You had this strange craving for some French toast, sausages and scrambled eggs for breakfast in the morning, but you knew that "Keyfood" was closed and you didn't want to go out at 7:00 AM that morning to get some.
Quickly thinking you gave your next door neighbor, Nyana a call and asked her if you could borrow about 4 eggs with the promise that you would buy her a whole carton of 12 Large eggs on Friday.
Nyana agreed to the deal and told you to come over in about 5 minutes. You assumed that maybe Nyana was about to go to bed and probably wanted to put on a bathrobe or something, so you waited patiently then knocked on the door. Nyana greeted you at the door and then lead you to the kitchen.
What seemed odd was that while you were gathering the eggs Nyana was dancing in the living room and she explained that a bit of exercise helps her sleep better.
Seeing her in that nightgown is probably going to keep you up all night.