Dayum ..........
Although they say the cause is pneumonia, my mom died from Sarcodosis the same as Bernie Mack. The lungs loose some of their capacity, and when something like pnumonia comes along (which also led to my mom's death) the body is too weak to fight it off.
Sarcodosis occurs mostly in African American females and then Black men before as compared to the rest of the population. There was a female basketball player who had the same thing, and she founded an organization to spread awareness. Research is being done, but it is just not one of the "big killers" (i.e. cancer, AIDS, MS) that gets a lot of air time about it and major foundations to push for research dollars.
Bernie was a true comedian, and he will be missed. God Bless his family in this time or mourning.
Sarcodosis occurs mostly in African American females and then Black men before as compared to the rest of the population.
Rest in Peace to one of the best to do it...
Sorry if the vid is a repost but I didn't look thru the whole thread.
Peep how Bernie Mac handled his biz
1st time (?) on def comedy jam
his sisters kids from kings of comedy
Kings of Comedy