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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
During January the city had a cold spell for a few days and the weather conditions took it's toll on some people that had to work outside. Your neighbor, Jeanine was one of this people. Jeanine is a School Crossing Guard and just worked the "shift from hell" due to the fact that she was outside from 7:00 AM until about 4:00 PM.

When you ran into in the lobby of your building you could see that she was visibly shaking and you could hear her stuttering when she spoke. You've known Jeanine for years and you guess the best way to describe your relationship with her would be "good friends," but if she ever wanted to explore something further you would be a willing participate and do it " in a heartbeat."
You asked her did she have any pain relievers and she said she wasn't sure? So, you told her that you would run to the store and get her some "Advil," and a few others things that might help her feel better. At first, Jeanine was like "that's okay," but you told her that you were going to do it anyway.
When you got back from the store you gave her the "Advil," and you had gotten her a few cans of Chicken soup. Jeanine was now in her sweats with a bathrobe on trying to keep warm. You suggested that she take a warm bath and the Chicken soup might help too (she appeared to have a slight cold).
You told Jeanine that you could start heating the soup and she could start running the water in the tub for a nice soak and that should help her heat up (the soup and the Advil would help her relax).
Things got interesting when you told her that you were about to leave and she told you to stay and keep an eye on the soup so that she could have it when she got out the tub. However, Jeanine has always been impatience and called you and told you to bring the soup into the bathroom. You prepared the Chicken soup and assumed that she would be sitting on the edge of the tub, but it appears you were mistaken...

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your younger cousin's Graduation that you really didn’t feel like attending, but you went anyway.

There are a few attractive women there, but they appear to be more concerned with the ceremony and their family & friends.

That is except this young lady in pink, who affirms that you're the "object of her desire" when she approachs you and opens with:

"You look so familiar to me have we met before?"


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster






November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you frequent certain stores on a regular basis you tend to get to know the employees that work there since you see them so often. This was the case with Dunia Morales, who worked as a cashier in your local "Keyfood."

You had a good relationship with Dunia and you would have brief conversation when she would ring up your groceries, but one day things changed. You were about to purchase some "Cocoa Krispies," and Dunia told you that if you purchased the Family size you will get more and the price is lower. Dunia was even kind enough to go into the nearby aisle and exchange the box for you.

That was the first time you had seen her step out from behind the counter and you notice that Dunia had a very nice body (you suspected she was "top heavy," but she always wore very loose fitting blouse so you weren't really sure).

When she came back you said "Thank you," and you just looked at her. At that point, Dunia suspected that you were attracted to her and took advantage of the moment. She slipped you a card with her number on it and asked you to either call or text her tonight.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have a very close female friend, Dahlia who is originally from the Dominican Republic and one day she started telling you about her cousin Olga who still lives in San Pedro de Macoris, DR. Olga, currently lives with her boyfriend, and has no children, but she wants to leave DR and move to New York City.

However, she wants to be a permanent resident and is looking for someone to marry her. In addition, she is wiling to pay anywhere from $6,000 - $10,000 to her "potential husband." Of course she will have to live with him, cook, clean and try to find a job, but she will also split her time between family that already live in the Bronx and Washington Heights (Manhattan).

Dahlia, doesn't have a photograph of her, but says that Olga can send you some photos and a video later today if you like. Also, Dahlia wants you to know that Olga is coming to visit the city in about 2 weeks and you can meet her in person.

This is Olga...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It must have been around midnight on a Thursday night and you were walking home with your cousin Darius when you passed a neighborhood bar and noticed the Yankee's game was still on. You had a small wager on the game and since it was the ninth inning you asked Darius if it was cool if you went in there for a few minutes (you also offered to buy him a drink).

When you got inside Darius spotted Anastasia, who lived down the hall from him, and they started talking. You were concentrating on the game and Darius got your attention for a brief moment to introduced you to Anastasia. After that, the three of you had a nice conversation and you were feeling good since you won your bet and decided to treat Anastasia to a drink.

You must have stayed there for maybe 30-40 minutes more and Darius was ready to leave (for that matter so were you). Anastasia figured that since you both were leaving she might as well leave with you so that she wouldn't have to walk home alone.

Now, keep in mind you just met Anastasia, but she's comfortable with you and tells you that you will have to see her to her door safely (even though Darius is right there and they live on the same floor). You end up walking her to her apartment door and she told you that you must look around to make sure it's safe in the apartment.

This eventually lead you to her bedroom and, well...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You and the fellas are suppose to go over to Eddie's house to watch a few football games this Sunday. Eddie has a big screen television and the NFL package so he can get all the games, which is great since you won't get stuck on one or two boring games.

You're just hoping that it's not a repeat of something that occurred a few months ago. Eddie lives with his girl Joni (she a sweet young lady, but can be vengeful, according to Eddie), and the last time you and the fellas went to his place they had just had an argument. Joni ended up going into there bedroom in a huff and didn't come out for nearly 2 hours (eventually, they made up).

Now, Eddie would try to check on her and even offered to bring her some of the food we brought, but she locked the door and told him to go away. He figured that she might talk to you so you gave it a try and asked her if she wanted any food, and she did. But, wanted you to bring it to her, not Eddie.

You told Eddie and he fixed her some food, and you brought it to Joni, so when you bring it to her she's laying down on the bed and wants you to sit down and talk to her (yeah, the door was locked, but she's laying on the bed with nothing on and even though nothing is going on this doesn't look good).
