Are Single BLK Mothers DESTROYING their sons?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Confronting me with my own words is not a problem.

It is kind of the reason I write them.

You cannot reconcile the statements? Too far a leap
your remaining brain cell? Don't know what reconcile means?
Of course not.

I will make it easy:

Most stereotypes are based in truth, truth stretched beyond reasonable limits.
Black women have a nasty reputation in the USA, partially deserved.


Stupid motherfuckers making babies and refusing to support them, leaving the mother to do
what has to be done. This is the crucible in which the "strong black woman", or "overbearing bitch",
depending upon one's point of view, is born.

You have been asked several times about your stats.

You have failed to respond. Again.

Which means it is just shit you made up.

According to your bovine excrement molded to resemble statistics, the vast majority
of the black population in the USA are first cousins. This is stupid beyond the scope
of reasonability.

You are loud, obnoxious, insult anyone who disagrees with you, and you pull shit out of
your ass and call it fact.

I'd rather be called "cac" any day of any week than be you.

You are an idiot.
you made up your own arguments. lol. You are actually more dense than I thought.
typical CAC that think he's smarter than other people but you failed to respond to your lies from before.
I don't have to prove my stats. That doesn't mean I made them up. That's the most idiotic logic I ever heard.
Just to prove my point for a dumbass like you:

It's on, a site by black people. Damn, there goes that weak argument you had. Instead of attacking the truth, you should stop making emotional based arguments because you feel a certain way. I know it's hard since you were probably raised by a single woman.

BUT to further prove you're a dumbass:

black males are 48% of the black population, women are 52%. half the black men don't have kids. Numbers alone say the majority of the blame goes to women, idiot.

I swear, people are fucking retarded. Emotional based and trying to use more sophisticated words to mask their ignorance. reconcile is not a difficult word, idiot. I can run circles around you.

Numbers don't lie. Anything you say against that it's fabricated bullshit that doesn't deter the facts.
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Rising Star
That argument is dumb and lame. Do you think only black men are splashing off in these ho’s? Why aren’t white and Asian women leading the charge in single motherhood? Simple! They are career women who decide to have children the right way... they finish school, get married and start families. You don’t hear whites, chinks, and even latino women saying how they don’t need no man and shit.

I bet you 500 large that if they reduce child support to 10% of your net instead of 17% of your gross, black women wouldn’t lead the charge in single motherhood. Trust me! Most have these kids as a come up (including some of you niggas moms)
I really have no idea what you are talking about, like seriously; Im not arguing anything so dont know what you are trying to say; I think you need to reread the posts and then understand what was said before responding...


Rising Star
That argument is dumb and lame. Do you think only black men are splashing off in these ho’s? Why aren’t white and Asian women leading the charge in single motherhood? Simple! They are career women who decide to have children the right way... they finish school, get married and start families. You don’t hear whites, chinks, and even latino women saying how they don’t need no man and shit.

I bet you 500 large that if they reduce child support to 10% of your net instead of 17% of your gross, black women wouldn’t lead the charge in single motherhood. Trust me! Most have these kids as a come up (including some of you niggas moms)
First, I didn’t know they were leading such a charge. Second, child support has to actually be paid in order for such a thing to have an affect. Third, you assume that child support is a big amount for all, or most who receive ot.


Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
Nah, we have some that do but black men not in their kids lives is a much bigger problem.
Who chose those particular men tho? You would have to fight most black men I know to keep them out of their kids lives.

tthe real problem is believing these female contrived narratives and absolving them of any responsibility to pick better mates.


Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
Why chose to impregnate a woman you don't want to be with long term in the first place?

