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Rising Star

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have family in Orlando, Florida and you thought it would be a nice idea to take the kids to "Disney World." Your wife is "hanging out" this afternoon at your cousin Tonya's house and meanwhile you decided to go to the mall with a few of your cousins and Tonya's husband Marvin.

Marvin keeps noticing this young lady and he wants to flirt with her, but her eyes seemed to be focused on you. Marvin even told you that this is about the 2nd or 3rd time you've passed her and she keeps staring at you like she knows you.

What do you do?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and Raven are good friends and you've gone out with each other (plays, movies, dinners), but are basically platonic friends. There's no denying that you want to sleep with her, but she doesn't seem to be interested and is comfortable with you and her just being friends.

However, last Friday things seemed to be a little different. After taking a walk to "Target" with her you ended up coming back to her apartment and she tells you that she needs to ask you something.

You're thinking that after some consideration that maybe she is considering you and her being "friends with benefits?" So, as you're sitting in her living room talking she begins to get really comfortable. Raven's now showing off her breasts and definitely illustrating signs that she wants to have sex, and you're's on.

Now, Raven has you open and you're ready to go and then she starts whispering and tells you:

"I've been looking at purchasing a car, maybe a BMW, and I was wondering could you cosign a loan for me?"

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