – buying sub-Saharan migrants,” said Livia Manante, an IOM officer based in Niger who helps people wanting to return home.

She interviewed the survivor after he escaped from Libya earlier this month and said accounts of slave markets were confirmed by other migrants she spoke to in Niger and some who had been interviewed by colleagues in Europe.

“Several other migrants confirmed his story, independently describing kinds of slave markets as well as kinds of private prisons all over in Libya,” Manente said. “IOM Italy has confirmed that this story is similar to many stories reported by migrants and collected at landing points in southern Italy, including the slave market reports. This gives more evidence that the stories reported are true, as the stories of those who managed to cross-match those who are returning back to their countries.”

After his sale, the Senegalese migrant was taken to a makeshift prison of a kind that has been well documented in Libya. Those held inside are forced to work without pay, or on meagre rations, and their captors regularly call family at home demanding a ransom. His captors asked for 300,000 west African francs (about £380), then sold him on to a larger jail where the demand doubled without explanation.

Men who lingered there too long without the ransom being paid were taken away and killed, he said. Some wasted away on meagre rations in unsanitary conditions, dying of hunger and disease, but overall numbers never fell. “If the number of migrants goes down, because of death or someone is ransomed, the kidnappers just go to the market and buy one,” Manente said.
His terrified family began scraping together loans. As he spoke fluent English, French and some local languages, he translated for his jailers to win time for relatives to collect the money.

Many other migrants flee Libya with similar stories, said Giuseppe Loprete, chief of mission at IOM Niger. “Its very clear they see themselves as being treated as slaves,” he said.

Loprete’s office has arranged for the repatriation of 1,500 people in the first three months of this year – almost the same number as in the whole of 2015. He fears more horrors are likely to emerge.

“There are now more migrants coming back from Libya, so that’s also why all these stories are coming to the surface,” he said. “And conditions are worsening in Libya so I think we can also expect more in the coming months.”

Even growing international awareness of the problems migrants face is being exploited. IOM has had credible reports of criminals posing as aid groups that help migrants to lure in people who have escaped or bought their freedom and want to return home.

The organisation is working to spread awareness across west Africa of the horrors of the journey through the personal stories of those who return. Though most migrants know the boat trips to Europe are extremely risky, fewer realise they may face even worse dangers in Libya before even reaching the coast.

“Tragically, the most credible messengers are migrants returning home with IOM help,” said spokesman Leonard Doyle. “Too often they are broken, brutalised and have been abused. Their voices carry more weight than anyone else’s.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
in 2017 black folk allow this shit
Our taxes paid for this. They used Obama as a black personality for this. Shit seemed like it was planned just like the genocide of Rwanda was planned. Cynthia Mckinney risked her life trying to make the press cover the genocide of blacks going on in Libya while they were looking for Gaddafi. The press made up a story that the so called rebels were killing black mercenaries in Gaddafi army. And he may have had black mercenaries or he may not have but they put this story out to get away from the real genocide. They were not killing mercenaries they were killing anybody black. There are some video clips still on youtube of them hunting down blacks and killing them. And boats of blacks trying to get out of Libya.
They was raping black women and killing as many blacks as they could get to. America and NATO set this up. They helped in this plot. And it seems the whole idea came from them. No matter what these super white devils do all we know is to obey laws work and pay taxes so they can keep dominating and killing us. There may be no real money in trying to separate but some of us keep trying. Things will always go certain ways as long as we stay controlled by them.
Friends of Obama had blacks put in cages and put on public display like the black zoos white use to have. They did this when they had to slow down on the genocide some.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The genocide of blacks was going on before they captured Gaddafi, and it was like it was planned. We were saying fuck the blacks being killed our job is to rob Libya. And it happened.
They had boats of blacks all across the waters trying to get out of Libya. The blacks on the boats were dying from thirst and hunger but still to scared to go back to Libya.
The American military is to protect this white empire and whiteness. That is why we cannot help ourselves or any of our kind around the world.

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Rising Star
Come on, bro.

How in the FUCK is this still happening???

Right after the Nazi's surrendered, GI's stationed in war torn Europe where buying women for chocolate bars and MRE's .

Hell in a thread yesterday cats were talking about how in Venezuela you could probably get pussy for pennies on the dollar now due to it's collapsed economy.

EVERYTHING is for sale in a broken country. Human trafficking is a business.

*two cents*


Rising Star
Stuff like this been going on forever. There is slavery in Mauritania (North West Africa) as well. They officially abolished slavery in 1980 but didn't shit change. The US turns a blind eye as long as the government promises to help them with information on ISIS in the area.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Obama and Hillary need to make a statement on this...Obama because he said it would be a personal insult if Black people didn't come out and vote for Hillary...Hillary because she went out of her way to pander to the Black a Black man it is a personal insult to me that my tax dollars were used to remove a regime that resulted in the normalization of Black slavery without any demands or restrictions put in place as a condition for "help"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is fucked up.

1. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the brothers here criticizing Obama would also criticize on some "we shouldn't police the world" tip if our Gov went after everything. But most importantly, blame the people who created the trade and are involved in the trade first.

2. What do people think of the sex trafficking (which is basically sexual slavery) here in the US?


BGOL Investor
Funny how these so called dictators kept order until they no longer wanted any parts of the US fuckery and wanted to stand on their own feet.. Hence Kadafi saying fuck us currency and instead wanted to move to the euro and unify African nations on banking...

Pres O good fuckin job with that Kadafi wasn't the problem


Support BGOL
Qaddafi was a threat to central bankers when he started

talkin about using his own backed money instead of u.s dollars, that was a big threat to the central banking mafia...

its fucked up, but news flash they still have slave plantations in this country, we just call it prisons...

See, western CACs know how to still be on their bullshit, but deceive onlookers. This is why so many of our people have drunk the fucking Kool-Aid. They make it look one way, when its really another. Unfortunately, so few people really see how deep the rabbit hole goes, that when they do speak on the shit, their own people will look at them as extremist nutjobs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and this shouldnt be a shock to anyone who knows

what is really going on.

them sand crackers always had slavery, they advertise

for cheap labor, and a lot of african bruhs and sisters be leaving their families..

to take the job offer, when they get to their destination

in places like saudi arabia, they take their passports, and their life of hell begins..

from what I understand most of the workers come from ethiopia and somlia,

it was so bad, I think the kenyan govt banned its citizens from taking job offers in those places..


Rising Star
I try to step over these traps.

Traps baited with labels that are meant to invoke an emotional response.

People exploit the weak and vulnerable - everywhere.

Black folks have been weak and vulnerable for a long time now. We have many exploiters.

Whoever is willing to come among Black folks can and will exploit Black folks: Whites, Jews, Arabs, Indians, Koreans, Chinese or Other Blacks.

This is a human trait and not an ethnic or religion or racial trait.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Qaddafi was a threat to central bankers when he started

talkin about using his own backed money instead of u.s dollars, that was a big threat to the central banking mafia...

its fucked up, but news flash they still have slave plantations in this country, we just call it prisons...
Those plantations are steady growing. Arabs countries do not see blacks as humans but as less and in there way. America is cool with us right now because they have the white control and whiteness is all we can promote. Sudan, and other areas will kill blacks before they allow any appearance of real blackness coming to power.
My greatest struggle is to raise up real black power right here in the dirty south.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is fucked up.

1. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the brothers here criticizing Obama would also criticize on some "we shouldn't police the world" tip if our Gov went after everything. But most importantly, blame the people who created the trade and are involved in the trade first.

2. What do people think of the sex trafficking (which is basically sexual slavery) here in the US?
Big people are in the sex trafficking business. DynCorp gets contracts from the government and protection to traffic women and little girls all over the world. They have a body that in order to be in it you got to have sex with children. And they have some people that can go to places all over the world and get any age of sex they want and as many of the different ones as they want.
The only ones to ever get prosecuted is the ones not backed by them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If you don't have guns and the will to die to protect your family....

Shit won't ever stop.

When Clinton was mocking the death of ghadafi, on live TV like it was a fucking fairy tale, I knew that butch was in trouble


Rising Star
Those plantations are steady growing. Arabs countries do not see blacks as humans but as less and in there way. America is cool with us right now because they have the white control and whiteness is all we can promote. Sudan, and other areas will kill blacks before they allow any appearance of real blackness coming to power.
My greatest struggle is to raise up real black power right here in the dirty south.

Bruh, Arabs ain't stupid. Whites ain't stupid. People ain't stupid.
They are all fully aware of the humanity of Black People.

They hope Blacks don't know who and what we are - the best example of Humanity.

Everybody else knows that Black people are like that pretty ass chick with low self esteem. Everybody knows that they must keep us (mentally and emotionally) down or else we will rise to the top.

Most Arabs know they have some Black blood too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those plantations are steady growing. Arabs countries do not see blacks as humans but as less and in there way. America is cool with us right now because they have the white control and whiteness is all we can promote. Sudan, and other areas will kill blacks before they allow any appearance of real blackness coming to power.
My greatest struggle is to raise up real black power right here in the dirty south.

yea they are still racist as shit and treat "blacks" in their own religion as inferior, but from what I understand its mostly those "blacks" who are not muslims that really get the short end of the stick...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A little off subject but do y'all remember Ursher and Beyonce having to give up money they received from Khadafi.

