Big as fuck hispanic titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since, Ms. Sylvia Sanchez lived alone (apartment 3G) from time to time you would help her fix things around her apartment and in since she cooked and baked she would always offer you whatever she had prepared (in the past she had offered to pay you, but you told her to keep her money).

You had a pretty good relationship and you tried your best to be respectful because you couldn't help but notice that Ms. Sanchez had an incredible body (it was one of those situations where you weren't going to make the first move, but if she ever offered).

Anyway, last night Ms. Sanchez called you up while you were watching the baseball game and she was complaining about how it was cold outside and was wondering if you were receiving any heat in your apartment? You told her that you were and was wondering why she only had heat in the kitchen? She asked you if you could come over and look at the radiator.

When you arrived at Ms. Sanchez apartment you were surprised to see that she was bundled up in a big bathrobe and a red ski hat. Apparently, she wasn't getting any heat in the bedroom so you told her that she could borrow an electric heater that you had. So you went back to your place to get it for her and warned her that sometimes it might cause a "partial blackout" within her apartment.

You asked Ms. Sanchez, who at this point requested that you call her "Sylvia" where she wanted you to put the heater? This is when she started dropping some subtle innuendos such as the bedroom would probably be the best place to put it, but she might have to move a few things around because it might be a "tight fit" if she didn't (there was that look she gave you when she said that).

Then she just straight up told you that this feels funny, and you asked why and she explained that it had been awhile since she had a man in her bedroom. Just as she said that the electric heater knocked out the power in her bedroom and you were about to go in her hallway and check the circuit breaker when Sylvia told you:

"Look, I like it dark and I know you have a good appetite."