Yeah there are dumb dudes in the world, and there are also good dudes. Bitches who wind up with the dirt bag chose the dirt bag.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Why chose to impregnate a woman you don't want to be with long term in the first place?
Choosing to fuck and choosing to impregnate are two different things, and if you don't know the difference between the two then I see a long road of poverty ahead for you.
Here's a hint, most women who confuse a good fuck with a guy who wants to be the parent of their child will forgo all methods of protection from unwanted pregnancies, increasing the odds of poverty, drug use, and gang activity in the kid (according to all data).
While the smarter woman, who understands the consequences of poor decisions would never allow herself to get knocked up by a deadbeat, even though she may fuck the same guys.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah there are dumb dudes in the world, and there are also good dudes. Bitches who wind up with the dirt bag chose the dirt bag.
Choosing to fuck and choosing to impregnate are two different things, and if you don't know the difference between the two then I see a long road of poverty ahead for you.
Here's a hint, most women who confuse a good fuck with a guy who wants to be the parent of their child will forgo all methods of protection from unwanted pregnancies, increasing the odds of poverty, drug use, and gang activity in the kid (according to all data).
While the smarter woman, who understands the consequences of poor decisions would never allow herself to get knocked up by a deadbeat, even though she may fuck the same guys.

you guys are still missing the point...or ignoring it on purpose.. In the grand scheme of it all you still dismiss the man's responsibility in the whole equation. "some men are dumb :rolleyes: " well thats a handwave off... thats completely dismissing his part in creating this 80% child out of wedlock crisis cacs been crowing about for the last 40 years.

She needs to make better choices...she needs to think...she needs to consider... well what the hell does he need to do??? It doesn't matter if one man impregnates 100 women that man STILL has a responsibility. And for some reason you all think all these women either know each other or know of each other and are doing all of this on purpose because black women are just stupid like that.

Man 1 lives in NY and gets woman A pregnant....then fucks woman B...well woman B may know woman A but thinks he's going to be different with her.

Then he fucks woman C...well woman C doesn't know about A and B...then he visits his cousin in Florida and meets and fucks woman D well she lives in another STATE and has no clue about A, B, and C.

We're up to at least 4 kids by four different women and you all say ALL FOUR of those women are stupid for fucking Man1....well what about Man1? well he's just dumb:rolleyes:.

And you guys don't see the issue here??
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Rising Star
Funny how you don’t understand once your argument is destroyed. You were blaming the men for not being there.... I simply stated that it’s not only black women who get pregnant while single! However, they are the MAIN ones having these kids while single. Asians and whites wouldn’t do such a thing (as a whole) because they want to make something out of their lives. This is why 74% of black kids are from single mothers. Having these kids guarantees them free money (child support, government assistance) and that’s all that matters
Are you ok seriously. You didn't destroy anything and clearly you don't know how to read. I wasn't blaming the men. I was clearly stating it takes 2 to have a baby so it can't soley just be the woman's fought when it comes to the kids. Reading is fundamental and so is comprehension. Do both before you claim to destroy something lol. Shit is getting weirder on these bgol streets :smh:
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the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
you guys are still missing the point...or ignoring it on purpose.. In the grand scheme of it all you still dismiss the man's responsibility in the whole equation. "some men are dumb :rolleyes: " well thats a handwave off... thats completely dismissing his part in creating this 80% child out of wedlock crisis cacs been crowing about for the last 40 years.

She needs to make better choices...she needs to think...she needs to consider... well what the hell does he need to do??? It doesn't matter if one man impregnates 100 women that man STILL has a responsibility. And for some reason you all think all these women either know each other or know of each other and are doing all of this on purpose because black women are just stupid like that.

Man 1 lives in NY and gets woman A pregnant....then fucks woman B...well woman B may know woman A but thinks he's going to be different with her.

Then he fucks woman C...well woman C doesn't know about A and B...then he visits his cousin in Florida and meets and fucks woman D well she lives in another STATE and has clue about A, B, and C.

We're up to at least 4 kids by four different women and you all say ALL FOUR of those women are stupid for fucking Man1....well what about Man1? well he's just dumb:rolleyes:.

And you guys don't see the issue here??
In every civilization and most of the animal kingdom it is the responsibility of the woman to determine the addiquate choice to mate with, but some how, even with birth control and abortion you are saying its too difficult for black women?
We even have the institution of marriage to help her weed out the jack boys from the guys who want to be fathers. But here's where it get sad, most single mothers really believe they can be both a mother and father (just as long as her "papi" the white man is giving her government is footing the bill) so they believe that sperm is sperm, just as long as they get a nut out of it. This can explain why so many thugs, drug dealers and gangers have no problem knocking up three four and five different women, while most college grad black men don't have a single kid.
Now ask yourself this question, how does women of other races do it, when we all know they fuck just as much?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In every civilization and most of the animal kingdom it is the responsibility of the woman to determine the addiquate choice to mate with, but some how, even with birth control and abortion you are saying its too difficult for black women?
thats not true at all. In some cultures arranged marriage is the way...who consults with the women there?

