Attn Bullet: You deleted the thread but what's this shit on your wife's dirty pussy?

The Jamaican

Immigrant Expat formerly known as TekWehuself
International Member
Bullet.. don't watch these nay sayers fam. Here's a song you can bump while holding wifey's leg up on the next deacon or bully visit



Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
bump in honor of bullets last days on bgol
bullet i wish i could send you some valtrex as a departing gift


Rising Star
OG Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
i used to go in his threads for the clowning but lately i dont even do that anymore.

it got too gross for me. :dunno:
Bullet and megatron x are the 2 best self ockers on this board.. every yr they find new material to clown the shit out of them.. just when you thought you had heard every joke they throw more ammunition at the crowd to go a hundred more rounds at them.. best in the bizz.. off that alone they should get an automatic free membership. Hell the bullet and megatron sitcom would be hilarious.. the cuckold and stuttering John dialogue in itself would be hilarious