Some people just refuse to accept the truth. All they know is the lie, they were raised on the lie. CACs programmed the lie into our parents and grandparents. Reinforced it through the media, education and entertainment.
Some niggas treat politics like it's sports. Like you gotta pick a team. Like a grey area doesn't exist. Fuck both sides.
They don't think for themselves, they don't educate themselves. They can't look at some shit they were taught to believe in and be like "wait a minute, that shit don't make no fuckin' sense."
Instead, niggas fight on the lie. The truth is in niggas' faces now more than ever and all we doing is pointing at the shit and niggas are STILL rejecting it, and it's insanity. Insanity is doing the same shit over and over and expecting a different outcome, right? Niggas gone do the same shit they did 3 years ago that they did 9 years ago.
Give truth to those who seek it. Because the truth ain't shit to a nigga that ain't willing to receive it.
They accepted the truth a long time ago, I don't think many of them are that naïve at all, it's really that many don't care. They do for themselves and provide for them and their families so reparations isn't needed to alot of them and also co-signings will (in their opinion) make them look like handout lovers and welfare folks to their peers so they stay away from it.
If they get it they'll take it but won't address in publicly. America really moves off classism or the perception of class, that's really how everything goes down.
Race is more of a social construct to many which is why they don't trip when they see Biden openly not care, because many of them feel the same way.
They more Trump supporters and GOP lovers than they call us, we at least call out the flaws, they support it behind the door and just socialize around the easiest topic to get brownie points on (racism and white people)
Democrats know we individuals, we not a community in large numbers, everyone after their own bag so they know they can slack with us and do little cuz we broken already.