Hotep Israelite talkYes, it would be funny if I were wrong, but I'm not, so in the grand scheme of things, you shall eventually know the truth and you shall be forgiven.
Do you think the dome is "the firmament"?
Hotep Israelite talkYes, it would be funny if I were wrong, but I'm not, so in the grand scheme of things, you shall eventually know the truth and you shall be forgiven.
Hotep Israelite talk
Do you think the dome is "the firmament"?
Every time the intellectual heat get on this nigga ass, he got shit to do lol
Nigga on bgol every day, and has put probably countless hours toward filling his head with that bullshit.
But he busy when niggas flame that ass lol
Nigga you been coming back for this and that forever. The first time you said that shit was in 16 and yeen been back to that one yet. Our any of the other ones. Foh.
Ain't nobody else got to go do research to reply to a statement, ever notice that?
Remedial ass. But you don't have to be though.
Yeah I'm on bgol everyday, not to argue flat earth though. I told y'all after 2016 I was tired of arguing with y'all about this shit. But noooooooooooooo, nigga, you gotta follow me around the board, turn other threads that ain't got shit to do with flat earth into flat earth threads.
This shit touches a nerve with y'all because you know I'm right but your ego and pride just can't allow you to see clearly. So blind.
You don't live on a ball fool. Accept it.
Cashie B.
I tell my friends about some of the shit you post and they can’t believe it then laugh their asses off. I won’t tell them about BGOL, but man, your backwardness is pure comedy. Mods should make a thread just for your conspiracies. That shit would be the funniest thread on this board
Now you lying. When you got to lie to support your points, you're exposing not only your lack of cognition, but an intellectual integrity deficiency as well.Yeah.
Y'all disrespect the ancestors so much. You actually reinforce the idea that we were monkeys wandering around until the white man came, as if we didn't have intelligent, brilliant minds and advanced technology back in the "cave man" days. Nobody was saying the Earth was a ball until the cac showed up.
Just so you know, Bill Nye slipped and said the Earth is a closed system you can't escape. And Van Allen himself left you a lil clue on his tombstone.
But you're hanging onto these balls for dear life. Sad.
Now you lying. When you got to lie to support your points, you're exposing not only your lack of cognition, but an intellectual integrity deficiency as well.
Ain't nobody said none of that shit you said and yo upset ass know it, be better than that bro.
I'd bet everybody on yo fibbing ass in these threads believes that civilization and scholarship began with black Africans. Fuck outta here man lol
How old do you think earth is?
Do you believe fossils and dinosaurs are real?
Do you think that science has conspired to falsify the idea of earth's roundness to hide or obfuscate the fact that God created all of this, according to the literal word of the Christian Bible?
A lot of homsexual references in your posting lately...
"I'd bet everybody on yo fibbing ass in these threads believes that civilization and scholarship began with black Africans."
....nigga what??
Who did you take for english at J-State?? Boy you need a belt on your behind.
"cognition, intellectual integrity deficiency, propensity for density and buoyancy, to my mike pencity"
nigga pulled out Webster's
I have no clue how old the earth is bruh. I don't know how it got here, why it's here, I just know it's a flat plane. Although there is evidence of intelligent design all around us.
I believe fossils are real, depending on what type of fossils you're talking about. Dinosaurs?.....ehhhh, I'm not decided on that yet.
Who is science? I'm not against "science". Science is logic.
CACS, Nazi CACS, the same ones who enslave(d) our people, control science for their political purposes of world domination under the system of white supremacy. The media was bought and paid for, the schools were bought and paid for, ALL WELL BEFORE WE WERE BORN, by at least 100 YEARS.
Why are they doing it? It might be to hide God. It might be because there is more land beyond antarctica with endless resources. Just know your black ass aint gettin any of it regardless. You are in a worldwide prison. And you are kept in a daze looking into the sky thinking this universe is so vast and infinite to give you an illusion of freedom (America being that illusion, went to the moon, foh), when the reality is you've been domesticated, branded, contained and indoctrinated.
A lot of homsexual references in your posting lately...
You coming out the closet at midnight or something?
Live your best life sis.
All that typing. Takinging time away from your cash whispering........
Still no time to answer 2 basic questions
Shut up and post an equation or resourceYou don't listen. You don't know how to follow directions. You gone learn today.
You can tell by how much you make gay comments, got it.I'm pointing out that you're gay as fuck.
Just dumb asses.
I like the ring of ice theory they throw out there. YET NONE of them have seen the ice ring, and when you ask them they tell you that if you go to the edge government people will shoot at you?
Shes a nazi/NASA shill...................I have a scientist friend who's going to Antartica later this year. I'll get her to send me some pics with geotags so we can end this ice wall shit forever.
Cats have never left the city they were born in regurgitating this drivel like it's gospel or some hidden conspiracy.
Yo @4 Dimensional
Took my son to my tattoo guy today, the nigga is 25 and a flathead
The nigga did not wanna let me talk lol all he wanted to do was say what he thought. Niggas don't wanna listen and get they shit torn apart lol it really is kinda like cultism.
I finally got around to my turn and the nigga said, I swear, "now see i don't understand all that math shit, you just trying to confuse me" lol I'm like man what am I doing
Science is just not these dudes bag. You know what is? Religion. Homie didn't believe in fossils and believed in the biblical flood story literally.
These niggas avoid the real truth about their opinions like the plague...that they're really wrapping their religious zealotry in this flat earth bullshit. These niggas are Mormons.
Man. My dad is Super-Christian™. He called me a few weeks ago talking about some Earth is flat and man has never been to the moon shit. I pretty much called him and whoever he saw online (I was certain were he got it from) a dumb fuck as respectful as possible.
Well, for the last week, his service from DirecTV has been shit since his receivers have been replaced with the Genie DVR receiver and the client devices. Four techs have been sent to his house, but none of them have figured out his problem. So, he called me the day before, asking if I can have a look at it and possibly be at his house the next day when the next tech comes by the house. I sprained my ankle earlier in the week and didn't feel like driving down, so he offered to pick me up. It was no coincidence he was playing this shit in his truck as he was riding.
Let me tell you. This is some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard in my life. My father is that that guy that couldn't set the time on the VCR if the power had gone out. It would be blinking 12:00 forever if I didn't set it. Anytime something that needs to be set up, fixed or configured, I get the call. He just ignores instructions.
I quickly reminded him of that trip I bought for my him and my mom back in the 90s to Hawaii for their anniversary. I had an ISP back then before I sold it to BellSouth. Those Wi-Fi antennas, that I rented space for on towers, paid for a significant portion of their trip and I told him I had to take into account the curvature of the Earth to get line of sight (Fresnel zone) that would be unnecessary if we lived on a flat Earth.
You'd think that would change his mind. Not. Jesus Juice is powerful stuff.
There's a quip in the video above where the guy says that the firmament is impenetrable so it would be impossible for man to get through it to reach the moon. About five minutes later, this asshole says the Sun and the Moon are inside of it.