Big as fuck hispanic titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Rosa in the lobby of the Gates Hotel where you were staying at while in South Beach, Miami. Rosa seems cool, so you invite her to a music industry party hosted by Sony, and you tell her that some recording artists might be there like Beyonce and Mariah Carey.

Upon hearing this, Rosa feels she has nothing to wear and rushing out leaving you in the lobby.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You've known Mrs. Carmen Martinez since you were about 13, and she was always considered one of the "hot" older women in the neighborhood. Fast forward 17 years and she's still "hot," but now she's a widow and the dating scene is new to her.

She ocassionally goes out, but is basically a home body. Since she's know you for a long time she feels comfortable with you and has a small favor to ask of you. She recently purchased a big screen television and she's not sure how to hook it up to the cable box, in addition, how to access certain apps. So she request your assistance. You agree to met up on Friday evening around 5 PM.

When you arrive, the tv is on the box so you're going need her help to place it on the stand and you're able to work things out from there. She sits down and observes you as she has a drink or two, which leads her to discuss what a great body she had when she was younger and how many men wanted her (she's telling the truth, but you just smile).

Now things are getting awkward because she feels her titties are still big and firm, and that she could give 20 year old girls a "run for their money." Next thing you know, she whips her titties out and tells you to come give them a squeeze.

Now, you realize this is probably going to lead to you "sleeping" with Mrs. Martinez. The only problem is because she drinks from time to time will she be able to keep this between you and her?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Brianna in McDonald's back in January of this year. You struck up a conversation because one of the customers started an argument with the staff over them having to wait too long for their order (you and Brianna just looked at each other).

Brianna mentioned she was looking for a new job and you had a few suggestions so you ended up exchanging numbers. You spoke to her a few times on the phone and kept things professional, but then Brianna started getting flirty.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Paloma, who is currently attending Temple, cleans part time. You and your wife usually have to travel for work and are usually too tired to clean up, so Paloma comes in at least once a week.

One weekend when it's just you and Paloma in the house (wife is on assignment in Atlanta), Paloma asks you for a small favor. She needs to borrow about $200.00, she will either work it off over the next few weeks or how ever you want it.


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Good stuff here. :yes:


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You got up early and when to the store to buy some apple juice. Before you came back upstairs you saw Karina's New York Times left in the lobby, so you texted her and asked did she want you to bring it up.

She was up and texted back to bring the paper up. You go up and Karina invites you in for breakfast, she made French toast, eggs and bacon. She can really cook and the food was tasty too.

Of course you find yourself trying to hard to peruse the box score of the Clippers v. Kings game because of what Karina has on.
