Atlanta police claim Lil Baby shooting a music video in a rival gangs neighborhood led to 2 teenagers being killed. They called him a coward


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I respect and understand your point of view. The gang members who killed the little girl are 100% at fault ...with no excuses. Poverty, culture, race, Lil Baby...are all excuses to me. The PoPo should just do the job, catch em, and prosecute. Put more into prevention and programs. All good...but I still don't fault Lil Baby at all. I also don't fault PNB Rock for going to the wrong Roscoes in LA with his jewelry. Whoever killed him, thats all on them. Catch, convict --> San Quinten.

Lil Baby did no wrong.

Violent Crime on an innocent victim has no excuse to me. NONE

You keep trying to plug in victims of crimes and compare it to someone who provoked a crime. PnB Rock was a victim. High level, he did nothing wrong. He made a poor decision to flaunt his wealth in a poor area. That isn't a crime.He didn't purposely incite people to attempt to rob him. It is a crime to incite violence. Would this be pushing the limits? Yes, but im not mad at it.

Alot of people believe Trump incited the January 6 riot. That eventually lead to innocent people being hurt and dying. Regardless of if he physically took part in the crime, people believe he should be held responsible.

You can be charged with someone's death even if you are just standing next to the the killer. You can be charged with a crime if your friend dies while you commit a crime. Rico was created for a reason. You don't have be the shooter to be charged. If more kids understood this, you'd probably see less getting caught up in dumb shit. Instead they think that if they didn't rape the girl, rob the man or shot the mom, they'll get off.

The police are attempting to remove rich people who start shit and hide behind lawyers and their fanbase. You watch shit like the Breakfast Club and the JBP celebrate when famous criminals get off. At the sametime, the same sentiment isn't giving to non celebrities. This encourages these celebrities to stay the same. I don't believe Lil Baby should be given a severe penalty, but he should be held accountable for the part he played in those two peoples death. If nothing else, he was being negligent.