Big as fuck hispanic titties


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Clark told you a wild story that took place last week and he is still in shock over it. Clark has been working another job where he is part of a cleaning crew for a well known company that has offices located in midtown Manhattan.

One particular night, Clark was cleaning and he heard a strange sound that appeared to be coming from one of the bathrooms. He explained that usually the office is empty, but on occasion a few workers have come in overnight to catch up on their work, but that was rare. He initially knocked on the door to the bathroom to check if anyone was in there, but no one responded? But, upon entering he could hear a low moaning sound.

He was shocked to find a female employee there self pleasuring herself and he started to leave, but she asked him to stay and watch. You asked him did he try to join in?

He said: "No," she just seemed to get off looking at him until she climaxed and then she cleaned up and left.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This weekend you were "hanging out" with your nephew, Khalid (he's 24) and he couldn't stop smiling which prompted you to ask him: "What has you smiling so much?"

He began telling you a story that happened about 2 weeks ago. His mother's friend Ms. Lee was having a cookout at her house and wanted to know if she could borrow some fold up chairs from his mother? Of course his mother volunteered his services and he didn't mind because that gave him an opportunity to see Ms. Lee.

Ms. Lee used to "baby sit" him periodically and he developed a "crush" on her since he was a small child, so he always looked forward to seeing her.
So he loads the chairs up in the back of his truck and heads over to her place Friday evening. The one thing he didn't count on was the excessive heat, but he would come to find that might be the least of his problems.

When he arrived at Ms. Lee's house she greeted him at the door and lead him around to the back of the house where the grill was. He had to make at least 4 trips and Ms. Lee told him to come in the house and have something to drink.

Ms. Lee explained to him that she needed to turn the air conditioner up in the living room and it would cool down in a minute or 2, but in the meantime they could just seat and talk.

At that point she got more comfortable...

Khalid said that she was sitting their looking like a "Victoria's Secrets" model and he wanted to make a move on her, but he wasn't sure how she might react?

So you asked him: "What did you do?"

Khalid said that he must have found some courage in that glass of lemonade she gave him and ended up sleeping with her.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and a few of your friends decided to get together and go to the "Inwood Bar & Grill" last Friday evening. You were amazed at the amount of single women in groups that were in attendance, and for the most part, most of them were very attractive.

Overall, you had a good time because you got to see some long time friends, enjoyed the food and drinks, and was surrounded by beautiful women. However, you did have a brief scare. For a few minutes you misplaced your cell phone and was scrambling around looking for it by the table that you sat at and you double checked the bathroom.

You lucked up because a young lady at a table near yours must have seen you drop it and politely walked over to you and inquired did anyone lose their phone? You told her that you did and described your phone and had one of your friends call you to prove it was yours.

She smiled and handed it to you and you asked her if you could buy her a drink or treat her to desert or something?

She explained that she just ate a big meal and that she was about to leave with her friends and asked could she take a "rain check?"

You told her of course and gave her your number. You weren't sure if she was going to call you or not, but you did get a strange message sent to you from a private number a week later...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There was something about Vaurice "Reecie" Lopez that intrigue you since you first met her about 7 years ago. She kept to herself and was very ladylike in spite of her having told you about the multiple tattoos and pierces that she had.

Maybe it was that long flowing curly hair or the fact that even though she was heavy chested she keep them concealed and if she did wear a tight blouse it was always accompanied by a jacket. So you would find yourself trying to sneak a peek when you felt she wasn't looking.

It was Monday when you were coming back from the Post Office that you ran into "Reecie" coming into the building (she lives in Apt. 3B in your building) and you stood outside for a bit and had an interesting discussion. "Reecie" was telling you that recently she has been seeing a large number of waterbugs in the building and recently saw 2 last week in her apartment.

Unfortunately, you notice the same thing and assumed there most be an infestation, but couldn't determine the source of the problem. As if on cue, as you and "Reecie" were waiting for the elevator you saw one and she panicked (the one bonus was that she grabbed your arm and stood by you for protection). You could still see the fear in her eyes and when you got to the 3rd floor she pulled you off the elevator and told you that you need to come in and check to see if any are in her kitchen or bathroom.

While you're checking in the kitchen she said that she was going to change and she left you for a few minutes (the kitchen was clear). Then off to the bathroom and you didn't see anything in there either.

Now, all this time "Reecie" is hiding in her bedroom with the door closed so you tapped on the door and told her that you didn't see any so far.

At that point, "Reecie" told you to come into the bedroom and you saw something that you didn't expect to see.
