Personal responsibility, and duty to yourself, is a right-wing talking point only in a world where we seek to remove all responsibility. I agreed with that, but I have seen what doing so does to people. It ruins lives because you have to go through something to become great.
I also dont begrudge anybody who does not pay a loan if the question is between life and doing so. Thats not really the case for most though is it? In a lot of cases, especially in Atlanta, folks not paying their loans are young women mad about not being where they feel they should be, and mad about not having the life of social media influencers. Even more so when these same women look down on the blue collar brothers who didnt have as much, yet is part of the workforce who contirbutes to make these loans possible. People should simply pay back what they promised to pay back. If they cant, they can get into a public service role for a few years and get it paid off before leaving to do whatever they want.