We even have the institution of marriage to help her weed out the jack boys from the guys who want to be fathers.
For a long time women didn't have rights to determine whether or not they were going to become mothers and how many children they were going to have. In many culture the institution of marriage is in the man's favor or he has more rights than she does.

But here's where it get sad, most single mothers really believe they can be both a mother and father (just as long as her "papi" the white man is giving her government is footing the bill) so they believe that sperm is sperm, just as long as they get a nut out of it. This can explain why so many thugs, drug dealers and gangers have no problem knocking up three four and five different women, while most college grad black men don't have a single kid.
Now ask yourself this question, how does women of other races do it, when we all know they fuck just as much?
who said women in other races were happy with their situation??

During the ongoing Two Dessions, a proposal by Huang Xihua, a deputy to the National People's Congress has drawn attention, triggering heat debate online, which suggests that out-of-wedlock births should not be discriminated against in terms of the mothers receiving social benefits, such as the household registration document. Some support its progress in protecting women's rights, others argue the rule change may challenge traditional family values, or even encourage more cheating husbands to have children outside their marriage.

In fact, under Chinese law, unmarried women have the right to give birth, and children born out of wedlock are guaranteed the same rights as other children. The State Council issued a policy in 2016 to ensure that such children could apply for hukou, or household registration, under the name of their father or mother.

However, enforcement of such laws is weak at the provincial level due to the legacy of the one-child policy. Most provinces in China still fine unmarried mothers for giving birth. Of the 23 provinces in China that have policies on children born of wedlock, 20 still fine unmarried mothers for giving birth, according to financial news outlet Caixin.

Flora Liu, CEO of Joyview Education, strongly opposed the heavy fine that unmarried mothers in some parts of China should pay for giving birth, she believed every woman has her own fertility rights. “This is the fundamental human rights”, she said.
She also pointed out the changes in Chinese women during the past decades, who used to be dependent on men financially, now women are more independent, some want to have a child by egg-freezing and IVF (in-vitro fertilization) technology, which really challenges the “patriarchy society.”

Thats in china... What makes you think everyone is doing it right and black women are doing it wrong??
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the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
thats not true at all. In some cultures arranged marriage is the way...who consults with the women there?

For a long time women didn't have rights to determine whether or not they were going to become mothers and how many children they were going to have. In many culture the institution of marriage is in the man's favor or he has more rights than she does.

who said women in other races were happy with their situation??

During the ongoing Two Dessions, a proposal by Huang Xihua, a deputy to the National People's Congress has drawn attention, triggering heat debate online, which suggests that out-of-wedlock births should not be discriminated against in terms of the mothers receiving social benefits, such as the household registration document. Some support its progress in protecting women's rights, others argue the rule change may challenge traditional family values, or even encourage more cheating husbands to have children outside their marriage.

In fact, under Chinese law, unmarried women have the right to give birth, and children born out of wedlock are guaranteed the same rights as other children. The State Council issued a policy in 2016 to ensure that such children could apply for hukou, or household registration, under the name of their father or mother.

However, enforcement of such laws is weak at the provincial level due to the legacy of the one-child policy. Most provinces in China still fine unmarried mothers for giving birth. Of the 23 provinces in China that have policies on children born of wedlock, 20 still fine unmarried mothers for giving birth, according to financial news outlet Caixin.

Flora Liu, CEO of Joyview Education, strongly opposed the heavy fine that unmarried mothers in some parts of China should pay for giving birth, she believed every woman has her own fertility rights. “This is the fundamental human rights”, she said.
She also pointed out the changes in Chinese women during the past decades, who used to be dependent on men financially, now women are more independent, some want to have a child by egg-freezing and IVF (in-vitro fertilization) technology, which really challenges the “patriarchy society.”

Thats in china... What makes you think everyone is doing it right and black women are doing it wrong??
1- Arrange marragies, are rare but employs the same methodology of sorting out would be fathers from jackboys.
2- Who's happy/not happy in marragies is a non-sequator, save that argument for another day.
3- Lets stay on point, by answering why american black women are not employing proven techniques, to separate jack boys from real fathers, something that have we've been using for centuries, something you said was difficult and damn near impossible.


