Big as fuck white titties

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were just on your way home from work when you first met Greta, who was participating in a Social justice protest. Her views for the most part was somewhat similar to yours and this intrigued her.

You exchanged numbers, a few text messages, brief conversations on the phone, and somehow you ended up here...

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Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your cousin Victor is a member of the City Council in a small town in Alabama and has aspirations of becoming Mayor one day.

This is an open secret and one of his main cheerleaders is his secretary, Gemma.

Some people in town he is sleeping with Gemma, but he isn't and his trying hard to maintain a good relationship with his fiance.

You have to give him a lot of respect for being able to keep his distance because when you went to visit him (he was out to lunch at the time), you got to meet Gemma for the first time, and well...

Gemma told me she was trying on a new outfit and didn’t figure anyone would be coming in the office at this time.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Working at "Sleepy's" has a few perks, and one is that you get to meet some interesting people.

So your making a mattress delivery this Tuesday, and you and your partner Lamont find yourselves on the Upper East side (72nd and Park Avenue).

Nice high rise apartment building and you're greeted by Anastasia. This wouldn't have been a problem except you were taken aback by her attire.

Then, she wanted you to test the bed with her...

Lamont was already thinking that things could be heading this way...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few weeks ago your niece, Tasha was a bit nervous about attending her son's Parent/Teacher conference so she invited you to accompany her.

You meet with Ms.Amber Halliwell, who was actually quite nice and spoke glowingly about Thomas (Tasha's son). She explained that he was doing well, and suggested he consider going to a specialized High school for the academically gifted (he's in the 8th grade).

You and Tasha were both elated and relieved, and somehow the conversation pivoted to music. Tasha and Ms. Halliwell are about the same age, but Amber was impressed with your musical knowledge and it reminded her of growing up and listening to her older brother's vinyl records.

Since you were the last parents to meet with her, you and Tasha offered her a ride home. You saw her to her door and she invited you in to take a quick look at some of her older brother's record collection.

As your quickly sorting through the collection, Amber turned on some music and when you turned around to inquire about what she was playing.

Although, the flesh is weak, Tasha would have read you the "riot act" so you made up some excuse and hoped you could see Amber at another time.
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