Big as fuck Black titties

Texas Catdaddy

the omnipotent one .....
Platinum Member

aight, I just spelt .....

Th eProffessor

International Member
The first time you met Dria Mae was when her a her girlfriend were having fun in the hallway. Dria was pretending to be a runaway model while her friend filmed her. You joined in by announcing "Naomi is definitely ready for the beach in her red framed glasses by Christian Louboutin."

They both laughed, but said you actually sounded like you were hosting a fashion show.

Dria Mae aka "Naomi" lived on your floor, and is orginally from Houston. But, what made Dria Mae stand out was that she was like a chameleon, constantly changing her appearance (sometimes, the only way you could recognized her was because of her big...eyes).

Hopefully, before the summer is over Dria Mae will allow you to get much more than an "eyeful" of her many talents.

She lives here in barbados, I been trying to find any photo/vid of her topless/nude for a long time! Hoping we get something soon! Seen her in person a couple times, Those things are thanging

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
KC was having a small gathering tonight to view the Iowa vs. Connecticut game tonight at his house in Stamford, Connecticut.

To make things interesting KC's wife, Leann invited some of her female friends over (Leann was a U Conn grad, and some of her girlfriends when there also).

Everyone got along fine except there was one problem...Malaika (Malaika is Leann's younger sister). Malaika has a "Big crush" on Gary, and Gary is trying hard to stay faithful to his current girlfriend.

Trust and believe that Gary is tempted and has been since she started flirting with him at the Super Bowl party back in February.

Gary spend the night after the party, and although he acts like he's not interested in Malaika, he can't stop thinking about her.

He remembers that he got up early that morning and went downstairs to the game room, and had to leave quickly because he didn't realize Malaika was sleeping in there.