Rising Star
you guys are still missing the point...or ignoring it on purpose.. In the grand scheme of it all you still dismiss the man's responsibility in the whole equation. "some men are dumb :rolleyes: " well thats a handwave off... thats completely dismissing his part in creating this 80% child out of wedlock crisis cacs been crowing about for the last 40 years.

She needs to make better choices...she needs to think...she needs to consider... well what the hell does he need to do??? It doesn't matter if one man impregnates 100 women that man STILL has a responsibility. And for some reason you all think all these women either know each other or know of each other and are doing all of this on purpose because black women are just stupid like that.

Man 1 lives in NY and gets woman A pregnant....then fucks woman B...well woman B may know woman A but thinks he's going to be different with her.

Then he fucks woman C...well woman C doesn't know about A and B...then he visits his cousin in Florida and meets and fucks woman D well she lives in another STATE and has no clue about A, B, and C.

We're up to at least 4 kids by four different women and you all say ALL FOUR of those women are stupid for fucking Man1....well what about Man1? well he's just dumb:rolleyes:.

And you guys don't see the issue here??
It's called women bashing fam and it runs rampart on this board. Its ridiculous and its done overtly and subtly. We on a porn board. Peeps will post a gorgeous girl and mofos be like she got tats or she look crazy etc etc so I'll pass :hmm: shit like that to shit like it's the woman's fault for kids acting up is all over this board :smh:


Rising Star
Funny how you don’t understand once your argument is destroyed. You were blaming the men for not being there.... I simply stated that it’s not only black women who get pregnant while single! However, they are the MAIN ones having these kids while single. Asians and whites wouldn’t do such a thing (as a whole) because they want to make something out of their lives. This is why 74% of black kids are from single mothers. Having these kids guarantees them free money (child support, government assistance) and that’s all that matters
74% are born out of wedlock but 74% are not raised by single mothers alone. Those are two separate things.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1- Arrange marragies, are rare but employs the same methodology of sorting out would be fathers from jackboys.
2- Who's happy/not happy in marragies is a non-sequator, save that argument for another day.
3- Lets stay on point, by answering why american black women are not employing proven techniques, to separate jack boys from real fathers, something that have we've been using for centuries, something you said was difficult and damn near impossible.
1 - no it doesn't...the woman has no choice of who her husband will be and what kind of man he will be..thats determined FOR her. And in many cases the marriages arent happy ones...theyre just DOING IT not DIGGIN IT..dont mistake going along with something for the sake of cultural pressure for happiness.

2 - then whats the point of marriage as we understand it? Also you know in many cultures men can get married and STILL fuck around. And in many cultures its acceptable for that to happen. How does SHE feel about that?? Thats not relevant according to you.

3- what proven techniques would that be?? under what culture? european or west african or american?

You do realize how black women have been treated since arriving in america right? Forced to have to mate with whomever by someone elses demand.. Children taken from them and families separated. The man they DO want killed or sold or emasculated before them. The first baby-daddy/deadbeat father in any ADOS household was probably some european asshole and things only got worst or not better from there.

And youre sitting here talking about centuries old practices by other races in other countries....well the practices forced on american black women in THIS country are centuries old too...but somehow we're supposed to skip over that and think that doesn't have any effect on how things work today, right?
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the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
1 - no it doesn't...the woman has no choice of who her husband will be and what kind of man he will be..thats determined FOR her. And in many cases the marriages arent happy ones...theyre just DOING IT not DIGGIN IT..dont mistake going along with something for the sake of cultural pressure for happiness.

2 - then whats the point of marriage as we understand it? Also you know in many cultures men can get married and STILL fuck around. And in many cultures its acceptable for that to happen. How does SHE feel about that?? Thats not relevant according to you.

3- what proven techniques would that be?? under what culture? european or west african or american?

You do realize how black women have been treated since arriving in america right? Forced to have to mate with whomever by someone elses demand.. Children taken from them and families separated. The man they DO want killed or sold or emasculated before them. The first baby-daddy/deadbeat father in any ADOS household was probably some european asshole and things only got worst or not better from there.