I just remembered that but these folks getting all kind of money from Putin and it's all good.
I did not know that. When Bush first got in office his thing was to promote Christianity. And money from tax payers was to promote this while it was to be kept away from Islam. The same as when they started cranking up this war on terrorism.
When Bush was running for president the first time one of my customers came by and said he was in a hurry, he had to get to B'ham to vote for Bush. I said to myself this is a black man totally out of his mind. And he proved it to me later.
Christianity is no different than any other white supremacy organizations.
Gaddafi was the only Arab leader that apologized for their participation in the slave trade. And actually viewed blacks as humans. He tried to support certain countries empowering themselves.
When the troops went to Kuwait they wanted to give every solider that came to help them 10 thousand dollars. But the president said no they are not mercenaries. It has always been about support of whiteness and blocking real blackness.
Elijah was right we got to get a part of this earth to call our own and that is not controlled by a white reality. If not we are doomed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yea they are still racist as shit and treat "blacks" in their own religion as inferior, but from what I understand its mostly those "blacks" who are not muslims that really get the short end of the stick...
That is true. I was in prison with an Arab and they only have some respect for the blacks that follow their religion. In America when Elijah son took over the Nation Of Islam. There was a billionaire from over there that told him do not worry about money I will give you money to destroy your father's work and build Islam the Arab way here in America. That was the fall of the Nation of Islam and the rise of Sunni Islam in America.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That is true. I was in prison with an Arab and they only have some respect for the blacks that follow their religion. In America when Elijah son took over the Nation Of Islam. There was a billionaire from over there that told him do not worry about money I will give you money to destroy your father's work and build Islam the Arab way here in America. That was the fall of the Nation of Islam and the rise of Sunni Islam in America.

I think the real fall of the noi is when the killed qadaffi,

once that happend they had to turn to scientology for funding..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the real fall of the noi is when the killed qadaffi,

once that happend they had to turn to scientology for funding..
I did not know that. I remember Farrakhan saying they had planned to make a movie about Elijah before Spike Lee came up with his movie. And that he had went to the middle east to get the funding for it.
The thing that trip me out about Gaddafi is that he ran Libya better than America could ever be. And him being the only Arab leader to apologize for their part in the slave trade and him seeing blacks as humans they showed the other Arab leaders that respecting blacks will get you no where. And being real can get you killed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I did not know that. I remember Farrakhan saying they had planned to make a movie about Elijah before Spike Lee came up with his movie. And that he had went to the middle east to get the funding for it.
The thing that trip me out about Gaddafi is that he ran Libya better than America could ever be. And him being the only Arab leader to apologize for their part in the slave trade and him seeing blacks as humans they showed the other Arab leaders that respecting blacks will get you no where. And being real can get you killed.

Qadaffi wanted to united africa and that scared the shit out of european countries that rape africa on the daily..

he wasnt perfect but he was too much of a threat for western powers,

he had too much fuck you money and gold!!

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Only people I despise are much as white people are those filthy fucking treacherous arabs and their offspring. Fucking devils. African needs to cleansed of them from Morocco to Israel.

in 2017 Muslim folk allow this shit

The Muslims are allowing that shit yet idiots over here and in many other places abroad are crying for anti Islamaphobia. smfh Those slaves sold are castrated in the case of the men and the women are sold as sex slaves/servants. That's what those filthy sand devils been doing for over a thousand years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Right after the Nazi's surrendered, GI's stationed in war torn Europe where buying women for chocolate bars and MRE's .

Hell in a thread yesterday cats were talking about how in Venezuela you could probably get pussy for pennies on the dollar now due to it's collapsed economy.

EVERYTHING is for sale in a broken country. Human trafficking is a business.

*two cents*

I knew an old WW2 vet who loved to brag about the things he stole from Germans while he was there.

He also chuckled as he said how easy it was to get sex from German girls at the end of the war, i.e. they were so desperate for food and supplies that they would do anything to get it.

The stories he told me had me like :smh:

The Soviets just outright raped them.
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Only people I despise are much as white people are those filthy fucking treacherous arabs and their offspring. Fucking devils. African needs to cleansed of them from Morocco to Israel.

The Muslims are allowing that shit yet idiots over here and in many other places abroad are crying for anti Islamaphobia. smfh Those slaves sold are castrated in the case of the men and the women are sold as sex slaves/servants. That's what those filthy sand devils been doing for over a thousand years.

Yeah, I'm sick of that shit. Like you said, sand cacs been doing it for well over 1000 fucking years. And yet these fucking hippies over here want us to feel sorry for arab muslims. These arabs invaded Africa once again in the 7th century and have brought nothing but fuckery.

I posted about how black Africans were being treated in Libya and Iraq when the ban went down and people were :crying: for those arabs. :smh: Libya was executing refugees, but they want sympathy here. In Iraq, black Iraqis are treated like shit, but Iraqis want sympathy. Then they got black folks mind fucked with their religion.