.......Beer drinkers whats ur beer of choice...i really dont drink beer but....


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
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Quick bump for the fam. Also wanted to drop a couple reviews on some recent brews I've tried. Should we start a craft beer thread?


Tröegs Brewing Company

Type: Imperial Amber

With my new love for all things Tröegs, imagine my surprise upon seeing cases of this interesting little label offering up its goodness. I popped out my phone and did a quick BeerAdvocate search to get some background info & couldn’t be happier with taking the chance on taking this little trojan horse home. An upper mid-level 7.5% ABV may not be much to write home about, but the flavors Nugget Nectar balances so well are nothing short of nirvana. A hop-forward entrance permeates throughout, fading while tangerine and grapefruit dance a citrus ballet on a floor of buttery sweet malts from start to finish. The unbelieveable balance of this brew is the crowning element of the experience. Buy it, NOW.

Availability: Spring


Lagunitas Brewing Company

Type: Imperial IPA

The holiday favorite Lagunitas Sucks offering is definitely deserving of its own posting, however my holiday decorations so lovingly prepped by my supportive girlfriend have been boxed and stored for quite a bit now. While it’s a shame to see such a tasty brew go, the boys from California make parting a bit easier with their Sucks – Brown Shugga’ Substitute. This hoppy ale balances a fruity nose with citric / tropical hints swimming in a pool of piney, hoppy bitterness. Pick up a sixer, but be careful! At 7.85% ABV, Sucks doesn’t suck. (Sorry, couldn’t find a way to work that in there without sounding forced.)

Availability: Said to be year round, but good luck finding it. Spring is your best bet.


Dogfish Head Brewery

Type: Imperial IPA

Rejecting the normal IPA recipe, this imperial oak aged beauty tips his brim to brave sippers abound. Baton is a bit of a pale ale behemoth weighing in at a heavy 10% ABV, but don’t let the numbers scare you! The brewing process involves marrying two separately fermented beers in a single tank, then aging the results in oak barrels. According to Dogfish, aging in oak provides a twinge of vanilla while deading the alcoholic overtones common in high ABV brews and providing a platform for the freshness of the hops to shine. You want hops? You can’t handle the hops!

Availability: Another supposed Year Round offering, but cases disappear once they reach stores in early Spring.


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The best thing about the beer was the flavor complexity & surprising smoothness.. There was no aftertaste and I honestly felt nice after one. So overall it was a very satisfying beer. But currently in the states I do rock with that "seasonal" Brooklyn Chocolate Stout- run you about $45 bucks a case.. But out of the thousands of beers I have tried Westvleteren is KING! Word is they plan to mass produce to the states soon so look out for it.


Rising Star

alcohol content is high, and bars around PA can only serve you 3 and that's all you'll need, but the beer is delicious.


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BCS is def a good one too. Over halloween last year they had this and Southern Tier Pumking on tap and were layering them.. Tasted like pumpkin pie, I ordered a few. ::yes::

Mad Elf is one of my holiday favorites! Anchor's Our Special Ale (their anniversary brew) was great this year too, got 3 left from a the two sixers I bought. I know how the board is about spamming so I won't link to the site, but info on both for those that are curious:


Tröegs Brewing Company

Type: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Mad Elf ale is another sweet one, but not in the way you’d assume. It’s brewed with cherries and honey, but with a nice bouquet of spices that give your tongue a kick in the taint. Yes, your tongue has a taint because I said so, and you’re welcome for that useless fact of the day. Don’t throw Tröegs’ christmas seasonal back expecting candy canes and gum drops, this elf is definitely on Santa’s naughty list! As characteristic of the Belgian Strong Dark Ale style, Mad Elf has a pretty high ABV at 11%, and deserves every single percentage.

Availability: Winter


Anchor Brewing Company

Type: Winter Warmer

I’ve never tried any of Anchor’s offerings, however this brewery has my attention. The story behind Our Special Ale alone was enough to get me to snag one from Ale Yeah! a while back. It stored well, though i’m not so sure this type of brew wouldn’t taste better fresh. Recap you say? Go to the closest christmas tree farm and put it in a bottle. The 2012 iteration of Our Special Ale tastes of wintery pine notes, along with plenty of other fruits and spices that are apparent throughout the bottle. Its so complex you’re going to need a few to pick this one apart. I love you Our Special Ale.

Availability: Buy it if you see it, only brewed once a year!

Any homebrewers on the board? I'm sure some of us would cop a few bottles if it sounds good.


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Only the finest of Belgian style brews my friend. Quality not quantity.:yes:

Chimay Blue
Allagash Curieux

Allagash Four
Pere Jacques



Brother Thelonius
Delirium Tremens
Ommegang Three Philosphers


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+1 for anything Ommegang! I prefer Noel to Tremens, but the three main Delirium brews are all pretty damn good. Strong flavors.


Potential Star
You think thats good...you should try Southern Tier version of Chocolate stout....and their Pumking is fucking the best beer I have had yet.

The best thing about the beer was the flavor complexity & surprising smoothness.. There was no aftertaste and I honestly felt nice after one. So overall it was a very satisfying beer. But currently in the states I do rock with that "seasonal" Brooklyn Chocolate Stout- run you about $45 bucks a case.. But out of the thousands of beers I have tried Westvleteren is KING! Word is they plan to mass produce to the states soon so look out for it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's get a beer review thread going. I have access to a make your own six pack store(Frankford and knights rd) so I can offer some opinions on at least 6-12 beers a week.

Don 88

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gimJVa6IhlA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


I know you said the Westvleteren 12 was "best ever had", but how did it actually taste, bitter, or sweet or what!!??!! thanks...

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
My palate for beer has been adjusting over the years. Had one of these the other night for the first time. Japanese shit. Kinda smooth forgot I was drinking beer.


lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Flying Dog.. always tastes fresh and crisp, never "funky".
Haven't found a flavor yet that I don't like.