At least 13 DEAD in mass shooting at Thousand Oaks, California, bar; suspect believed dead


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Hmm,, I see kats still don't want to READ THE laws this colony works under!! Inside the 2012 NDAA ACT, there's a law that was placed inside this ACT.. That law is called the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.. Read read read or dont!! These politicians hope and pray the people don't read. That's why they push fear and confusion, to keep the people distracted!!! These people hide the truth RIGHT in front of our faces, it's the best place to hide shit!! Anyway, read the laws and wake da fuck up!!
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'd briefly heard of it in passing a year or two ago.
Do you think that this is a false flag? So many timely distractions to sway public opinion as shit goes on behind the scenes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When white male commits these murders it always, "he had mental problems".
Well many people of color have mental problems too but rarely do they go out and try to kill as many people as they can.
Don Lemon was bang on when he said the biggest terror threat in the U.S. is white men. :hmm:
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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Oh shit. It's that time again. Everyone to their Internet corners waiting to see if the race,religion, political viewpoints, ramblings of the shooter fits into their narrative. No fucks to give about the victims. :smh: I bet those CNN reporters were in survivors DM again like with the Madden incident. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Weekly occurrence. The nation is becoming numb to this. If nothing happened after Sandy Hook, nothing is going to happen here.

RIP to those who died.

Other than banning all guns, what can be done?

Metal detectors in every public building?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you must be like 16 years old to start this early in the morning with your BS …. in a thread about multiple deaths ….. there's absolutely no hope for you …. you are mentally of "LOW CALIBER" … better get outside before you miss your bus …….. they got a nice warm helmet waiting for you ….. one with a drool cup attached to it ….

:lol:Son you short bussed him???:roflmao:

BGOL Investor
When it is a white male commits these murders it always, "he had mental problems or it was a false flag".
Well many people of color have mental problems too but rarely do they go out and try to kill as many people as they can.
Don Lemon was bang on when he said the biggest terror threat in the U.S. is white men. :hmm:

Fixed for you bruh. It was spot on otherwise


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Limit who can own guns and how easily a weapon can be purchased.

Have psychological evaluations being a requirement for anyone who wants to buy a gun.

Make it more difficult to sell/purchase guns privately.

I respect your reply.

Many times in these shootings, even the family members never expected it and there were no signs.

Yes other times there are signs. But at any given time, this can happen any and everywhere.


Rising Star
Thanks for reminding me of this. I'd briefly heard of it in passing a year or two ago.
Do you think that this is a false flag? So many timely distractions to sway public opinion as shit goes on behind the scenes.

I won't say it a false flag or not!! I just want to point out to the people, the government and media are pushing false propaganda on the citizens. The sad part is, they passed a law that gives the media the green light to fuck with people's heads!! It's hard to get folks to understand that the media, government and entertainment industry is fucking with people's subconscious mind..


International Member
There needs to be a travel advisory in place for America.

You can get killed in a mass shooting at the post office, at a concert, in school, at a club, In a supermarket parking lot.. in your own home...

Talk about third world country
Yeah I have a friend that I be trying to convince to visit me in Jamaica or Panama,dude has never left the US and he say he nervous to visit because of violence,lol I have never heard of anything like this in Jamaica Panama .Colombia,at least when someone shoots in those countries you at least know WHY you gettin shot.Not sure on stats but USA has to be top 5 most dangerous places in the world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looks like the bar had a pig roast also :money:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I know I need something to take my mind off this stuff

you are deeply fucking disturbed.... and have a brain the size of a freeze dried monkey testicle …. :smh: …… twice you came to this thread looking for material to beat off on ….. :hmm:




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They confirmed it's a WHITE MALE.

Who's shocked? Not me.

I am shocked.

Thought he would of been a Stressed Out, Down On His Luck, Good Guy, Who Came From A Devout Christian Family, and got all A's in 5th grade math.

But if all you found was he was a White Male, then ok. I was wrong.

White male,strikes again.....proceed with caution when near or you might end up a victim too.

Probably another one of these Incels.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Identified as.....

Ian David Long

Here is what we know about Long:

  • He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • He used a Glock .45-caliber handgun that holds 10 rounds. Long’s gun had an extended chamber that held more rounds.
  • He purchased the gun legally.
  • He was 28 years old.
  • According to a witness, Long was dressed in black and wore a black beanie and black hoodie.
  • People reported “smoke bombs” going off, but it was unclear if that smoke may have been from gunfire.
  • One witness reported that Long shot people who were already down on the ground.
  • Witnesses say Long said nothing during the shooting.

One neighbor who knew Long said he was a veteran who suffered from PTSD. She said, "I don't know what he was doing with a gun." Others said Long lived at the home with his mother.

Authorities had "minor" run-ins with Long in the past, Dean said. Here's how he described them:

"We've had several contacts with Mr. Long over the years, minor events, a traffic collision. He was a victim of a battery at a local bar in 2015. In April of this year, deputies were called to his house for a subject disturbing. They went to the house, they talked to him. He was somewhat irate. Acting a little irrationally. They called out our crisis intervention team, our mental health specialists who met with him, talked to him and cleared him. Didn't feel he was qualified to be taken under 5150. And he was left at that scene last April," the sheriff said.
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Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Here is what we know about Long:

  • He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • He used a Glock .45-caliber handgun that holds 10 rounds. Long’s gun had an extended chamber that held more rounds.
  • He purchased the gun legally.
  • He was 28 years old.
  • According to a witness, Long was dressed in black and wore a black beanie and black hoodie.
  • People reported “smoke bombs” going off, but it was unclear if that smoke may have been from gunfire.
  • One witness reported that Long shot people who were already down on the ground.
  • Witnesses say Long said nothing during the shooting.

One neighbor who knew Long said he was a veteran who suffered from PTSD. She said, "I don't know what he was doing with a gun." Others said Long lived at the home with his mother.

One of them far cry 5 looking muhfuckas


Rising Star
OG Investor
Tamera Mowry's niece was at the bar and is missing

Tamera Mowry's niece was at the bar and is missing

The first thing that comes to mind is her husband saying that he didn’t see race as an issue on why Zimmerman murdered Trayvon and believes that Zimmerman shouldn’t fear vigilante justice.

He might not be a republican but he has republican beliefs so supporting the NRA and this administration comes with consequences, which has possibly led to his niece being murdered by the same men that he supports.

I say all that to say this: I hope no black people were hurt or injured during this terrorist attack.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is what we know about Long:

  • He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.
  • He used a Glock .45-caliber handgun that holds 10 rounds. Long’s gun had an extended chamber that held more rounds.
  • He purchased the gun legally.
  • He was 28 years old.
  • According to a witness, Long was dressed in black and wore a black beanie and black hoodie.
  • People reported “smoke bombs” going off, but it was unclear if that smoke may have been from gunfire.
  • One witness reported that Long shot people who were already down on the ground.
  • Witnesses say Long said nothing during the shooting.

One neighbor who knew Long said he was a veteran who suffered from PTSD. She said, "I don't know what he was doing with a gun." Others said Long lived at the home with his mother.

Authorities had "minor" run-ins with Long in the past, Dean said. Here's how he described them:

"We've had several contacts with Mr. Long over the years, minor events, a traffic collision. He was a victim of a battery at a local bar in 2015. In April of this year, deputies were called to his house for a subject disturbing. They went to the house, they talked to him. He was somewhat irate. Acting a little irrationally. They called out our crisis intervention team, our mental health specialists who met with him, talked to him and cleared him. Didn't feel he was qualified to be taken under 5150. And he was left at that scene last April," the sheriff said.

Insert Don Lemon pic!