And youre sitting here talking about centuries old practices by other races in other countries....well the practices forced on american black women in THIS country are centuries old too...but somehow we're supposed to skip over that and think that doesn't have any effect on how things work today, right?
Marrige is a proven institution that has worked over the years, to sort out the jack boys from the fathers. This is how it works (strange I have to explain this to a grown man) if a man doesn't want to marry a woman, take birth control/ plan B or don't fuck, if he says he wants to be a father, demand he marry her or kick rocks.
Now if every woman were to do this, guess how many single mothers we would have? Far less than now!
BTW this is what we used to do before the 70's when the 70% of black births were from married couples, compared to the number as low as 22%.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
The reason why we stopped developing family units, is because black men were convinced by media, to be pimps, players, and hoes, while women were convinced to be independent (don't need a man), Divas, and selfish. I truly believe we were sabotaged by this country under the guise of sexual liberation and feminism!
Look I'm not against good fucking, I am against bringing unwanted children in the world over a good fuck!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That argument is dumb and lame. Do you think only black men are splashing off in these ho’s? Why aren’t white and Asian women leading the charge in single motherhood? Simple! They are career women who decide to have children the right way... they finish school, get married and start families. You don’t hear whites, chinks, and even latino women saying how they don’t need no man and shit.

I bet you 500 large that if they reduce child support to 10% of your net instead of 17% of your gross, black women wouldn’t lead the charge in single motherhood. Trust me! Most have these kids as a come up (including some of you niggas moms)


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I haven't read all of the posts in this thread but IMO, the effect that Black women have on our people needs to be honestly discussed in our community. Yes CAC women can be horrible mothers, yes all sistas aren't bad mothers, and yes there are horrible Black men out there. But rarely do we hold sistas accountable as mothers.


Rising Star
The point is there isn’t a consistent male presence where the kid has equal influence from both parents in a family setting. It’s very important.
You're missing the point by conflating kids born out of wedlock with kids not having a father in their lives.

I'll give you an example.
A childhood friend who lived nextdoor to me had two siblings (same parents) who were the children of an unwed parents. The parents didn't get married untill sometime after the kids were already grown and left the home.
The father had not only been in their lives but he lived in the home.
Yet all three of the kids are counted in the 74%

You know white folk site that 74% to say that's how many black children don't know their fathers. Which is disinformation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Marrige is a proven institution that has worked over the years, to sort out the jack boys from the fathers. This is how it works (strange I have to explain this to a grown man) if a man doesn't want to marry a woman, take birth control/ plan B or don't fuck, if he says he wants to be a father, demand he marry her or kick rocks.
Now if every woman were to do this, guess how many single mothers we would have? Far less than now!
BTW this is what we used to do before the 70's when the 70% of black births were from married couples, compared to the number as low as 22%.
again marriage as an institution varies from culture to culture. so what culture are you referring to that the black community should be modeled after?

Also you keep refusing to consider one element in the whole thing....HOW DO BLACK WOMEN SEE AND FEEL ABOUT THE ISSUE???

you think a black woman just wants to have a husband OR do you think a black woman wants a husband who respects and sleeps ONLY with her?

Do you think black women with husbands or partners who cheats on her, should accept that thats just the way it is and live with it??

Do you think black women should be financially depend on their men only??

Do you agree when a black man marries and pledges monogamy then cheats on wife thats not that serious an offense?

Do you care to UNDERSTAND WHY women and black women in particular would feel the need to be independent and so forth??


Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
you guys are still missing the point...or ignoring it on purpose.. In the grand scheme of it all you still dismiss the man's responsibility in the whole equation. "some men are dumb :rolleyes: " well thats a handwave off... thats completely dismissing his part in creating this 80% child out of wedlock crisis cacs been crowing about for the last 40 years.

She needs to make better choices...she needs to think...she needs to consider... well what the hell does he need to do??? It doesn't matter if one man impregnates 100 women that man STILL has a responsibility. And for some reason you all think all these women either know each other or know of each other and are doing all of this on purpose because black women are just stupid like that.

Man 1 lives in NY and gets woman A pregnant....then fucks woman B...well woman B may know woman A but thinks he's going to be different with her.

