You tend to keep to yourself and try to mind your business especially when it comes to some of your neighbors who seem to thrive on "drama." Monica Hightower lives around the corner from you and seems to fit this category so you try to keep your relationship with her to a "hi and bye" situation.
Monica has "body for days," but tends to dated guys that tend to argue with her and may very well get "handsy" with her. Therefore, when she rode up on the elevator with your it felt funny when she started a conversation with you about need help to removing a mattress. She explained that she was having a new one delivered the next day and wanted to have the old one placed in the hallway for the delivery men to pick up.
Going against your better judgement you went by her place and helped her take the old mattress off the bed and assumed that was your "good deed for the day." Wrong, before you left Monica asked you if you could lend her $50 and she would pay you back in about 2 weeks with interest.
You asked: "How much interest?"
Monica: "Well, how would you like your interest payment to be given to you?"