Your favorite neighborhood Chinese restaurant is the "House of the Seven Dragons," and you would make an appearance there at least once, maybe twice a month because you enjoyed the food.
One day, Mei (the cashier) surprised you because she actually called out your order before you placed it and you were surprised that she could remember what you would usually order. You joked with her and said that you felt like you were married to her and she laughed and said, "A good wife should know how to please her husband."
You in turn replied: "A good husband should know how to please his wife in every way also."
Staying in character, you asked Mei: "What can one do to please you?"
Now, in your mind you figure that Mei is just playing around and the though of "sleeping" with Mei never really crossed your mind. She was cute, but usually wore large loose fitting clothing and it didn't appear that she had much of a body.
You paid for your order with a credit card and had to sign a paper receipt and during that process Mei slipped you a business card with her number on it and told you that you should call it to see if the "Lunch Special" is available during extended hours. She continued and said you can call around 9:40 PM since we close at 10:00PM.
You called and Mei told you to meet her at her cousin's apartment that next morning before the restaurant opened (obviously, she didn't want her coworkers to know what she was up to and to be honest it never occurred to you to find out if she was married or not).
You really weren't sure what to expect, but when you Mei met you in front of the building and you went upstairs with her to her cousin's place.
Mei quickly reminded that you asked:
"What can one do to please her," as she begin to disrobe, and you just stood her like you had seen a ghost.
You were expecting Mei to be "rail thin with no ass," and not only did she have a serious pair of big tits, she had a little bubble back there too.