Then he fucks woman C...well woman C doesn't know about A and B...then he visits his cousin in Florida and meets and fucks woman D well she lives in another STATE and has no clue about A, B, and C.

We're up to at least 4 kids by four different women and you all say ALL FOUR of those women are stupid for fucking Man1....well what about Man1? well he's just dumb:rolleyes:.

And you guys don't see the issue here??
Nah man.

We've heard 40 fuckin years about how the men fucked up.

You are singing an old song that we all know the lyrics to trying to deflect to 'save the honor' of females.

What we haven't heard is the role females have played.

Mofos like you just want to deflect, because that's what you mother trained you to do.

keep women from facing accountability.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I am an in house father for my three sons. I will leave the rest of my comments about this subject in my head.

Speaking of single black mothers, did anybody see the Taco Bell commercial with the interracial prom date? Surprised nobody noticed the white girl had both of her parents there and the black woman was a single mom at the photos and at the restaurant. Was that intentional?
What commercial?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Nigga, why tf you post that shit here?! Why you even on fox News, even more than that, reading the fucking comments.

Any attempt to question the validity of the OP is lost when you view this topic or this particular discussion through the lens of people that believe those statistics to be true.

You real fucking suspect! Matta fact, you the fucking enemy and we ain't gon get ahead until we get rid of niggas like you!
Dog I hate that geechie nigga forever

wack posts

wack human

wack threads

Just fucking die already


Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
This thread is heated b/c a lot of these single mother-raised males are in here defending they mama's hoe'n using stories/arguments she cooked up and taught them to believe like it's a gat damn religion.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah man.

We've heard 40 fuckin years about how the men fucked up.

You are singing an old song that we all know the lyrics to trying to deflect to 'save the honor' of females.

What we haven't heard is the role females have played.

Mofos like you just want to deflect, because that's what you mother trained you to do.

keep women from facing accountability.
no matter how you shake it it still takes TWO people to make a baby.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Look I am not bashing black women, but I am saying is that our choices we are making today, are way worse than he choices we were making 50 years ago. Let me break it down with my hypothesise on the matter.

Listed are the most common ways black folks can make it in life.

1- Fucking ourselves to riches. I.E. getting a sugar daddy, or rich broad to pay the bills. I guesstimate this works .001% of the time.
2- Being a famous rapper/athelete/actor or winning the lottery. Yeah good luck with that. Sucess rate less than .001%
3- Selling drugs/ hustleing in the streets. Great if you want to living in jail or die.
4- Getting a job and grinding solo. Good for the short run but it can wear you down.

again marriage as an institution varies from culture to culture. so what culture are you referring to that the black community should be modeled after?

Also you keep refusing to consider one element in the whole thing....HOW DO BLACK WOMEN SEE AND FEEL ABOUT THE ISSUE???

you think a black woman just wants to have a husband OR do you think a black woman wants a husband who respects and sleeps ONLY with her?

Do you think black women with husbands or partners who cheats on her, should accept that thats just the way it is and live with it??

Do you think black women should be financially depend on their men only??

Do you agree when a black man marries and pledges monogamy then cheats on wife thats not that serious an offense?

Do you care to UNDERSTAND WHY women and black women in particular would feel the need to be independent and so forth??
Simple answer

again marriage as an institution varies from culture to culture. so what culture are you referring to that the black community should be modeled after?

Also you keep refusing to consider one element in the whole thing....HOW DO BLACK WOMEN SEE AND FEEL ABOUT THE ISSUE???

you think a black woman just wants to have a husband OR do you think a black woman wants a husband who respects and sleeps ONLY with her?

Do you think black women with husbands or partners who cheats on her, should accept that thats just the way it is and live with it??

Do you think black women should be financially depend on their men only??

Do you agree when a black man marries and pledges monogamy then cheats on wife thats not that serious an offense?

