The fries suck though
The fries suck though
I don't fuck with them dollar menu bubble gut burgers
Wendy's based on the list. But it's a shitty list.
Wendy's based on the list.
Shake Shack , the end
I will go with Hardee's everyone else....
But out of the choices up there...... The Big Mac and McDonald's King!!!
On that list BK the ones who still flame grill
As a kid I loved McD's
Had this for the first time in Orlando. Shit is fire
Lets end this discussion right here
I don't fuck with them dollar menu bubble gut burgers
that white supremacists looking stoner dude had me dying with his bullshit.
Surpised at no Steak n Shake... I'd take 5 guys, although that shit will clog your arteries an give you a heart attack on the spot if you eat it more than once a month.
On the list Hardee's has the BEST BURGERS.
McD's has the BEST FRIES
Wendy's BEST Chicken Sandwich
Rally's/Checkers has GOOD WINGS