Big as fuck Black titties

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You had "hung out" with Lavonne McCall a few times and it was nothing serious at this point, but you weren't sure if the relationship was going to be one of "exclusivity" or maybe it was "just your turn" this week or month. However, she was doing her best to keep you interested by calling you before she went to bed and showing you what you might have in the future.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you don't have a subscription to "Peacock" and wanted to see Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore you decided to take a trip uptown the "The Fox," a Sports bar in Harlem. Since you don't go out to often you figured you would order a Burger, home fries and an Iced tea (a bit pricey, but you were hungry).

There were moments that you forgot that you weren't home because you were cheering so loud for Baltimore and you guest this caught the attention of a few young ladies in the establishment. One in particular was a striking young lady named Aundrea, who saddled up to the bar and said that you must have money on this game? You said "no," but you really wanted to see Lamar Jackson have an opportunity to play and win a "Super bowl."

For whatever reason Aundrea wanted to learn more about the game and at that moment you became her teacher. You welcomed the role and she seemed interested in the game and you assumed she might have been sincere because not once did she ask you to buy her anything (you did offer her some of your home fries and purchased a ginger ale for her).

Afterwhile, Aundrea told you that she had to go check on her girlfriends (she was sitting with a table of about 4 or 5 other young ladies), but before she left she did give you her business card and told you to use it.

You're not sure exactly when you plan on calling Aundrea, but at least the Ravens won.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wanda had a strange request of you and wanted you to come by her apartment and measure her windows because she wanted to purchase some new "window treatments."

You told her "okay," but just make sure that she had a ladder or sturdy chair that you could stand on, and she said "no problem."

Upon arriving you had to admire the things that Wanda had done with her apartment and you asked her which windows she wanted measured? You immediately got to work and Wanda stepped away for a few minutes until you completed your task in the living room.

You were taking a break before you were going to check out the bedrooms (you assumed that Wanda might have been cleaning up a bit before you went in those rooms), and then Wanda called out to you.

She said she wanted a "man's opinion" how how these new shoes she recently purchased looked on her. Now, true be told you really don't know too much about Women's fashion (although, you do like how ankle boots and high heels accentuate a woman's legs), but you'd entertain the show.

Now, tell me what color are Wanda's shoes?