Do you care to UNDERSTAND WHY women and black women in particular would feel the need to be independent and so forth??
I now see your gears are turning, but the question should be how do black men and women feel about marriage, because the way the government fucked it up, they turned marriage from an institution designed to protect women, children, and families, to almost a money grab for women to capitalize off of, first with an expensive ceremony (the thing that most women desire) then incentives for them to get out with added payments. For many guys, there are no perks to getting married, and many women don't want to be bothered even with the incentives because they feel they can get all of that while remaining independent (at least not wanting to be married to a guy making average or below-average wage).
My solution is that we must demand that we reform the current marriage laws, and instead incentivize marriage by rewarding tax breaks, and even home credit for couples who do tie the knot. Imagine married couples getting 8 thousand dollars a year every year they are married, and guaranteed home loans as long as they stay married. The money to cover the cost would come from the billions saved from services such as section 8 spending, and all the other extra cost that comes with too many single-parent households. They could even make the incentives, more lucrative for the population that needs the jump-start the most, mainly poorer couples.
But I am not holding my breath for any of this, mainly because the democrats are hell-bent on shelling out money failure while the republicans are too busy trying to give money to the wealthy and families who least need assistance.
This is my 2 cents, anyone else care to chime in?


Rising Star
Marrige is a proven institution that has worked over the years, to sort out the jack boys from the fathers. This is how it works (strange I have to explain this to a grown man) if a man doesn't want to marry a woman, take birth control/ plan B or don't fuck, if he says he wants to be a father, demand he marry her or kick rocks.
Now if every woman were to do this, guess how many single mothers we would have? Far less than now!
BTW this is what we used to do before the 70's when the 70% of black births were from married couples, compared to the number as low as 22%.


Arranged marriages were the norm throughout cultures for the reason that families could vet potential spouses and avoid the trash.


Rising Star
My solution is that we must demand that we reform the current marriage laws, and instead incentivize marriage by rewarding tax breaks, and even home credit for couples who do tie the knot. Imagine married couples getting 8 thousand dollars a year every year they are married, and guaranteed home loans as long as they stay married. The money to cover the cost would come from the billions saved from services such as section 8 spending, and all the other extra cost that comes with too many single-parent households. They could even make the incentives, more lucrative for the population that needs the jump-start the most, mainly poorer couples.
But I am not holding my breath for any of this, mainly because the democrats are hell-bent on shelling out money failure while the republicans are too busy trying to give money to the wealthy and families who least need assistance.
This is my 2 cents, anyone else care to chime in?

End the current child support system. Women will only qualify for direct child support if they were married before or up to a year after childbirth.

Make deadbeat unmarried men pay a child support tax directly to government that pays for community services for all underprivileged kids (food, clothing, family shelters, education etc.).

Put a hard cap on social benefits for single unwed mothers after second child out of wedlock.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
End the current child support system. Women will only qualify for direct child support if they were married before or up to a year after childbirth.

Make deadbeat unmarried men pay a child support tax directly to government that pays for community services for all underprivileged kids (food, clothing, family shelters, education etc.).

Put a hard cap on social benefits for single unwed mothers after second child out of wedlock.
This is the type of discussion we need to bring to the politicians if we want to end this vicious cycle we are currently stuck in!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I now see your gears are turning, but the question should be how do black men and women feel about marriage, because the way the government fucked it up, they turned marriage from an institution designed to protect women, children, and families, to almost a money grab for women to capitalize off of, first with an expensive ceremony (the thing that most women desire) then incentives for them to get out with added payments. For many guys, there are no perks to getting married, and many women don't want to be bothered even with the incentives because they feel they can get all of that while remaining independent (at least not wanting to be married to a guy making average or below-average wage).
My solution is that we must demand that we reform the current marriage laws, and instead incentivize marriage by rewarding tax breaks, and even home credit for couples who do tie the knot. Imagine married couples getting 8 thousand dollars a year every year they are married, and guaranteed home loans as long as they stay married. The money to cover the cost would come from the billions saved from services such as section 8 spending, and all the other extra cost that comes with too many single-parent households. They could even make the incentives, more lucrative for the population that needs the jump-start the most, mainly poorer couples.
But I am not holding my breath for any of this, mainly because the democrats are hell-bent on shelling out money failure while the republicans are too busy trying to give money to the wealthy and families who least need assistance.
This is my 2 cents, anyone else care to chime in?
End the current child support system. Women will only qualify for direct child support if they were married before or up to a year after childbirth.

Make deadbeat unmarried men pay a child support tax directly to government that pays for community services for all underprivileged kids (food, clothing, family shelters, education etc.).

Put a hard cap on social benefits for single unwed mothers after second child out of wedlock. more like china?

