Attn Bullet: You deleted the thread but what's this shit on your wife's dirty pussy?


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bullet became Chauncey from menace 2 society.. nigs was laughing at how nigs was fucking his wife.. he sitting down in a seat with video yeah nigs it ain’t funny now I got ya on tape catching that nestle crunch now huh..come fuck my wife huh who laughing now motherfuckers..not again nigs who laughing now



The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
I try not to say nothing about Bullet no more. I am taking theOpinion he’s making this shit up for attention or he’s one of those old school fake profiles.

No one can’t get as little pussy as this dude to have pussy living in the house with him. The church deacon and his wife turn your bitch out?!?!? :lol:

I can’t believe it of another black man, so I’m typing with it being made up for attention.