What forehead? All I see is some great dick sucking lips and a sexy lil body.I remember that forehead .
I wouldn't wife but she does look like the low self esteem type that will accomodate your work, wife & kids just to stay in your company.Man I would wife , seed her up and take pictures with her with a kool aid smile on my face. Id throw my principles out the window for her. Y'all gone see me in the. Porn stars and their former lives thread
She used to post here?!?Some of these dude probably wasn’t around when she came thru bgol.....
she has 2 scenes that stands out...
one with Isis Taylor n here hatin ass husband ..lol
n the Byron long scene on the red couch ...![]()
Isis Taylor and Melrose Foxx - Slim and Filthy
Isis Taylor and Melrose Foxx - Slim and Filthy
Visit the page to see this album : Isis Taylor and Melrose Foxx - Slim and Filthywww.erome.com
Is this a recent scene?