By law, single women in China have the right to reproduce. Children born out of wedlock are also legally entitled to enjoy the same rights as other children and are protected against discrimination.

But the law is widely ignored. “Discrimination is everywhere,” says Liang.

According to Xin Lingyan, a lawyer at Jingxiang Law Firm in Beijing, authorities regularly disregard the current legislation when it comes to children born to unwed mothers. “Local governments often don’t enforce the laws and regulations,” she said.

Liang was 19 when she found out she was pregnant. Her race car-driver boyfriend had cheated on her multiple times, and they had already broken up. After finding out about the pregnancy, he wanted nothing to do with the baby, instead telling Liang she could sell one of his race cars and keep the money to pay for the birth.

For the first seven months of her pregnancy, Liang lived in the nearby city of Shenzhen, a tech hub bordering Hong Kong.

Liang says if she had stayed in Guangzhou, her father would have forced her to get an abortion — a common pressure unmarried mothers face, as the traditional belief that only married couples should have children still dominates Chinese society.

“I don’t think I should beg someone to marry me just because I’m having his child,” says Liang.

Liang’s son was 5 when she applied for his birth certificate. Liang hoped to obtain his hukou before he started school. Back then, the staff at the family planning office told Liang she would need a marriage certificate and information about the father, neither of which Liang could provide. And because Liang’s ex-boyfriend didn’t want to be involved, she couldn’t ask him for help.

But in 2007, there was no such flexibility. The Guangzhou Municipal Health Bureau refused to process a birth certificate for Liang’s son, and the authorities were immutable in the face of her protests. Liang had one last resort: cash. “They solved the problem as soon as they took my money,” she says.

With the new birth certificate in hand, Liang went to the local family planning office. Before she could apply for her son’s hukou, she had to pay a fine called the “social maintenance fee” — the same fine people were charged for illegally having more than one child under the one-child policy.

Searching for an Absentee Father

Chen Xiaoman moved to Shanghai more than a decade ago after leaving her native Qingdao, a coastal city in China’s eastern Shandong province.

While living in Shanghai, the 37-year-old had a relationship with a local man, but when she became pregnant she decided to keep her daughter’s existence a secret.

“I knew he wouldn’t be responsible,” Chen explains. “He refused to pay alimony to his ex-wife and didn’t want to look after their child.”

When her daughter Miao Miao was born in August 2009, Chen used personal connections to smooth the awkward process of acquiring her birth certificate without the father’s input. But when she tried to secure her newborn’s registration document, the process proved to be more problematic.

For this, Chen needed to go back to Qingdao, where her own hukou was registered, and begin negotiations with the district-level family planning office there.

The office told her she had to pay a social maintenance fee of 100,000 yuan.

Chen knew immediately she was being ripped off. Staff from the community-level family planning office — a lower authority — had already told her the fine would be around 40,000 yuan. But Chen had no recourse and decided to pay, expecting that to be the end of the matter.

The family planning office refused to let Chen pay the fine.

The officials insisted that according to policy, both the mother and father must be fined, and so Chen was told to return with the father to pay the fine.

Four years later, Chen did just that. She registered a sham marriage with a gay friend and headed back to the family planning office in Qingdao with her marriage certificate in hand, hopeful that the issue could finally be resolved.

It still wasn’t enough. An employee at the family planning office told Chen that she would need DNA evidence to prove her husband was the biological father of Miao Miao.

“It drove me crazy,” Chen says. “I didn’t know what else I could do.”

Sixth Tone approached the family planning office in Qingdao, but no one was available for comment.

and if you read these stories thru out it all the man who knocked up these women (one married so according to you by definition of being married he's not a "jack boy" right?) not one of them is held to ay standard if they choose to not take responsibility..

BUT the kid still needs an education and child care and food know ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE TO DO TO TAKE OF A CHILD. And he gets to skate on that.

And you guys think thats fine? or solely her fault?? cuz theres NOTHING in your rules or methods that holds him any way responsible if he doesn't want to be. And theres NO incentive for any man to own up if all thats going to result is a bunch of fines and penalties...wont stop them from skeetin up tho right??

SO youre solution is to punish her MORE in the hopes that will break the cycle...

Well...china's actually doing that...hows it working out??