I don't mean to sound like a bigot.
Sometimes, truth is simply unfortunate in that it remains true whether one likes it or not.
Arabs have essentially had a parasitic relationship, at best, with Black people for centuries.
This is not hyperbole.
I talked to an (AFROCENTRIC!) Black woman before the election, who was questioning whether she should vote.
She said because of the Palestinians. I asked her what a Palestinian had ever done for her, and she said it did not matter; they are still human beings.
That statement alone is sufficient fodder for my political stance with respect to this. She considered the HUMANITY OF THE OPPRESSOR, WHILE IGNORING THE HUMANITY OF HER OWN SUFFERING PEOPLE.
I do not know why Black people do this. NOBODY else on the planet, to my knowledge, cares more for his oppressor than himself.
But I will countenance it no more.
It is unacceptable. Bottom line: Arabs are NO friends of Black peoples ANYWHERE. Period.