Biden doesn't want to fight for 50,000 student loan relief. It's too hard

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Good for you.

I hope you dudes that voted against your interest because of some faux-solidarity, faux-urgency coercion are taking note.

Ah who am I kidding. Next time around they'll hit you with more celebrity endorsed, moralizing, emotionally manipulating rhetoric and you'll fall for it again.

You're the black (allegedly) Trump supporter. You can't vote more against your interests than that.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There was a long period of time Student Loans were being handed out like Columbia House CD plans, without disclosures that look like what you find now with credit cards statements. For most families, it's the first biggest financial contract they have to make without any financial knowledge but feel it's the best chance they got after being accepted. Most people don't know they're way out of a car purchase but have a way to correct their mistake faster than a student loan.


Rising Star
Its hard for me to get with the government forgiving 50K of student loan debt when they wont even let you write off the INTEREST of your school loans if you make over a certain amount of money. But they re gonna give 50K to other folks. That is complete bullshit.

Why? What effect will it have on you?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
This should be of no surprise to BGOL members who know politics. Biden helped create the student loan debt in the first place. This some Don King shit. Only in America could a person get hired with expectations to solve a problem they spent DECADES(go look at his record) creating. :smh: He'll give the sheeps 10k and 'free' community college(it's already free for tons of people with the pell grant).


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
"Key Democrats" = AOC
Why are you making this about AOC when the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer came out along with Senator Elizabeth Warren who has a viable name in politics as well. Like damn people go out of their way to criticize someone for advocating for their constituents.

How's Bernie looking now?

1. Only one that unconditionally stood up for direct stimulus payments.
2. Health care for all
3. College for all
4. Going green and reversing climate change

And people shafted him for Hillary and again for Biden.

The choices you make bring the consequences you live with. -----------Mista P.
The people shafted him or the Democratic party shafted him?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I owe a shit load of money but guess what whether that asshole forgives it or not I'm not paying that shit back. I'm 50 years old with no kids and no family. I got maybe a good 10 maybe 20 years left. Like the man said earlier in this post why would this asshole who created the student loan crisis solve it? Meanwhile his son is getting rich and coked the fuck out on our dime.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I owe a shit load of money but guess what whether that asshole forgives it or not I'm not paying that shit back. I'm 50 years old with no kids and no family. I got maybe a good 10 maybe 20 years left. Like the man said earlier in this post why would this asshole who created the student loan crisis solve it? Meanwhile his son is getting rich and coked the fuck out on our dime.

One of my favorite albums!

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Why are you making this about AOC when the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer came out along with Senator Elizabeth Warren who has a viable name in politics as well. Like damn people go out of their way to criticize someone for advocating for their constituents.

Always On Camera pretty much never advocates or talks about Queens. In fact, go to her twitter feed and scroll down until you see the word Queens mentioned.


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
This should be of no surprise to BGOL members who know politics. Biden helped create the student loan debt in the first place. This some Don King shit. Only in America could a person get hired with expectations to solve a problem they spent DECADES(go look at his record) creating. :smh: He'll give the sheeps 10k and 'free' community college(it's already free for tons of people with the pell grant).

Point me to the legislation to forgive 50k written by Bernard Sanders, AOC, Schumer or Warren. Or Republicans.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I have no problem with eliminating 50k of debt. The Congress controls the purse strings of the govt. If the last 4 years have taugh us anything it's that anything done by executive order can be undone by the next president.

Imagine a Republican re-instating those loans and the interest that would have accrued. This shit needs to go through the congress.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went from page 1 and then to page 3. My post may be a repeat of several other posts.

Id be super happy with a loan erasure. Yes, it would help thousands or millions of families.
I also read the statement from Biden as...he isn’t going to fight for that (this is the implied part: bc he doesn’t have enough legislators on his side that would vote on that) due to having a very limited amount of times he can get legislation pushed through without bi-partisan votes.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Also those forgiven loans become taxable income. So now you owe taxes on 50k worth of income that you haven't paid any tax on. Imagine the shock when you owe the IRS 15k IMMEDIATELY.


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
Why is this such a big issue??? This is not a complete shun by Biden. It is a calculated move because of the situation he is in. He knows if this tuition relief is in there then the entire Covid relief would be in jeaopardy.

people are making this out to be bigger than it actually is.

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Rising Star
If they will bailout the airlines industry and Wall street with tax dollars then why not the student loans?

First off, no one should get bailouts.

Regarding student loans, a bailout only helps former students in debt. What about current students? Future students? They'll need bailouts too in a few years.

If you give out bailouts without holding the schools accountable for the unreasonable rise in tuition they'll continue to raise the price, because they know the gov will fix it, just like the behavior of the banks.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
So you can tell the people in this thread that are the "Fuck democrats" people that really don't have a clue.

Biden said that he doesn't have the authority to cancel $50k in student loan debt and he's right. He doesn't. For that amount it would have to go to congress who actually handle the money.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Student loan debt is different from credit card debt and I wouldn't advocate that on the simple point that someone incurring student loan debt is doing so in an effort to better themselves and be productive people. Credit card debt is just reckless spending by and large.