If you're flying into Belize most airlines allow 2 suitcases up to 25kg each, and a carry on. If you're bringing more than that, your best bet is likely to use 55 gallon drums and send them to Belize Concierge and Shipping in Los Angeles. You'll pay tariffs on anything new, plus something like 100 USD or a bit more per barrel in fees. It's usually better to just sell all that won't fit in your luggage. They are picky about food, especially meat and fruit, best not brought but I have shipped amerikkkan candy and they allowed it. Most things you can buy in Belize, but it may required a trip to Belize City where the bigger stores are. Be prepared, there are practically NO BUSINESSE IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY that you will recognize. No amerikkkan fast food, just nothing. There is one hotel in BC, a Holiday Inn or something, and an Avis or Alamo car rental at the airport. After that, not a recognizable business in the entire country!@MisterT Any issues bringing personal belongings? I hear there's a difference based on the type of visa you get. Also, how's the transportation costs?